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Alain's Homepage

Alain's Description
Locks in rich shades of mahogany and walnut have been chopped off! No longer do the tresses tumble to this young man's waist, instead the longest of the haphazard layers doesn't even quite touch his shoulders and, rather than a braid, it has now been confined to a low runnertail. Copen hues captured in cobalt edging tint twin orbs, set 'twixt almond-shaped lids and fringed thickly by ginger lashes. Fair tints shade his complection, his nose slightly upturned at tip, cardinal lips perhaps erring toward thin. His frame measures a mere 5'10, built with a sinew that carries over to back and chest, arms and legs which bear a subtle strength to them, much like elegant fingers which move with deft precision and grace. His carriage is virtually always upright, with a slightly raised chin, and an easy grace of movement to arms and legs. A light tenor characterizes his voice, which tends to bear a note of light-hearted sarcasm when he speaks, though it might be misinterpreted as haughtiness.

Alain was born in a small cothold near Crom where his parents were herders. Their main stock were porcines, though they kept the occasional bovine for milking. Alain was the last of four children, the elder three all daughters, and so naturally Alain was expected to inherit the animals and continue herding after his father died. But at a very young age is became apparent that Alain was interested in neither porcines nor herding.

Instead, he developed an affinity for the gaming table. It seemed that Alain had never heard the proverb, "a mark in the fist is worth two on the table." His gambling took a dire swing when, at the tender age of eleven, he bet against ten-to-one odds on a runner named "Flitter." He lost. His debt went from a few sixteenths to well over fifty marks and the bookie wanted his earnings immediately. Well, when a man is faced with such a challenge, the only thing for him to do is buck up and face the music. Fortunately, Alain wasn't a man, yet. So with the help of his sisters, in the middle of the night, he snuck out under the alias of Alaine...heading south to avoid his troubles.

He did so successfully and finally found himself at the Smith Hall on Ista Island. He maintained his false identity until one night the headlady of the hold pried the truth out of him. To make a long story short, he agreed to drop the female pretense (managing to drop his skirt at the same time), and has begun to dress, and act like a boy...well, every now and again he does have relapses...but he's working on those.

Update!! And since then? Well, Alain has actually become a Journeyman! That's right. First he was an apprentice (during which a horrible accident with tar forced him to cut off most of his hair), then he was a senior apprentice and now he's a Journeyman!

Completed: Alain's Journeyman Project

Other interesting things you might be curious about Alain right now:
He's currently 22 turns old
Is a Healer Senior Apprentice
Officially single
Has blue eyes and ginger-brown hair
Is 5'10" tall
Is a tenor
Is a good singer
Is a decent writer
Has impeccable penmanship (and he calls himself a healer, hmph!)
Doesn't really like klah
Hasn't seen his family since he was 11

Heh heh...well...if you think of any let me know. I'm always interested in rumors and stories and things of that nature. So far, they're as follows:
*Alain & Miralwyn
*Alain Crossdresses (this is actually no longer a rumor but a confirmed fact)
*Alain is Gay (confirmed?)
*Alain Lived with a Pack of Wild Canines
*Alain Led a Group of Pirates in the South Seas
*Alain is Really a Girl
*Alain & the Lord Warder
*Alain is an Alien(confirmed?)
*Alain is In Love With...???

More Images:
One Pic
Two Pic
Red Pic
Blue Pic
Three Fish
Four Fish

The Young and the Skirtless Alain is forced to face the world as a boy, finds a magic carpet, and marries a goat princess. (Only one of those is true, by the way...)

I promise more logs to come in the near future! (4/3/02)

Back to Ista Where?

On an OOC Note: I brought Alain into the world of Pern on January 31, 2001 when he was eleven turns old. At that time, I was rather absorbed in losing another of my characters and had no idea how much I would come to love this (even for me) quirky, humorous, adoreable character. It's funny how you learn things about yourself from playing a certain character a certain way, or from letting them play themselves. Alain has, from the beginning, taken a different turn than I intended. I hold firmly to the belief that some characters are meant to be short-term attachements, and others are created to work into a player's life as a lasting relationship. Alain was, originally, intended to be one of those brief flings to release the stress another character had unwittingly inflicted on me. Ironically, well over an RL year later, I find that he is my favorite character to play, as he has so few restrictions on him, and I'm happy to say he will also be my first Journeyman alt.

As to where Alain will go from here, I can't answer that because I just don't know. But I find myself so attached to him that I sincerely hope that he just dies off the MOO of old age (which would happen in about 15 RL years). What ever the case may be, though, I'm honored to have been able to play him and wish a lifetime of happiness and "good angst" on him. ;p