Adrian Resnick Goldenmoon

::an' off with a skip 'n' a hop to the horror playground that was his mind... swinging on the set of love's TuRmOiL, slippin' down the slide of [mis com m un ic a ti o n], and spinnin' the merry-go-round of his termination... an' then thinkin' more 'bout that merry-go-round... wasn't riding that ~~alone~~, no sir... Pretty Poison lingered with him, laughing and smiling like there was no tomorrow... and maybe there wasn't...::

"The Walking Paradox"

Series: "The Goldenmoon Legacy"; RhyDin; RPG [Rondaks' Portal (Lands of Fae, Caerleon), Caerleon: The Lostlands on Yahoo!Groups]; The Vampires Kiss Reincarnate and Dark Realms, & AIM
Sex: Male
Age: 21 (by human standards)
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125lbs
Hair: Lustrous Silver
Eyes: Emerald Green
Marital Status: Wife, Jeska

"Bed of Roses"

Sitting here wasted and wounded
at this old piano
Trying hard to capture
the moment this morning I don't know
'Cause a bottle of vodka
is still lodged in my head
And some blond gave me nightmares
I think she's still in my bed
As I dream about movies
they won't make of me when I'm dead

With an ironclad fist I wake up and
French kiss the morning
While some marching band keeps
its own beat in my head
While we're talking
About all of the things that I long to believe
About love and the truth and
what you mean to me
And the truth is baby you're all that I need

I want to lay you on a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses

Well I'm so far away
That each step that I take is on my way home
A king's ransom in dimes I'd given each night
Just to see through this payphone
Still I run out of time
Or it's hard to get through
Till the bird on the wire flies me back to you
I'll just close my eyes and whisper,
baby blind love is true

The hotel bar hangover whiskey's gone dry
The barkeeper's wig's crooked
And she's giving me the eye
I might have said yeah
But I laughed so hard I think I died

When you close your eyes
Know I'll be thinking about you
While my mistress she calls me
To stand in her spotlight again
Tonite I won't be alone
But you know that don't
Mean I'm not lonely I've got nothing to prove
For it's you that I'd die to defend
Bon Jovi

"Well I got me a pretty lil' lady, she brightens up my life.. I took sucha likin' to her that I soon made her my wife.. but watch what ya get yourself in for when you start a life with Dri.. or else you'll be buried up over your head in little elf babies!"

A seraphically beautiful youth, time apparently having left him. Eyes of the deepest emerald green set off by the blackness of his thick lashes. Pointed ears note his elven side; his skin pallid, true to the vampire in him. Pale lips curve into a deceptive cupid's bow. Thin, silken silver strands tumble playfully from their satin ribbon and down past his shoulders, brushing his neck. A white poet's shirt covers broad shoulders and a slightly muscular chest, coming to a close at the belt at his waist; black leather encasing strong legs and disappearing into black heeled boots, one of which holds a confidential weapon if the need for it arises. He travels with his flute tucked under a flowing dark cape that's around his shoulders, a silent figure in the dark of night. He could be an angel from the highest host of heaven or some whispered temptation made flesh.

The twin sister he never met, the father he never knew. Put out in the rain in a small basket by his mother on the day of his birth, and adopted by her sympathetic midwife the very same day. Removed from school at fifteen, he was taken from his foster family and placed into his hometown's military. He became a dignified soldier and travelled the lands atop a burly stallion- black as the moonless night... until his wanderings were halted by a minor mishap. Despite his military experience, he fights as little as possible; needing good reason to draw a weapon of any kind because his elven nature shys away from bringing harm upon others. He is in constant search of acceptance, a place to call home, and most importantly, someone to love.

It was a dreary and rainy autumn eve, most definitely the coldest in the history of Myrcoria. The peaceful elven town had remained silent for days, Mother Nature keeping her children inside their homes with her ferocious storming.

But all was not quiet in the Goldenmoon household. The Lady Anelera was about to give birth. Her husband Merquise had been drafted by the local militia for a small battle outside of town, and now her midwife Kamalea rushed her to the bedroom.

Hours passed before the first infant was held in the midwife's arms. But the little one remained silent; no movement or sound at all from the newborn baby boy. Kamalea gently rubbed his chest until he made a sort of choked whimper, his blued lips suddenly flushing with color; their cupid's bow shape twisting downward as he cried aloud. As the midwife happily told Anelera that her son would live, the young mother shouted at her, wailing that there was another child coming and that the first was 'no good'. That he should be taken away from her, to be put outside because he was unhealthy. That if she ever told Merquise, she would never forgive her and curse her house for the rest of her days. Reluctantly Kamalea wrapped the baby in a blanket and set him in a basket, placing him outside on the front step. Even as she returned and received the second infant, a girl, her mind constantly strayed to the newborn in the rain.

When the mother and daughter had fallen asleep, Kamalea quickly went to the front step to the child. His tiny form trembled with cold, rough coughs and pitifully pathetic cries pouring from his mouth. Without another moment's thought, she picked him up and ran to her home, holding him close to keep him warm. When her husband returned in the twilight hours from work, she tearfully told him what had happened, begging him to let her care for the child. He made no objection, they having a son of their own already, and took him in as their own family. Being a friend of the Goldenmoons for so long, Kamalea had known what the child's father would have named him- Resnick. But she decided that it would be a too much of a risk to name him that, when most of his traits matched his father's. So she chose Adrian, meaning "black earth"; for she thought that such treatment towards the innocent life could only be carried out in a truly cruel and heartless world.

As young Adrian grew, his heritage became more and more apparent. Of course his ears were pointed just as everyone else's. But small sharp fangs developed, and the sun never kissed his face as it had the other children's. His skin remained smooth and white like porcelain, and he rarely spoke with other children, forever hiding his misfit face in his foster mother's skirts.

His "brother" Jaerus kept him just inside society but hardly out of trouble. He even convinced him to drop out of school and join the militia when Adrian was only fifteen. Kamalea profusely objected to such a thing, but Jairus convinced both her and his father that it was the best thing, that he would meet new people, and learn how to protect and take care of himself. He pushed the issue that men left their homes at young ages all the time, and that he'd be there to look after his little brother.

Adrian worked hard to be a good soldier, but his elven nature stood in his way constantly. He simply did not want to harm another person without a good reason… during the day, that is. Most battles in the nighttime were quick and easy for him, the moon evoking a ruthless attitude he could have only inherited from his vampiric mother. The thirst for blood in the night and the immense guilt for murdering during the day tore him so much that after two years he confided to his brother that he had to leave the militia. Jaerus became angered that he wanted to leave, having worked so hard to make it this far and for wanting the tainting of their family name and honor. In an angry outburst, he spat the truth of Adrian's parentage to him then turned his back, storming off into the night. The shock of Jairus's words rang in the half-breed's ears for some time afterward, as he traveled further away from his birthplace. Black as the moonless night, the burly stallion's colour matched his rider's cloak perfectly; the two smoothly moving over the lands concealed in shadow with no apparent destination.

One evening his wanderings were brought to a halt. Adrian had stopped to let his horse have a drink by a small lake on the edge of an extremely sparsely populated town, only with some one hundred residents living miles apart. Without warning, strong hands clasped his arms and pulled him down from the horse. His vision blurred for a moment from the impact his head had made hitting the ground, but when his eyes focused he saw a clear form of another vampire kneeling over him. He struggled to free himself from the stranger's grip, but to no avail. This vampire must have been one of the older ones; his strength was immense. Trying to squirm out of his grasp would have been as useless as trying to pull his arms out of dried cement. The vampire's cold gaze bore into him, almost hypnotizing him, until suddenly his large white hands snapped a metal collar around Adrian's neck. That night began the first of two years of slavery to the old vampire, of being forced to do anything and everything the Master wanted. Though he had been fair enough to educate Adrian in the ways of music in return for all the work and pleasure he gave him.

But soon the old vampire disappeared for nights at a time, then weeks, then months. Shortly after the nineteenth autumn of his life, Adrian fled while the Master had gone away. He removed the collar during his travel, using a little bit of his vampiric strength each night after feeding. Still he feared that the Old One would come after him, and he pressed on towards a strange land with a tragic history, but much more mysterious quirks to keep his mind from his fear.


Well, a lot. But briefly as possible-that is, the only relationships that made significant points. Here's what happened:
Adrian went to RhyDin, where he met his sister, Xantra, at last. Through Xantra, he also finally met his real father, Merquise. Their life as a family was short-lived; Xantra committed suicide with the hope that she would be reunited with her first husband in her afterlife, and his father died of old age- but not before he knew his first grandchildren. He had already known Xantra's son Tristan, who died unfortunately young. But he did not plan on going anywhere until Adrian had his own little one.

In coming to RhyDin, Adrian became betrothed to a girl named Lily. Their marriage was repeatedly postponed for various reasons, even through her pregnancy. Adrian's firstborn was Novia, the word for sweetheart. But Adrian and Lily were never wed, as he came to find that Lily's mother had put a spell on her daughter to age her so that she was old enough to wed him, when she was actually only five years old.

Both crushed and disgusted, Adrian had to go his separate way (er, she was kind of cheating on him too), taking Novia with him. They lived at his estate in Ebonstone, where he frequently made trips to visit a nearby friend, Shana Moonarrow. The two had been childhood sweethearts and best friends, although Shana was now married and had a son named Merquise- after Adrian's father whom Shana admired as if he were her own. Their past got the best of them so to speak, and they ended up having an affair, resulting in a divorce for Shana and a set of twins- Haze and Ayrikian. These twins died young, along with their mother, of the same illness. Novia and Merquise had grown enough to be fooled by their naivety, and despite Adrian's disapproval, she ran away with Merquise.

Here things become beyond strange. Shana's husband had a brother named Tolstari, who Adrian had a love-hate relationship with. Adrian loved him while he hated Adrian. In an honor match against a mage, Adrian lost. In return the mage changed him into a woman, as Adrian ould stay until it suited him to change him back. Tol immediately fell in love with him- er... her. Their intention was to marry, but the ceremony was postponed numerous times as well. In the end, Tol left behind a heartbroken Adrian with two sons of theirs, Tylerion and Ancarius. Without Tol's support, Adrian lost the boys to illness as well, and was eventually changed back to normal within a few months.

Adrian then met his first wife, Phoenix. Their marriage was very peaceful and loving, and together they had four children: Blair, Alexis, Brixton, and Xander. But Phoenix was a human, and Adrian outlived both her and their children.

With all of that madness, Adrian did go to the asylum- twice, actually. After months went by, he finally ventured out into the world again, which had changed after all that time in seclusion. He met a pair of sisters, Jacelynn and Lila, with the intention of speaking with Jacelynn, but instead encouraged by her to speak to her sister. They eventually married, which was anything but smooth, and resulted in two children, Buraeru and Chasen. Their marriage ended because of frequent argument and unhappiness, and Adrian's secret affair with her sister.

Adrian took to traveling again. All petty detail aside, he came to a tavern called the Vampire's Kiss, where he found himself pulled into a relationship with a young man named Chanticleer. However, what was important about this was that it was here that he met Lillie, his future wife. At this point, she had had an affair with her husband's best friend, and was pregnant with his child. It was a love from afar, and he silently suffered, confiding only in a friend, Jade Nights. But soon this man as well seemed to be neglecting Lillie, and Adrian took hold of the opportunity. Their relationship, particularly in the engagement period, was rather rough. But Adrian did marry her, finally understanding something crucial of himself that he needed in order to love her freely. Now they are wed, Adrian serving as "Daddy" to Zakari whom he delivered, and the two were expecting another child--Adrian's twelfth; Lillie's fifth. But this marriage soon fell through by the premature death, murder rather, of his beloved, the unborn child, and young Zakari.

After taking some time for himself at home in Ebonstone, Adrian entered society once more, knowing there was nothing left to do but move onward. After a short time wandering various bars, taverns, and inns, he met a young woman by the name of Ruby Sheinra Cole, as well as her best friend Veeshan Lucarda. Adrian found comfort in Ruby's shy disposition and quiet nature, as it reminded him of his first wife, Phoenix. The two did marry, but it was not long before the two ended up cheating on each other, and they divorced.

Although he did not want to jeopardize Veeshan and Ruby's friendship, Adrian was bitter towards Ruby after their divorce, and with her decision to deny the truth about her affair and being involved still with that man. Because of this he decided not to hold back his feelings for Veeshan, and the two became lovers for quite some time. However, after a particularly difficult situation came about, it seemed best to go their separate ways. Adrian had a "fling" with an old friend Jade, someone he had known through Lillie, which resulted in a child-- a child he knew nothing about until he was born, and Jade brought him to Adrian. He named him Jesse and took him in to raise his son alone. It was also during this time that Adrian became fairly good friends with a young vampiress named Jeska Sakura. He did harbor feelings for her, but decided not to pursue a relationship, thinking that she still wanted to be with her previous lover, and that he should try to return to a relationship with Veeshan.

After seeking her forgiveness, Adrian and Veeshan became lovers once more, and eventually married. Unfortunately after certain occurrences on the night of their wedding, he knew it would not work a second time through, and they called it off.

For a while afterwards Adrian kept himself alone to focus his time on being a father. He still visited his friend Jeska at her inn, The Sakura Inn, in the evenings. Adrian still had those feelings for her, but when he finally did confess, she refused him. He pursued her for quite some time, and many times felt he ought to give up, but remained persistent. With time, Jeska opened her heart to him, and the two eventually married. They now live together in Ebonstone, raising Jesse as though they were both his natural parents.

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