Skylaer Arolevets

Series: N'Raas- The Nexus (Yahoo!Groups)
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Height: 5'8
Weight: 145lbs
Hair: Sandy Blonde
Eyes: Deep Blue

Worn boots scraped lazily over the ground as he walked with an unenthusiastic gait, long-nailed fingertips tucked away into the pockets of his torn and faded jeans. A little rip here, tear there, hole over yonder- no big deal. Fashion sense was overrated. Besides, there always that nice little belt holding in a plain white shirt whose short sleeves were rolled up tightly to his shoulders. After all, why hide the golden tan of his skin; nicely toasted from living outdoors for years. His shoulder length sandy blonde hair was always a mess, and god forbid you ever put a comb to it without a fierce look from those deep blue eyes. An icy cold stare rooted in a reckless soul, he cared nothing for empathy or compassion. Rarely would he choose a companion, certainly not a friend, but once he did there was reason for suspicion that was plainly perceptible in his masked expression.

Coming Soon...

Where to?

Fantasma: Main
Characters: Main
Characters: S