Phoenix Earthdawn

Series: RPG (Rondak's Portal- Caerleon)
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5'5
Weight: 110lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Yellow-green

Don't drool, it's not polite. The well-endowed dominatrix with her guilty pleasures and shameless acts. The tight collar, the delicious form-fitting and revealing clothing, the leathered thigh-high heeled boots. Blazing red strands masked a good portion of her face, shadowing the visible features: the glittering yellow-green eye lined with black, three trails of the mascara on her cheek appearing to drip- the feigned sadness of a merciless lady. Luscious pouty and full rubied lips tugged into a mischievous smile; her arm with a thorned rose wrapped around lifted- delicate hand poised to blow an alluring kiss. Demonic sweetness, irresistable temptation.

Rotten to the core? She hadn't always been. The angelic little girl who loved her parents and friends, the image of goodness. Wonderful childhood memories... until her father remarried. One flaw in the perfect life brought about chaos. Tainted at a tender age, she turned from a Godsend to a Devil's Child. Sixteen years of life and her change from goodness came; a switchblade to take down the one that brought her so much trouble in a handbasket. Then fleeing to be on her own, making her living from her good looks and foolish desperate men. Until the day she adopted the belief she was above them, and so came the acts of inflicting pain on those who claimed to love her; to vent the rage from all those years she had suffered herself.

Where to?

Fantasma: Main
Characters: Main
Characters: P