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Earths Capital

This rather large structure holds The President of Earth. Is gaurded by 5 Superior Gaurds. Anyways we can use a gaurd from some one from the rpg ( you get payed 2,000 credits weekly so thats 400 credits daily, you dont get payed on weekends ) as soon as ur done training to be gaurd u get +15,000 all stats and 500 credits. It takes 2 Weeks To Train for this and You Must be On Earth.

The capitol Of Planet Earth Is..........
1.Superior Gaurd 1 -Kurru-354,000 all stats Armed with Super Sword
2.Superior Gaurd 2 -Jurru-860,000 all stats armed with Tapion Sword
3.Superior Gaurd 3 -Murru-1,160,000 all stats armed with a Ragnorok
4.Superior Gaurd 4 -Xurru-5,000,000 all stats armed with Ragnorok and energy switchblade
5.Superior Gaurd 5 -Nurru ( Leader )-8,000,000 all stats armed with a Conformer