Merquise Tatsèl Goldenmoon

Please hit the stop button on the MIDI player on the main page, or close that page, so that you can hear Merquise's music properly! ^.~

Series: "The Goldenmoon Legacy"; RhyDin; RPG (Rondak's Portal- Genocidal Tendencies)
Sex: Male
Age: -varies-
Height: 5'7
Weight: -varies w/age-
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Eyes: Emerald Green

This young elf had waist-length blonde hair, silky in texture, and wild bangs that split into two sections to frame his sun-kissed face. A short, narrow nose, characteristic delicate pointed ears, and paled rose-colored lips that curve into a perfect cupid's bow make for a pleasant appearance. Surprisingly the most notable features of all are his eyes, sparkling emerald ones- fine forest jewels indeed- laced with dark lashes. These orbs are true windows to the soul, giving away everything about me if he lets them. Every thought, emotion- how expressive the truly are! If he so desired, he could speak only with his eyes, as has been done before.

*For history, contact the Webmaster; or wait for the premiere of "The Goldenmoon Legacy"

Where to?

Fantasma: Main
Characters: Main
Characters: M