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The Isle of mist has not always been an island in this world. It has been many things, usually a secluded country away from most other civilizations. For a time longer than it's recorded history, the Isle of Mist has been a transient land. It appears and disappears from place to place. The duration of any given time it occupies any given locale is not set, nor is it often known to anyone but the one tied to it, who at this time is Lord Keegan. It's current location was dicsovered by traders traveling the seas from country to country and found a land mass where there previously was none. This happened many generations ago, and the peoples of this world have since grown to accept the Isle of Mist as one of the many island nations. There is not much trade between the Isle of Mist and other lands because there are few costal cities. The inhabitants of the Isle do not go from village to village. In fact, most of the population is not even aware of the Isle's transient nature, for travel is often discouraged due to the dangers that lurk in the shadows. And for this reason, people believe that the country is the size and shape it is despite the fact they have never seen it for themselves. Children are told tales of unspoken things beyond the forest borders of their villages. Many people live their entire lives without ever traveling ten miles from the place they were born. And so, the ignorance is passed down from generation to generation, to this very day.

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