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Align. - Neutral Good Race - Elven/Bronze Dragon Class - Ranger Level - 8 Sex - Male Age - 137 Height - 60 Weight - 116 Hair - Bronzish brown Eyes - Yellow A.C. - 2 H.P. - 89

STR - 16 (Dmg. Adj. +1, Wgt. Allow 70, Max Press 195, Op Drs 9, BB/LG 10%) DEX - 20 (Rctn Adj. +3, Missile Att Adj. +3, Def Adj. -4) CON - 16 (HP Adj. +2, Sys Shk 95%, Res Sur 96%) INT - 14 (# of Lang. 4, Spell Lvl 7, Lrn Sp 60, Spells/Level 9) WIS - 14 (Bonus Spells 1) CHA - 13 (Max # Hench 5)

Saving ThrowsParalyze/Poison - 10 +1 Rod, Staff, or Wand - 12 +1 Petrify/Polymorph - 11 +1 Breath Weapon - 12 +1 Spells - 13 +1

Gear - Tunic, quiver, Grapling Hook, silk rope, Waterskin, Elven Cloak, Luck stone, Boots of Elven Kind, Gountlets of Dexterity

Weapons - Elven short bow w/leaf arrows, Dagger Intelligence - 14, Frost Brand (long sword) Flame Tongue (long sword), Leather armor +2

Proficiencies/Skills/Languages - Tracking (16/+2), Hunting (13/-1), Long sword (3), Bow (3), Survival (14), Elven, common, Dwarf, Goblin, Dragon

Magic resistance - 25%, Hide in Shadows - 58%, Move Silently - 61%


