Jaquimo Littlemorning

Series: RPG (Rondak's Portal- Caerleon)
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5'
Weight: 100lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: One gold, one lavender

A typical little boy? Hardly. A sprightly jester is what he be! Belled hat atop his jet black hair more often than not, a grin always painted on his face. With one eye of gold, the other of lavender, he stands apart from the corwd with his happy-go-lucky nature... and the ornate outfit that matched that hat. Not one to brag, he keeps most of his secrets and abilities to himself, but never neglects to put on a show to make someone smile.

Jaquimo's mother died in childbirth, and his father wrongfully held this against him all of his life. He frequently cringed under his father's angered iron fist, until he became so hysterical that he began biding what little time he could outdoors acting as if he had not an ounce of sanity about him. Relieved to be dubbed a 'problem child' for allowing his sanity to slip away from him, he turned to face make-up and jingling clothing to use this gift and curse for the bes. As chaotic as his past may have been, it doesn't seem to bother him, and he continues to strive for others' happiness; forever humbling himself.

Where to?

Fantasma: Main
Characters: Main
Characters: J