
A small collection, that will more than likely *stay* small, of poems. All of these are character related, and OLD- I just didn't feel like clogging up the character pages.

From Adrian to Phoenix, his First Wife

Seven roses
Woven into a crown
To help you get by
When you're up, when you're down
One for the dreams you hope to come true
One for the little angel in you
One for the days that seem to drag by
And another saved for when time seems to fly
One for the pain, fears, tears, and sorrow
One for the joys and hopes of tomorrow
One rose remains in the simple design
My love in this rose...
This rose never dies

Adrian to his newborn/firstborn daughter, Novia

Sweet innocent child
My darling little one
Vibrant green eyes
Smile bright as the sun

Shimmering silver curls
Adorn your tiny head
Your squeals and giggles return to me
As I lie awake in my bed

You've only lived a few months
Your life has only begun
I know you'll be something special
There'll be wonderful things to come

I hold you gently in my arms
Sitting in the rock chair
Singing sweet lullabies
Watching over you with care

This is a different experience
Fatherhood is new to me
And though your mother won't be around
I can do just as well as she

Because I'd give my life for you
I've loved you from the start
My little gift from heaven
My Novia, my sweetheart

About Adrian with Adrian mournings ;D

"Like blood's flow
ceased by a tourniquet
So is the chance
of finding my Juliet

Though I could swear
to have been with her before
It was but lust
Nothing less, nothing more

An arduous journey
along a difficult path
Continually suffering the
consequence of love's wrath

Why we are made to suffer
in this, I'm unsure
But still I'll carry on
'til one meets my ardor"

The chivalrous sort
A soldier and father
Inborn decorum
Hopeless lover

An overall gentle nature
of this lone lord
Given the choice
He'd choose rose over sword

These redolent flowers
Are more his fetish than delight
His garden in Ebonstone
Holds his company at night

Sitting there in the eve
in the midst of the blooms
Under the starlit sky
Confiding in the moon

A song I wrote, sung by Adrian, about.. well.. you know. This is MINE, you can't have it. Ever.
The moon child conceived at the turn of the years
Enter into the world on the coldest of days
With a monochrome sky full of various greys
Hush little one, mother won't see your tears

'Send him away from here' she screamed through her pain
As her midwife sadly turns with the newborn child
A hole in his heart- a defect, but mild
Placed in a basket and put out in the rain

Pity-pity, rejected precious gift
Shivering under a blanket of fleece
Between mother and child broadens the rift
But alas, a troubled heart knows no peace

Angels looked down from their place in the stars
And lept away from the father Moon
Blessing the boy they had seen from afar
With a sweet voice and charming soft croon

Fantastical tales played to melodies alight
The bard performs to all who lend ear
A heavenly gift vanquishing fear
The guardian angel walking Earth day and night

Countless faces of the world
To each his own; emotion unfurled
Like a great sail over the heart's sea
Hiding her soul; deceiving me
The mask seeps into her skin
Drawing her in
Her sugarcoated reality is too bittersweet to swallow
But if she falters for a moment
The visage melts and her "truth" becomes hollow
And there inside her eyes
I see a child that cries
Reaching out for redemption
For some gesture of affection
Needing to be needed and seen for whom she is.

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