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July Updates

July 4th  |  July 6th

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Update July 4nd 10:40 AM:

The last RP that took place was nothing short of amazing. So much happened, and so much was lost. The war has become such a confusion now, the war isn't even sure if it's being fought anymore. Internal conflict and struggle has seemed to take precedence. That is, unless the Elves continue their crusades. As you can tell, the plot greatly thickened.....

The story tonight starts off with Reseru, who has been searching the lake shore, finding nothing resembling a great sunken city. However, that would soon change.

Up from the depths of the lake, rising past the surface, came a blue, watery hand, followed by an equally liquid hand, head, and torso, until standing before a dumbfounded Reseru was one of the fabled water beings, his legs still connected to the lake. In his head, Reseru was plagued by thousands of whispers. Unidentifiable, unhearable whispers. Confronting the being, he was takes down into the depths of the lake, where more of these water beings awaited him. Reseru couldn't stand this anymore, and demanded to know what the whispers were. He was told that he heard not whispers, but his own silent thoughts, possibly as to who and what they were. Reseru then engaged them in a long, and deep council, mainly because the wise knowledge of the water beings was offered to him, in maybe sorting out some of the confusion in his life. Reseru, however, soon found it hard to council with them. Their wise ways, and always prophetic answers drove him mad, not to mention made the anger in his soul rise up. The final break was when the topic of Sariella came up, and the water beings seemed to assume what Reseru thought untrue. This topic sent him lashing at the water beings, though they only grew themselves back from the lake. After this, he half heartedly apologized, and requested to be taken back to the surface, not being able to stand this mockery anymore. The water beings, feeling they had done the best they could, returned him to the surface.

With so much new confusion added on to the ones he'd had in history, the weight was too much for the weary, lost traveler, and he broke down upon his sword, and sobbed out all of his held back misfortunes, soling the dry shores with hopeless tears.

Meanwhile, on the other continent, Azalare wearily roamed the skies, not finding any traces of Ruka, Thrainenlith, or a battle. However, his search was not long. Realizing only too late that he'd used up all of his strength and mana, Azalare began to plummet uncontrollably towards the ground, and smashed into it hard, near a lake, and he lay there, nearly unconscious.

Elsewhere, Ruka and Damian sat together and protected each other, having survived and beaten back Thrainenelith with the well-timed appearance of the real Lossenlith, who took Thrainenlith away. Now with her jewels returned to her, Ruka sat resting in her camp, next to her sat Damian.

Ruka shot up from here sleep, sensing a force of evil, and looked across the lake at the cloud of dust that had arisen, and inquired Damian as to what just fell onto the ground on the other side of the lake? Damian simply sighed and shook his head, knowing already what it was that had fallen.

Azalare stiffened up when he hear voices from the other side of the lake, but had a pretty good idea who they were, and decided to make himself known now, as they'd probably investigate what it was that had fallen, anyway. Azalare sat up and dusted himself off, waving to Ruka. Ruka, who did not know of Azalare's change, waved back, and beckoned him over, must to the displeasure of Damian. The three of them talked for some time, Damian still giving Azalare the cold shoulder, and Azalare still playing his good old self. However, no attack was to be made today, as Azalare was far too weak. He showed it too, when he walked. Azalare soon left them, wobbling into the forest, where finally his instabilities were noticed by Ruka. She rushed into the forest after him, and finally caught up with him. She handed two more of her potions, bringing back his strength and his mana. Grateful, they hugged, and Damian waited in the background, in case Azalare tried anything. However, Azalare sensed him, and brought him into the opening.

Ruka wondered off a little ways while Damian and Azalare talked of the Messengers of Light and Dark. It was an interesting discussion, but in the end, it turned sour, when Azalare revealed his true plans. He would not only, when he was strong enough, kill Gnarthax, but also kill Archie, and even Kalaban himself, and prove to be the only god out there. The god of everything. Light and Dark. Good and Evil. Hope and despair. At this point Azalare had seemed mad, and he left the camp. Azalare suddenly appeared in front of Ruka, and they began discussing how Ruka really should learn how to defend herself, if she wanted to keep wandering off from Damian like that. Azalare seemed different though, and very interested in having Ruka practice defense...right now. However, he caught himself, and snapped out of his maniac sense just in time. He waved goodbye to Ruka, and whistled his black dragon swiftly across the ocean to come bear him once more. The dragon came, tired, but was forced to fly back, under Azalare's cruel haste.

Azalare arrived at the shores of the beach, looking for his hunting friend Reseru, only to find what seemed to him to be a sobbing old servous wreck dressed in a Reseru costume. Inquiring what had happened to him, Azalare couldn't get much of an answer out of Reseru. Reseru finally shover Azalare over to look at the lake. Azalare stared at it, and saw nothing. Reseru then shoved him in, and Azalare stayed under for a few minutes, still searching. He came back up still claiming he saw nothing. Climbing out of the lake, he was convinced something had made his friend Reseru go completely insane. Laying down a pillow and blanket for Reseru, Azalare forced his friend to sleep, though Reseru claimed they would only haunt his dreams. Whatever "they" were, Azalare still had no clue.

Azalare went over to relieve himself in this godforsaken lake, much to the serious objection from Reseru. As Azalare stood, another watery hand came up from the lake, and sent Azalare running back behind his dragon. They watched as four water beings emerged, still standing in the lake. Azalare begged Reseru to make them go away, but instead they called Azalare out. Now keeping his cool, Azalare confronted them, and they said he had been Reseru's problems. After much arguing, it came out that the water beings had read Reseru's mind, and claimed that Azalare had to die, if Reseru was to be at peace. Reseru, not to mention Azalare, were confused by this, and had no idea what they were talking about it. Azalare, however, took it his own way, claiming that Reseru had set up a trap for him with these water beings. He began to get very angry, and Reseru couldn't tell him otherwise. Azalare's power began to grow and emanate, and Reseru knew that nothing short of battle was soon in store.

Sensing the great danger, Ruka left Damian again, headed across the ocean, using her jewels to gain great speed. When she arrived, she knew Azalare was not well, and sent down a lightning bolt from the now thickly gathered clouds. Azalare did nothing but absorb the lighting, and began to laugh in infinite evil. He sent more lightning into the ground, now shaking with maniacal laughter, and soon all of the grounds around them were swarming with the forces of the undead. The water beings, knowing the danger, split the ground in all directions, allowing the water to flow, and for them to become battle ready. Reseru called upon a small faction of Scions for backup, and Azalare called upon Dark Snipers, undead marksmen riding upon Wyrms.

The three of them were at a standstill. Ruka made the first move, combining her three jewels into a large staff, and made the attack on Azalare. Azalare beat her away, for he only had eyes for Reseru. The two of them began their fight, and the rest of the forces began their fighting, the undead warriors claiming much the advantage. Reseru took to the skies to help his Scion brethren, and Azalare was left to exterminate Ruka. He did this slowly, and before he could finish her, he was interrupted by a division of Humans, led by Damian. He flew into the middle of the division, and sliced Damian's leg, and flew out, being chased by now enraged humans at this cheap act. Azalare knew of Damian's war strategies, from his wise sense in the past. Disabling him kept the humans in a frenzy. Azalare took to the skies to search for Reseru, and had a frenzy slicing through his hated Scions. Undead warriors charged at the Humans, and gave them their battles. Water beings flung their deadly frozen icicles and water cannons at the Wyrm riders and the Undead Warriors. Ruka used her jewels to teleport herself out of the battle back to safety, knowing that it was too much power for her as of yet. Damian, having called to his troops from his wounded position, had led them strategically on the battle field, and had bravely used his men to the best of their abilities, slaughtering many an undead warrior. However, the blood loss was too much, and he now passed away. Using one last trick, he pulled out real Holy Water this time, froze it, and shattered it, sending shard after shard onto Azalare. This would be Azalare's downfall in his final confrontation with Reseru, and Damian knew this. Even till his dying breath, Damian had ruled the battlefield with great strategy and wisdom.

Reseru and Azalare finally stood face to face, and restarted their battle, attacking each other with steel and magic fiercely. Finally, Reseru caught Azalare a good blow across the chest, making him bleed badly. Reseru them fired a fireball, killing one of the Dark Snipers. He knocked Azalare to the ground, and used his telekinesis to hurl the Wyrm corpse onto Azalare. Azalare could not move it, but sent his sword back up to fight Reseru. Not suspecting this, Reseru caught a bad blow, and was also sent to the ground, his wings disintegrating. Reseru hit the ground hard, and his Crystal Sword fell shattered into the lake. Azalare sword now avenged him, flying through the air and slaying any Scion is saw.

By now the whole swore was laden with reddened pools of water, human corpses, undead corpses, and Scion corpses. The remaining warriors still fought each other, but fled at the same time. Reseru and Azalare both struggled to stay alive. Azalare and his sword worked as hard as they could to remove the Wyrm, but it was too heavy. Reseru lay there, also bleeding to death, already brain dead to the world. However, having sense the battle, a small band of Eepscans came through the shore from the North, and began to heal all those that could be healed. Azalare recognised, to his horror, that it was the same band of Eepscans that he'd met two times before. They passed over him, though he called to them, and they healed Reseru back to his full health. The now large group of warriors left the battleground, and Azalare. Within minutes, Azalare said his final goodbye to his sword, and then took his final steps, leaving this mortal coil, and entering the home of the damned: Hell.

What will come of the Messengers of Good, now? Will ridding their world of Azalare, and not having Reseru to fight, give them the foothold they need to begin their ascent back to the top, and maybe fight their way to vicotry?

What will come of Reseru? Will he, in thanks to the Messengers of Light for saving them, help them? And what will he do, now that he has lost his best friend, and worst foe at the same time?

What will the position of the Humans be? Not being happy with the war anyway, will losing one of their greatest soldiers send them into a withdrawl from the war?

And what will come of the Messengers of Dark? Having lost now two Generals, will Gnarthax make an all out attack, or will he think up some new scheme to cause the downfall of the Messengers of Light?

All these answers, and much, much more will be in store, as we install the next chapter of The Legend of Red Rain Raus.


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Update July 6th, 11:00 AM

A great many things took place last night which will bring about a new era for this RPG. Events occurred which will spark a whole new legion of bloodshed and death in this war.

We start off today with Ruka, fleeing through the forest after teleporting to saftey from the Great Battle of the Shores. She's bleeding badly, and is leaving a great trail of blood behind her. Only praying she doesn't come across some danger in her weakened state, she continues to press forward. Finally coming through the dense brush into a pathway, she followed it, hoping it led somewhere. And indeed it did. After a few miles of travelling, she found the Troll City. Drinking a potion to heal her and restore her mana, she entered the Troll City and headed straight for the blacksmith. She requested him to reforge her sword, which he agreed to do. She then took out a room in the hotel, and get some very needed rest.

Meanwhile Sariella was running throgh the plains, trying to find some hope. Some salvation. Some reason of why she was even here. FInally tired of all of her running, she collapsed by a nearby port, and sat, her thoughts radiating like the sunbeams the showered her

Reseru was doing much of the same. Having flown back to the Western continent, he was flying using his telekenesis, and simply wandering, trying to figure his life out. He knew he must finish his life the way he started it: amazingly. But it had to be done one chapter at a time. The question was, what chapter to start with? Sariella? Gnarthax? His Citadel? After much inner debating, it was obvious what his answer would be: Sariella. Stopping by a nearby port, Reseru was picking up a few things when he sensed something. It wasn't something. it was someone. It was Sariella! Rushing over to her, he jumped on her, and they both embraced in a loving, if not quite startled, hug. Discussing of many things, they caught up a little bit, but knew that they had to keep moving. Together they could find the strength to keep going. However, to break their happiness for a breif moment, Reseru was forced to tell of Azalare's fall in battle, and that he was the one who slew him. Sariella was understandably saddened, but knew that Reseru did what he had to do. The two fled, now happier than they had been in a long while that they had found each other again. But little did they know that Azalare's death wouldn't last for too much longer.

Marching through the forest, with his new powers of Necromancy swelling and growing through him every second, Thrainenlith led his large band of Dark Elf warriors through the plains towards the Syrcartis Mountain Range in the very high north, not far from Reseru's fallen Citadel. Leading his frightened troops up a very tall and treatorous mountain, he finally informed them that they were travelling up Mt. Korbaj, the most deadly and treatorous mountain in the whole mountain range. As they floated on slabs of magic that Thrainenlith had produced, they came upon the peaked summit of the mountain, and found that in this short time of Thrainenlith's regain to power, he had built a mighty fortress which was heavy enchanted and guarded. The soldiers asked how he'd done it so fast, and he informed them that he'd built the fortress out of the unenchanted pieces of Reseru's Citadel.

In their great hall, Thrainenlith informed his soldiers that they would be marching into battle that night against the Troll City. He then had them gaze upon the room, which was surrounded by floating spirits. He informed his men that they were the souls of every creature that had died in this war so far. They were going to be comrades to the Dark Elves. Undead and Dark Elves. A perfect match for destruction. One Elf had an objection, and before anyone knew it, he had exploded from the inside, and had consumed himself. Thrainenlith, see that no one else had any objections, dismissed them. One man stayed, however: Thrainenlith's protege, and best warrior, Tythasor. Tythasor told Thrainenlith that he knew of how his offensive Necromancial powers were not as strong as they could be yet, and that Thrainenlith wouldn't lead them to battle. Who, then, would? Thrainenlith commeneded Tythosar on his catching on, and then he proceeded to look through all of the passing souls for one specific one, Seeing it fianlly, he began to fill the soul with a green vapor. Tythosar watched as the soul grew and grew, until standing before them was the fully undead, but fully revived Azalare.

What shall come of Ruka? She's in the Troll City! Will her newly forged blade be able to handle such a fiece combat so soon?

What will come of Reseru and Sariella? When they find that Reseru's Citadel ruins aren't even there, where shall they go?

And what shall come of Azalare? Being now totally undead, and having more of a force behind him than before, and no tricky Reseru to try and stop him, will anything be able to save this city?

The plans are set, and all paths are pointing in one direction: battle.

All of this and much more shall be revealed as the next exciting chapter unfolds in The Legend of Red Rain Raus.

-Azalare, The Undead Child of Massacare