Portrait of Carnegie


Everyone's Favorite Wack-Ass Potted Plant Muncher

By Quadrille, Out of Carnivale (Allen x Ticon)[1]
"It started out as a fairly normal day. I had been out on a business venture, oddly enough. I was in Amber, on the wrong side of the tracks. Well... there aren't exactly tracks - yet. I'll get around to that at some point. Anyway, I was trying to introduce the idea of credit to the simple-minded scum that inhabits the so-called business establishments. I suppose that all the crappy vendors throughout shadow must be reflected from something. But back to the story.

It was after I'd given up on trying to explain to the third moron I was NOT asking for an I.O.U. He wasn't about to try and throw me out. I am nothing, if not easily recognized. I am also consistently and visibly armed. He did, however, become extremely unresponsive to my repeated insults.

So I walked out. The dive that I'd been in had kind of a short lane that ran up to it. I guess the owner wanted to be able to get a very good look at everyone who was approaching his establishment. Maybe he wasn't as stupid as the other mounds of evidence suggested. I got to the end of the lane, turned back toward the palace... and there he was. It is totally impossible to NOT notice a large, red-and-blue horse. It had no saddle, no bridle, no nothing. It was also standing in the middle of the street, staring at me. I thought it might be lost from a carnival or something, but I liked the colors. I moved to walk past it, but it turned sideways across the narrow street, partially barring my path. From this viewpoint, it became painfully obvious that "it" was a he.

Baby Carnie I stared at it. It looked back at me, then made a horse-noise. I shuffled past him, down the street. I was pursued by a series of clopping noises... which meant that I was indeed being pursued by a red-and-blue horse. I walked a little faster, ignoring it. It kept pace. I wasn't about to run from it, so I turned around. "Hey! Horse!" I shouted, "Quit following me or I'll show you around my personal glue factory." He snorted. He also did not stop following me.

That is when I started to get a little curious... and a little uneasy. People have been known to follow me around. Most of the time, they want to do nasty things to me, when they catch up with me. So I figured I'd take the initiative. It was just a damn horse, anyway.

I strode up to it. It stood its ground and snorted at me again. It tossed its head, then shook its mane. I extended my hand. It did not move to bite it. I gingerly placed my palm on its forehead. There was no violent reaction. Good. I pressed. It pressed back. "Go away!" I said, pressing harder. Strange as it may seem, I'd never engaged a "normal" horse in a pushing contest before, so I didn't know how close they come to Amberite strength. I figured I'd have to be able to out push a normal horse.... so I put my back into it. It did the same. Hard. I switched positions, and braced my shoulder against its chest. It made another horse noise and refused to budge. I strained several sets of muscles, but nothing. Then IT STARTED PUSHING ME! My boots lost their purchase on the cobblestones and I started sliding forward. The stallion then took the opportunity to kick forward slightly. I was suddenly back on my feet, staggering.

It was starting to scare me. If it could push me, it could probably whip my ass all over this place. If it could do that, it couldn't be from around here. That's when I figured it out: it had to be a chaosite. "Okay," I thought, "Don't panic. It seems to be either acting the horse part, or very stupid." I decided to go in the direction of the palace, following a very populated route - just in case it was waiting 'til it got me somewhere isolated.

To make a long story short, it continued passively following my all over the city. I went through the main palace gate, into the grounds... it kept going. I went through Benedict's gardens... still there. I went up the walkway to the main door... and it was still there. If it was going to be stupid enough to follow me all the way into the palace, well... that would be that. I'd get credit for capturing the stupidest chaosite since the one that started the war in the first place. I opened the door. "After you." It shook its head. "Ok," I said, "If you want me to lead you to the slaughter... you don't look like a lamb, but we can do it that way."

Adolescent Carnie I walked in. It followed, still shaking its head. It looked amused. I should have figured it out, but I just thought it had to be stupid. I walked straight between the main guards. They did the bulging-eyes/dropped-jaws bit. "It's ok, boys. I've got a delivery here, for Benedict." With that, I cast a long glance back at the horse and chuckled. It did a horse-laugh.

Benedict was usually upstairs, training somebody or doing tai chi, or some such martial-type shit. So I headed up the stairs. I'd only gotten up one flight, when I passed Random, on the way down. He did a double take, then gave me that exasperated look I'd seen on his face, during my childhood. "Chetwin. There is a horse behind you. Why did you bring a horse into the palace?" He sighed. "Just get it out of here, before it shits on the steps."

I replied, "Actually, sire. I believe it is a would-be chaosite assassin. The dumbest one on record." He furrowed his brow. "No... Chet... I think it's just a horse." I told him that it could push me. He still wasn't convinced.

That's when Aidan walked by. He started laughing his scrawny, probably-unwashed ass off. I will simply give you the ensuing conversation, to the best of my memory:

"That's a hellmare, Chetwin. Why did you bring it in here?" he said.
"It followed me... and it's a stallion," I said.
"It's a generic term. It's a hellmare."
"Oh... how the hell do you know?"
"My mother made them."
"Well... why is it here?"
"Apparently, he has chosen you as his rider."

That's enough of that conversation. We argued back and forth for a while, until Random ordered me to take "my horse" to the stables. I stood there, looking at him. Aidan had told me that I would have to name him, since he was one of the ones that did not come equipped with one. I went through all the captains of industry (J.P. Morgan, etc) until I found one that did not make him grimace. Thus, I present Carnegie of Amber."



Carnie's Dad: Quadrille

Carnie's father was actually a reasonably famous horse in his home Shadow. He worked as the star of a traveling circus, doing duty as both a trick horse and a puller of the parade wagons. He's reasonably intelligent - for a horse - and also somewhat quirky. He is also somewhat small.


Carnie's Mom: Carnivale

Little did this tricolored mare know, when she had her first foal, how much trouble he was going to be. Originally a serene mare, more suited for meditation and lazy days in the sun than for chasing a certain small red and blue foal across the entirety of the Hellmare Shadow, Carnegie's younger years have left her harried. The appearance of further foals seems to be in question, at least for a time.
Carnivale traces her heritage back to four of the original five half-Chaos founders of the breed: Rose, Duchess, Ace of Hearts, and Black Jade.

Carnie's siblings

Carnie's Siblings

Well, he really didn't know he had any until Carnivale showed up with them. And he really doesn't know what to do with them. He's just glad Mom didn't ask him to babysit.
The purple and white one is a filly named Electra; the blue and white is a colt named Morgan.

The Personality Behind the Red and Blue Fur

Carnegie is wacky. There's no other way to say it. He chews on potted plants - real and artificial. He rides in elevators and climbs stairs on a regular basis. He's been known to incite revolutions in the stables of Amber, drop laptops on the rumps of ponies, and crash children's birthday parties in random Shadows. At one point, he considered feeding a pony one of the potted plants - one that would have been more than a little intoxicating...
Then there's his feud with Loutra. No one seems to know exactly what started it - a cute filly... a misplaced snort... a pedigree argument... Whatever it was, the two divide their time between harassing each other and trying to be (relatively) civil for their riders' sakes. Carnie is currently winning the feud, by all accounts.

Some History

Carnie's childhood is fairly well-documented. He was a standard Hellmare foal - gangly, insatiably curious, and very silly. During her visits to the Hellmare Shadow, Sand often awoke to the sight of the young Carnie investigating some portion of her campsite - up to and including her sleeping bag, if she happened to leave it. His mother was constantly five minutes late in her efforts to keep him out of trouble. Once he reached an appropriate age, he disappeared from the Hellmare Shadow for an extended period. Nothing is known of his activities during this time. Several years later, he appeared in Amber and started following Chetwin around (scroll up for the story).
More recently, he's been involving himself in an apparent mischief contest with Loutra; they seem to be trying to top each other in terms of pranks and times they've beaten the other. Carnie is definitely winning. Loutra has yet to retaliate for the most recent stunt.
He was also briefly recalled to the Hellmare Shadow after Chaosites hostile to Amber tried (unsuccessfully) to take it over. One gets the feeling the Hellmares were glad when Chetwin reclaimed both Carnie and Loutra to chase Chaosites.
Carnie seems to be enjoying himself...

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[1] For those unfamiliar with this style of horse breeding information, this is how it works: