Bella D'Reirou

Series: RPG (Rondak's Portal- Lands of Fae)
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'4
Weight: 110lbs
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Violet

Such curiosity, such wonderment. The world was nothing but beauty waiting for recognition, and her bright eyes were a looking glass. Sunlight played upon them magnificently; violet iridescent beauties set in a delicately- featured face full of innocence. Auburn hair whirled in silken threads with the breeze, her long flowing gown billowing and dancing in the air. Soft steps taken as though her feet never touched the ground; feline-like grace to her movements.

Bella was born into a wealthy family, but never accepted such an attitude as the others. She liked to humble herself, to play with the other children as if her status were as theirs. She could not choose to discriminate everyone, as the aristocrats so often did. In her sixteenth year she was to be wed to a nobleman chosen by her parents, unbeknownst to her that the betrothal had been made from her first year of life. The night before their marriage, she silently crept from her room to the stables, and taking the white mare she loved so, she mounted and rode away from her home. The horse's almost silent hoofbeats swiftly carried her across the lush grasses of the meadows, pushing her towards a greater destiny.

Where to?

Fantasma: Main
Characters: Main
Characters: B