Kit Jun Bonacrieux

Series: Rondak's Portal; The Vampire Kiss Reincarnate
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Height: 5'8
Weight: 154
Hair: Browns of various tones
Eyes: Brown

Handicapped is the first word that comes to mind at the sight of him. Thousands of other possible rationalities surface soon following. Kit bore such facts well, limping along with the aid of his wooden crutch under his left arm. But he was not an old man- far from it. A youthful and barely tainted mortal, his soft chocolately orbs hold an innocence of their own, as if he could do no wrong in their puppy-like sadness. He was rarely seen without his hat, which covered brown locks of various tones. More of an introvert, particularly because of his 'disability', he chooses not to speak unless called upon... most of the time. Take heed and do not assume he is barely a threat. The worst always comes from areas you'd least expect.

Kit had been fortunate, born into a middle class family with at least some sort of respectable reputation. A least until his father abandoned him, his mother, and his younger sister to seek out a land thought only to exist in storybooks. Kit's younger sister, Bianca, was very close to him in his childhood. However, she disappeared due to a different fate- an unfortunate little one doomed from birth with a defect uncurable in those times. Kit's mother mourned her life away, quite literally speaking, leaving behind her broken child. Still, such things were out of his hands, and Kit carried on without much suffering. He would always be bitter towards his father, but it did not consume him.

Kit left his home following his mother's death when he was ten years old, seeking apprenticeship with an old family friend, Keilartagnan. He learned enough from the old man over the years to survive, although had plenty enough room for improvement. Kit retained much of his childlike appearance, and the curiosity that seemed to stick around with it. Too shy to even bother, lady friends were never an issue with him during his stay with Keilartagnan. The two often traveled for business, yet sometimes for pleasure. Such adventuring fed Kit's desire to see more and more of the world with each outing.

But mortals are exactly that- mortals. And Keilartagnan soon took his place among those passed on, leaving his inheritance, meager as it were, to Kit. The young man knew there was nothing holding him back now, and with one final glance back, took off to wander the lands. He would see countless places, millions of people, and visit hundreds of inns and taverns. But none were so memorable as The Vampire's Kiss.

Kit had been staying in Shaiere for about a week, and often visited this rather intriguing tavern. Those within were of amazing diversity even though all were immortal, or of a vampiric mixed breed. A particular young lady had set her eye on him, despite his polite refusals to be involved with anyone. Three nights after she had confessed her feelings for him, this young lady entered the Kiss to find Kit speaking with another woman. In actuality, he was sympathizing with her misfortunate memories, but of course it could seem like nothing of the sort to another's eye. The young lady angrily departed, unbeknowst to Kit, and moments later a suddenly angered patron lept up from his chair and attacked him, razor sharp magic-induced claws tearing ino Kit's chest and pinning him against the wall. The crazed immortal hissed an almost incoherent complaint of his expected company's absence, and Kit was to take the blame for it. Before he could even begin to fight somehow, the creature sunk its fangs into his neck, and in the end left him for dead. Had it not been for a merciful soul's tender care, he might have not lived to see another sunrise. He also believed it was no coincidence that he was attacked so violently. The injuries that he suffered were slow to heal, and it was from that day forth that he walked only with the aid of the wooden crutch.

The experience changed his perspective of society; call it a rude awakening from naivete. But he wanted no more to do with the hatred and bitterness, and sought out a more peaceful atmosphere.

Where to?

Fantasma: Main
Characters: Main
Characters: K