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L o s t

Dedicated to Josh, a very special person He showed me the way to
love. May you find what will make you happy and give you peace.
With Love Always
Dedicated to the one I love
Why did I fall in love with you
Have you ever?
Oh sweet angel of mine

My arms burns with the desire of holding you
My heart aches knowing you're in another's arms
My mind reels in sad as i watch you each night
My souls knows I have no place in your heart

My body aches to feel you next to me
My eyes search for a glimpse of you
My lips long to taste of your love
My ears long to hear you sweet sad voice.

My only hope is to someday know you again
My only dream is that of you and me
My only desire is to see the happiness in your smile
My only escape will be death I know that to will be

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SSSerpent Gem

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