The Daily Swinger
Hey, I see you found your way into my news section. This section is where you'll find all the latest buzz from my den. If it's shakin' anywhere in my den, you'll find out about it here. So what are you waiting for? Check it out!
Oooooooooooookay. Well, I've gotten plenty of Fan Art to post (thanks Latisha), but y'know, this is supposed to be a Fanfiction site mainly, and I'm runnin' on empty in that department. PLEASE send in those fanfics, ladies and germs. Now, you can send your own art or stories in anytime just by e-mailing me, but if I don't get any guests, nobody will ever see them. So, if you've got a site of your own and would like to support my site by giving me a little peice of the spotlight, please feel free to post my banner (seen below) on your site [just hit view source on your right mouse button and copy and paste the code line with the banner on it]. If you do, just tell me an 'll award you a koopaling vote. Or, if you know somebody who has some fanfiction or art they'd like to publicise online, tell 'em to send 'em here. As long as I approve them (I won't approve anything with questionable content) then I'll post 'em.
Through reading? then go back to my main page.