‡ Sebastian ‡

Please hit the stop button on the MIDI player on the main page, or close that page, so that you can hear Sebastian's music properly! ^.~

Series: "The Goldenmoon Legacy"; RPG (Caerleon: The Lostlands on Yahoo!Groups)
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'0
Weight: 145lbs
Hair: Dirty Blonde; quite disheveled
Eyes: Chocolate Brown

It was picturesque of his time: Black trousers, looking freshly ironed, with suspenders hanging uselessly off his broad shoulders; a nice button- up collared shirt-...oops... little bloodstain. Tsk, tsk. So maybe he was a bit... ruffled up. But once one took a nice peek behind that chaotic dirty-blonde hair, there was no turning back. A glimmer in dark chocolately orbs, and a malicious little smirk on pouty lips... - very worthy of suspicion-...

The poor child... So young, so misguided..

Yeah, right.

But what could he have done? In days before the particular 'disorder' could be defined, the little impish child was thoroughly infected with attention deficit-ism. Middle-class parents, completely high-strung, strove to keep their mortician occupations, often forced to bring young Sebastian with them due to lack of volunteers to appease his distracted mind. No one else to take up the "family business" without him anyhow. So from the start, his tendencies were nothing less than morbid. Why not? Death is such a drag...

All was good and well- as could be in a mortuary- until one very gifted vampire managed to gain entrance as a 'deceased victim of some horrible accident'. With little information and no apparent room to argue the death, Sebastian, now used to working without his parents present at every waking moment, took to the task at hand. Before he could begin to be puzzled by the lack of work needed to make the man seem 'alive', the undead creature rose up with its preternatural speed and latched onto his chosen victim...

Sparing petty detail, the Dark Creature satiated his hunger, perfectly amused with the mortal's stubborn struggle to free himself of a stone grasp. Without consent, thought, or hesistation, the vampire sired Sebastian as his legacy- however empty that may have been. The fiend stayed only long enough to give Sebastian the bare minimum of his new lifestyle's restrictions, and revealed to him the location of his home. Tragically thinking he would have a companion, Sebastian watched with abhorrence as the vampire built a large funeral pyre for himself. And the fledgling could do nothing to stop him, having been threatened by his Master.
/Scatter my ashes once I am incinerated. If you fail to do this, I will be in unbearable pain, and *you* shall pay when I regain my strength. Do not be so foolish as to think I cannot find you, child!/

Struggling to live this new life, an ophan in a strange world yet to be discovered, his hyperactivity from childhood was mutated into psychopathy. He was the rabid beast that stalked the night; don't fear the wolves, they're merely puppies in his shadow. Sebastian secluded himself in the lakeside rustic little cabin in an odd and extremely sparsely populated town. A rundown inheritance from his nameless maker, yet it was all that he had. He longed for compnaionship in all his lonely years...

Then here was his streak of luck. As dark an eve as any other, Sebastian remained perched in a random tree, musing over his peev of lonliness. But before he would lose his temper again, he froze as he heard another being close by. And peering with keen eyes through the tree branches, he observed below a young rider on his mount. He could see the finely pointed, and strangely ornamented, ears that signified an elven heritage. But watching the other's movements, Sebastian was bewildered to find the elf had no color to him- as pale as any other vampire! Now this was truly a find! How could he pass up such a unique companionship?
With that malicious glint in his dark-hued eyes, he dove onto the stranger, seizing his arms with dangerous strength gained from time's experience as he shoved him to the ground. His cold eyes focused intensely on his victim as he waited for a loophole in the other's mental blockade. And upon receiving it, the other in that trance given by a vampire's intoxicating gaze, Sebastian clamped a collar around the young man's neck. With that smug smirk wrenching its way onto his lips, that night began the first of two years of 'companionship' between the two- Sebastian, and the other who he came to know as Adrian. The only hint of compassion Sebastian cared to show beyond Adrian's duties as nothing less than a slave was lessons in music. The halfbreed had a love for it, and Sebastian made a habit of taking him to town to see the bards that came and went, or minstrels that aspired to become something greater than small town acts. Adrian himself had a gift for flute-playing, and his captor encouraged him to play when there was nothing left of the night except those last few dull hours before dawn. It seemed the beast within had been tamed...

In your dreams...

Before long, Sebastian was making out of town trips to find better blood; a people of better taste than country bumpkins and woodsmen. For the prolonged periods of time that he was away, each growing longer than the next, it was hardly inconceivable when he returned to find Adrian missing- escaped, rather. But if Sebastian's maker could have found him upon return, then Adrian was merely a bad pet that left a hot trail...

Fantasma: Main
Characters: Main
Characters: S