Rhymes With Purple

days 'til Katsucon!

*Please note the Credits page before attacking me for 'stealing' anything.[Note (2/6/03): Apparently some people don't know how to READ and don't go to the credits page to see that I gave them credit. Maybe I just won't go through the trouble anymore if no one can appreciate that.)

This is a page originally intended for my characters. There's other stuff mixed in too. Some characters are more detailed than others. But where else can I put years' worth of role-playing and story writing?

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Vampology 101: The Fantasma Way
A Knightly Code of Honor
Choice Words and Phrases (Assistance for the Creatively Handicapped!)
The Ultimate RP!
Original Artwork
Poetry That's Not Quite Poetry
Credits To Stuff That Isn't My Original Creation
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Tangible Secrets
Sabotaged and Mangled
Wrung and Wrought
Secrets That You Sometimes Thought
Were Those Everyone Forgets
Inked-In Eyes
And Shaded Soul
Ready Now To Lose Control
Within The Pen's Lines
Aesthetic Devastation
But You Couldn't Handle It
Without Sedation
Because Nothing Fits
Thanks To My Tangible Secrets

'Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her;
If you can bounce high, bounce for her too,
Till she cry "Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover,
I must have you!'
-Thomas Parke D'Invilliers [F. Scott Fitzgerald]

Aww! People have drawn my Adrian! Lookie!

Cami-kami's [Sorry, but it was drawn so light I had to alter the coloring to see the lines!]


*Carlos*'s [aka Duckie]


~masked peacecraft~
i adopted a chibi zechs!
you can too, as long as you believe that heero is not toast!

~romafeller's rose~
i adopted a chibi treize!
you can too, as long as you believe that heero is not toast!