The Ultimate RP!

Sierra: -precious footsteps echoed through the alley and down the puddle sodden street... the pretty little puppet moving with catlike grace out from under street lights and building awnings to stay perfectly dry, super silent footsteps paced so lightly that the puddles simply surrounded the soles of her shoes, but not once did they seep up onto the frame of those combat boots. Candy striped rainbow tights were worn with a pair of black shorts, a white tank top with the straps that kept slipping over those petite shoulders, while her arms were laced through the sleeves of a sweatshirt that she refused to put on. Crazy wasn't it? summertime in that get-up... what a strange night. So the temp was down around 60... violet orbs were glued tot he street and she looked up to the person she passed by, flashing him that prize winning shy-girl smile, and continued on, before turning on her heel to gaze at him a minute.. followed by the soft tones that seeped past those glossed tiers..- dont I know you... from somewhere?

Amir: ::booted footsteps shuffled lightly as his gait was paused, and made a half-turn so that the creature could look to the other.. honey-flecked hazel orbs lifted to peer between haphazardly hung blue-streaked raven strands at the quieted stranger... that was not a stranger at all.. equally glossed lips tugged into a light grin, pearly whites flickering into the open:: Mayhaps... Miss Sierra?

Sierra: ::she smiled, keeping tiers pursed together so the cherry color left them, and came back, she nodded... taking another step back from the one who knew her name... she recognized the face but had forgot his name... a slight sigh..:: that would be correct m'dear... I'm afraid I've forgot your name... ::another pace was taken back... wow... talk about awkward happenings... and this was a bad part of town... obviously she was anxious to leave, or go elsewhere... just anything to get away... nearly jumping two feet off the ground at the sound of an alleycat knocking off a pot from the window sill...::

Amir: ::forgot his name? as if he expected otherwise.. it was not insulting, or even unusual for him to go unnoticed, unreocgnize, or utterly forgotten... after all, he was a wanderer at heart.. he was just another peculiar face in the crowd when it got down to the scheme of things.. swirling caramel orbs noted her uneasiness, almost over-exaggerating the reality as if she would start trembling at any moment.. however, the cat broke his reverie, offering a mere turn of his head at the sound.. and a glance back to the amateur butterfly.. dark lashes lowered, gray ashen hues revealed on closed eyelids as a soft smile rested in place in thoughtfulness... then, simultaneously, he stepped a little closer to her with soft pat-pats of his boots as he looked at her for re-introduction.. a slightly muscular arm tightly bound by black material lifted as he offered a bronzed hand to her in greeting:: Amir Ikstchibaud...

Sierra: ::she swallowed, as he stepped closer, nearly freezing in her tracks, but managed to take a final step back. Violet orbs dropped to the hand that was placed for her and a slight smile graced those tears, frail digits that belonged to that petite frame grasped his hand, offering a gentle shake to it... followed by a slight silence..:: -s- would I but introduce myself again? You seem to know who I am... but Sierra either way, you can call me Sea if you'd like. Enchanted, Amir.. ::a polite dip of her head was enough of a bow or curtsie for her... she wasn't one for the old timed introductions, and just as she was about to say something otherwise, she heard a scream come from a room above in the apartment buildings, followed by shattering glass - her head snapped in that direction, pretty platinum strands slapping against her cheeks with the action, her hands loosing touch with his... before she realized it was probably just another fight. Eyes shut tight, as lashes swept her cheeks... a deep breath to calm herself before she looked back to the stranger with a slight smile, pearly whites flashing to him..:: -s- sorry...

Amir: ::the foreigner smiled cordially with Sierra's polite greeting.. he was curious to know the source of all her timidity, whether it be feigned or not.. perhaps the way she dressed was her only means of lashing out at society, being unable to with words or actions.. whatever the reason, it could only be worsened by their current location, and it was apparent as she became continously startled...:: s' okay.. understandable considering the neighborhood... ::hazel orbs drifted astray from her, the familiar sounds of 'the skids' resounding in his ears... it didn't bother him too much, but he thought better of staying there for her sake..:: would you like to go elsewhere, Sierra?.. where the domestic violence isn't so... eh.. evident?..

Sierra: ::she smiled... nodding in answer to his offer of going elsewhere... that would be good. Orbs swirling in mystery still, as they always had, and digits tip toed to his own, grasping them. Friendly, weren't we?:: -s- certainly hun, Follow me... although you may recognize where we're going... ::and she quickened her paces to make haste, getting to where she wanted to go, up a flight of stairs and to the door or her apartment. It wasn't much better, but at least there was a lock to the door. Glass was shattered everywhere... not to mention needles and syringes lying around the area everywhere... some hers some not... dropping his hand momentarily while digits dug into her pockets, found a key and pulled it out, twisting it in the lock while the door unlatched, and pushed it open, replacing the key, and allowing her guest in first... slightly catching the eye of someone coming out of the apartment next to hers...:: -s- please... after you...

Amir: ::he repressed a chuckle as she hastily tugged him out of the streets.. a little more anxious than he'd expected, but at least it had been the right offer.. gingered orbs glanced about, slowly recognizing the details of this place she called home.. he ahdn't been expecting to go in anywhere... just away from there.. but if this is what she wanted, so be it.. slender fingers lifted and raked back uncouth raven locks as she unlocked the door, and invited him in.. a playful smile shifted into place:: after me? yer making *me* out to be the lady? ::in mock indignation, his slender hands perched on narrow hips, but he surrendered and stepped in nonetheless::

Sierra: ::she smirked, shaking her head to his mockery:: -s- yah well... you're the guest... not the lady.. ::and she slipped in after him, yanking the door shut and locking both locks, and slipping the chain lock in. A momentary blackness engulfed the two, hands reached out through the darkness to find the other in the apartment, as she walked her way around him, and over to the "kitchen", better yet the little whole in the wall, and found a lighter, going around to light the 20 candles spread throughout the apartment... rather the 15 by 20 foot room that acted as a living room, TV room, and bed, and the 5 by 5 room off to the side that was the kitchen... enough light for not a very large place. And, surprisingly, it was clean this time around... she slipped into a seat on one side of the bar that separated the kitchen from the other room, and gestured for him to have a seat.. shoving the few pill bottles that sat on the counter off to the side:: -s-... please... have a seat...

Amir: ::oh yeah.. guest priority.. well he never thought of himself as a guest anywhere, but.. suit herself.. shadow-rimmed eyes adjusted and re-adjusted as the light continued to change... and when things fianlly settled, he glanced about, surprised to see the floor.. but resumed a playful visage as he opened his arms in gesture to the room:: darling, you cleaned!.. ::and lifting nature-schemed eyes to look at her, making a sidenote of the medicinal stock as he grinned:: were you expecting me?.. ::his soft footsteps padded over the floor as he moved to join her, the candlelight bringing a warm glow to his naturally tanned skin.. and that gloss, for chrissakes.. didn't he know it was a female cosmetic?.. but so far no woman ever bothered to complain.. with just reason; who wouldn't appreciate that torn shirt?:: But really.. what brought you out tonight?

Sierra: ::she smirked... gawd... in awe at his carefree attitude... so different from all the others.. giggling as he noticed that the apparment was clean:: -s- actually I had just been looking for my candy striped tights.. and had wrecked the place moreso than it was doing so... so I cleaned it anyway... ::she smiled.. looking at him from across the countertop, orbs dancing in the firelight this way and that, as she reached up to tie back those blonde tassels, in a messy, yet someone becoming, style, ends frayed in a messy fashion here and there... a few "baby hairs" falling to frame the sides of her face, slipping off the sweatshirt from her arms, and removing the pill botle from within the sleeve... sliding it across the bar to him. Angelic tones floating on the night air to seem and engulf the listener... oh dear oh dear... mistake. She thought he'd like the pills... though she wasn't too far into it. Just since she moved to this place..:: -s- for those... they seem to calm me down. I'm a little too jumpy for my own good, you know? ::and in the bottle were some sky blue pills... very strong valium indeed..::

Amir: ::hazel eyes watched her intently, his hearing a sort of dulled sound as he hardy concentrated.. something about the hair, maybe.. but it was almost a hypnotic thing.. or perhaps he was too curious about everything.. either way, he ahdn't heard much of what she'd said about the cleaning.. but nodded like a fool anyhow.. hopefully it hadn't ended with a question.. but his attention was brought back with the plus supply of pills... she really liked those suckers, hmm?.. but he didn't have much room to talk, and glancing to her, he nodded softly:: I know what you mean.. I have my own habits.. ::one of his hands disappeared into his pocket for a moment, and emerged again to toss a pack of cigarettes onto the bartop, skidding to a stop beside the bottle::

Sierra: ::orbs dropped to the countertop when she had caught herself zoning. She was too preoccupied wondering if he had seen her interest to notice his own in her, and she snapped back to reality as the pills were back in view.... and the ciggarettes that seemed to screech to a hault beside them, gritting her teeth slightly, turning her head to the side as if some sort of harsh comment had been said to her, and she was hurt from it. A sigh. Okay. So they both had problems... but she let her guard down, probably catching him with the sharpness of the comment, as well as where she was coming from..:: -s- I hope you dont plan on smoking those and then kissing me... it wont happen.. ::she blinked. Yipe. Well, okay, her interests were out in the open. But she still got the point across... or so she hoped... she didn't like smoking... at least not ciggs. 'nuff said::

Amir: ::his arms folded casually on top of the bar, leaning his weight forward on them, though he didn't quite feel like lowering his head this time.. although he was surprised by her reply.. thin dark brows rising some in expression.. so he took a moment to consider the possibilities and directiosn she could have been coming from, but either way, he couldn't help but grin, sarcasm dripping from his voice like grease off a really good pizza:: well.. y'know how smoking gives off that impulse.. ::he lifted one hand, switching weight to his elbow, and tucked some of his untamed hair behind his ear.. and then it was lowered once more, and he slowly leaned closer to her, rising a bit from his seat to close some of the space between them.. his face barely an inch from hers when his silvery voice murmured:: but I wouldn't want to kiss those lips until the blood behind them was in a clean system.. antibiotics can only go so far.

Sierra: ::a grin at the sarcasm that rang in those tones, ah, she loved the playful ones... a bit of a loss of her composure, tensing a bit as he leaned to her. No... pulling herself back together... okay well maybe she could stand just one kiss... glossed lips were such a tease, and just as those lashes fell to kiss her cheeks, her ears caught onto his voice again, and she opened her eyes... dangerously close to the devil itself it seemed... now that was just wrong... a slight grin danced upon those tiers, swaying her head a bit to the side, strands of golden lace seeming to blanket that tank top just so, digits coursing over the counter to the pill jar, and twisted its top open, pouring a few of the valium out on the counter, and snatching one up..:: -s- well in that case m'dear I'd need another addiction, you know how us... how do you say... addicts are.. ::that sweet, moist tongue flickered from the barrier of cherrry tiers to lick over the gloss on her own lips, a bit of a damper on the whole flirting thing she guessed the last two comments were... but he was so close... so a kiss was stolen from him, sweet-n-lingering, before she pushed back that chair and went for a glass of water to down the pill with..::

Amir: ::light-glossed lips had curled into a small smile at the desired effect of his movement.. but his mind was lost to the meaning of her words.. something about another addiction that he didn't quite understand.. but honey-flecked eyes slid to the corners as he followed her hand's movement to the pastel-coloured pills.. then drifted back to her face.. but before he could say anything further the fiend had struck- Hit and Run!... leaving him with nothing else but blinking.. his dark brows knitted in some mix of emotion that he never felt like exploring, speaking to the face that wasn't present any longer, but still in the vacinity:: all that and you'd rather blow it?... ::two could play at that game still, even if he had to go outside to do it..::

Sierra: ::she grinned... taking some orange juice from the fridge, and getting a glass down from the cupboard, a slightly sinister smirk settling ( ) on those strawberry- n -cream tasting tiers... but but but... blow what? she didn't know... but she played like she had known exactly what he was talking about.. figuring he didn't get the explaination from earlier, soft tones floating to him yet again... they could reel in even the strongest of souls to the pretty traps left lay. now all he had to do was step in one..:: -s- I told you... in order to give up an addiction, for example.. pills.. ::she took a drink of the orange juice... but kept the pill in the palm of her hand, fingers dipped in gun metal silver covering it.. she took some steps to him, and around to his side, slowly, so he wouldn't turn his head to face her, and leaned toward his ear, lowering her voice even further..:: -sw- then I'd need another to take its place... for example.. ::she grinned, even though he couldn't see her do so... and stepped teasingly back again, tossing the pill back to the countertop so it landed amongst the others, hitting a few and sending them scattered among a larger area..:: -s-... you.

Amir: ::carameled orbs followed her movements at first, but drifted off as he thought about her words.. settling out in la-la land with her voice serving as the music.. er, dialogue... tuneless music, there ya go!.. but when her voice sounded clearly, and he could almost feel her breath on his ear, a chill ran over his sun-kissed skin.. if it had been bright enough, one could probably have seen it on his exposed tummy.. his eyes refocused as she stepped away, chocolate candies zipping to his eyes' corners to look at her upon receiving enlightenment... a wild grin wrung out that clueless expression, that naughty sparkle in his eyes complimenting the shimmer of the gloss.. and sliding off from his seat, he slowly stalked over to her:: Hun.. I'm not an addiction.. I'm a disease..

Sierra: ::she stopped walking, about 5 more feet and she would have been at the door, and turned around to see the other moving toward her, spinning around the rest of the way and stopping in the middle of the room, suddenly she felt very small... but somehow still powerful. Sure, she was timid when she didn't know the area she was in, but in *her* apartment *she* was queen, and free to rule her emotions as she pleased... simply standing her ground as she watched him in admiration - god, did the torture ever stop? he seemed so far out of her reach... her arm leveling out some as she took yet another drink of the OJ from that glass, and lowered the slender limb again, the strap from that tank seemed to want to follow her arms lead, and slid off her shoulder, fingertips of the free hand sent to put the string back in its rightful place, as orbs dropped to the ground and back up to him again, she smiled, candlelight catching the gloss from her lips just so, illumination dancing over those sinful tiers, seeming to brighten those features, as the few stray locks were sentenced to prison behind her ears, and the hoops that locked them there.:: -s- all's well.. but tell me... is this disease contagious? And, if it is... how may I catch it? ::she brought the glass to her lips again, taking another sip, this time the strap faltered, but didn't fall, and simply rested on the brim of her collarbone...awww... so cute... so evil...::

Amir: ::he watched her in silence... that expression of his had smart-ass written all over it.. slender hands slinked to take their seats once more on his partially exposed hip bones as he took in her reply.. he *would* have probablly gotten lost again, seeing her make the simplest movements, but he couldn't be distracted by orange juice.. he never liked it, didn't agree with him.. raven strands trickled off their place on his shoulder and swung loosely at his side as his head tilted some, a malicious grin pulling his shimmering lips taught:: too late to be asking.. I think your already infected..

Sierra: ::okay, maybe it wasn't best to be drinking when playing hard to get.. she needed to keep her concentration elsewhere, but she managed to swallow the drink before giggling.. fingers grasping the glass tightly, as if she was afraid it would fall.. and she walked back up to him, at the last moment slipping to his side and strolling past, the auromatic scent of honeysuckle left to linger aruond him, but from where? Possibly her hair, maybe it was a perfume, either way... and she stepped back up to the bar, orbs dropped to look at those pills, damn the temptation. Frustrated a hand dropped to the countertop and brushed the pills off, everywhere, scattered among the ground so she wouldn't find them easily on the already black, yet darker from lack of light, carpet. She set the glass down, and spun on a heel, stepping up to the low rung of that barstool and sitting down on the seat, leaning back against the countertop gingerly... digits ascending to let down the cascading blonde strands, shaking her head so they fell into place right, and slipped the tie back on her wrist. Orbs danced back up to him... hmm... already infected eh?:: -s- I see... so tell me doctor... is there a cure? Or am I gonna die from this... disease...

Amir: ::he shook his head softly as the juice attempted to drown her.. tsk,tsk... see? no reason to like it... better reason not to drink it! it's a fruit juice that kills... his glance tiptoed off sideways again, as if his neck were tweaked out of alignment so that he couldn't help but look this way and that.. not that there was much else to look at, of interest anywa-.. a little douse of reality as she brushed past, his bottom lip slacking a bit with thoughtlessness, and he turned for the umpteenth time to face the new position that she'd taken.. the diagnosis, please?..:: hmm.. :: his lips pursed slightly in mock contemplation, spidery fingers lifted to his chin for a pondering rub:: I've yet to see a cure... tends to be fatal, in a way.. ::shakes his head morosely:: a sad, sad thing really..

Sierra: ::orbs that were once glued to his fell to the ground now, a slight sigh seeping past those glossed tiers. Yet again a pretty pink tongue came out to add a bit of moisture to her lips, slowly sliding over the gloss already there... hmm... fatal huh? She figured he was just playing, no reason to take it seriously, or was there? Awww, the pretty doll, she was thinking far to much for a night of fun and set the thoughts aside... violet eyes traveling up his body and back to his eyes, an ever-so-slight smile gracing over those tiers.:: -s- so I see... then there's nothing I can do... ::an overly exaggerated sigh, orbs fell to the lower two limbs on her body, crossing one leg over the other, the rainbow tights adding for a bit of color, slightly bouncing the dangling foot up n down... down n up... hypnotizing herself momentarily, it stayed in a vague reality that he was still in the room.. her eyes no longer fixated on his, but on his boots, waiting to see where he moved to next...::

Amir: ::honey-chesnut irises searched frantically, almost involuntarily.. as much as he would have felt it better to fight, he could bring himself to deprive his sights of those distant violet companions.. up, up!.... *sigh* and away... so caught up in that unusual gaze.. but hey, new focus of attention as those candied orbs fell lower to trail after her hands.. this was an awful game they had going! sooner or later, one, if not both, would cave in... that was the fun of it though, wasn't it?.. he almost hadn't heard her words of self-doom.. but as it all tumbled through, his mind wheels ached to start creaking again.. so he folded his arms over his chest, muscles clinging to the black fabric for dear life as he added with a 'professional' tone:: well there's always room to experiment.. cures don't leave themselves at the doorstep.. ::what did he know? he barely knew how to define science other than a subject in school- and he'd dropped out of that a while ago... but he resumed suggestion with confidence.. after all, 70% is how you look, 20% is how you sound, and only 10% is what you say!:: No use in giving this kind of information out without examination..

Sierra: ::Mmm... no movement, just words huh? She blinked - golden lace yet again sweeping rose tinted cheeks, and up her gaze turned to catch his gaze again... surpressing another wave of laughter at how professional he looked. Clearing her throat a bit, okay. Now she was just a player in the game, he was the one controlling it... hands clashed together and placed folded in her lap, her foot continued its rhythmic bouncing, before she became aware of it and stopped, offering a slight smile, as if giving in.:: -s- All right doctor... What type of experiments do you suggest? I value all the aspects of my life dearly... and I'd hate to have one of them just die - if not everything. I could do that with the pills.. ::by that comment, kill herself of course. Okay. What now? Sexy, pouty lips. Yes... so she put a pair on, lower lip slightly quivering, as if she wanted to cry, and then just a pout. It would have been the perfect fake-cry beginning, if it wasn't for the sparkle of a smile that rested in her eyes..::
Sierra: ::why did she keep looking away? Well one reason was for play in the game, and the other to keep from making herself look like a slut. not that she was one... anyway. A soft smile flashed those pretty white teeth at him, treatment two dependent on treatment one huh.. hmmm... so what was this then? He was definitly up for treatment one? Possibly... And even though the thoughts ran through her mind she never let it show on those angelic features… So what was treatment one anyway? The kiss? Or the whole scandel thing? Not like she knew…bah, being blonde was such a bitch, and not like she could see well in the dark anyway but not having her glasses on mad it even worse, so she simply reached to her pocket and whipped 'em out… now now, how come they weren't all crushed or anything? And set the square black frames on her nose, hooking the earpieces behind the many earings, careful not to rip one out. She figured it was better to be quiet. Unlike him, she didn't have the 70% of looks to make her seem intelligent, and never with that posture, tisk tisk…::

Amir: ::gold-spotted brown orbs accepted the silence, even if his ears would not.. the added accessory a surprise, but mild.. really, who gets excited about glasses?.. he wasn't sure what kind of gesture this might have been, if any.. she had gone all this time without them.. unless this was a prop to the 'strictly business' form of conversation.. although he couldn't help but wonder how far he could actually take this ongoing barrage of innuendo-.... uh.. not that he cared if she got mad... or... something..... cause... uh.. he was a man! yeah! and and and.. a traveler and he wasn't ever going to settle down for some girl.... a soft sigh sifted passed his laminated lips...this wasn't a girl, this was a woman..:: damn it.. ::all the while those crazy charcoal-shaded orbs must have been giving away some kind of inner problem.. but he pretended not...:: Anyhow.. *ahem*.. do you have insurance?

Sierra: ::the added accessory... simply to see better, and it worked, seeing his lips moved as he cursed to himself, although she didn't her him, tilted her head a bit to the side... right. Insurance... what? Oh yah, now she remembered, back to the game... gawd... it was so very easy to get lost in guys eyes... even if they weren't going to be around for long. You know, being a traveler and all...:: -s- I dont think I do... I thought since ya know, I knew the doctor and all maybe I have something he'd like... insteada money. Sort of a fair exchange, you know? ::pretty violets shown from behind the frames of the glasses, which sat rather low on her nose, so she could peer over the top to the other, batting the sinfully long lashes a few times, to where they sweeped the inside of the lenses, rather frustrated. Now that was why she never wore them... and just before the was about to take them off, she changed the direction of where her hand was going, to tuck a few strands of hair behind her ears. Not that that helped, you know, such soft locks just slid over one another, and back to where they hung tickling her cheek... maybe it would be best to crop them short and spike her hair, to add to that overly shy attitude..::

Amir: :: a smirk softly tugged on his lips.. no use in backing away from boldness now..:: I mean medical insurance.. doctors, unfortunately, make mistakes... but still, you would use collateral to back it up?.. ::a soft laugh tumbled off his tongue.. who knew if that was even possible, but his mind was wandering the wrong way with it.. best to quit before you get too far ahead... that flashy white smile, contrasting his skin tone in that strange way it does when those old ladies still live in the tanning salon, remained in tact as he watched her idle movements.. and his doctor visage was broken for a moment or two as he turned and leaned against the bar, as if to sit on it but merely using it for support... and there went the little inclination of his head, slender fingers reaching out to take a few blonde strands between them:: wouldn't it be easier just to leave it down?

Sierra: ::blinkblink... okay there went her poker face. Collateral... what the hell was that? She just laughed, shaking her head, n' watched him take the few steps closer, eyes dropping to his hands and then back up to him when locks were taken captive between his fingers, taking a deep breath. Hmmm... breathing is good, yes. Some guys it was easy to be around, others she found herself falling head over heel - more times literally than not, she was so clumsy when trying to impress someone... blinketyblink again as she realized the question asked, and put on a look of pondering, tiers folded at the corners in a slight smile..:: -s- yea... I guess it would, but either way its annoying... ::a hand ascending yet again to reach for the tie that was the dam for the waterfall, n took it out, letting her hair back down... auros teasing even her nose. Now now, what shampoo had she used the other day...::

Amir: annoying?.. ::there was a little look of puzzlement, complete with sincerity.. but that smile returned as she took her hair down:: you have beautiful hair.. ::with a little twist, the smile mutated into a smirk:: smells nice too... but... I don't see how it could be that irritating.. ::one hand rising from the bartop, he gave a little nudge to his own long raven strands suggestively.. but instead of returning to its former place, the other hand rose as well and his hands glided forward to cup her face gently.. and right about then he could have explained it somehow.. or he could have been suave and romantic.. or at least something like that.. but he didn't, just in case that silver tongue was rusting.. and picked up where he'd left off a few good comments before::


Sierra: ::and in answer to his question before she was slienced...:: -s- well... annoying in the sense that it's always there... gets in the way a lot, and hair likes gloss a lot, tends to like to stick together... ::took a bit by surprise at first, but she knew where the gesture was going... and leaned in to kiss him as well, slowly though ya know, as not to bang heads or something here. a better word for what he was... brave.. most guys wouldn't have dared made the gesture in fear she wouldn't return it, but a gladly offered kiss proved sweet tasting, no doubt about it. Strawberries -n- kreame adding to the pleasure of a tongue ring... now that was new. A slight smile shown through from beneath a pair of rose petals, her own tongue playing with the barbell placed in her mouth, gently pushing up against it, and then back down from the top. Digits ascending, with palm intact, to place a hand on top of his, pulling back a bit from tha kiss before starting it again... sure. Maybe the tongue ring was rusted, but the same did *not* go for kissing..::

AmirOOC: (lol yanno what)

SierraOOC: [...what? O.o... something wrong? lol. DONT I KISS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!!? lol.]

AmirOOC: (I didnt mean a ring.. its an expression.. when people are smooth talkers they're said to be silver-tongued... LOL... but thats okay, I dont have any chars with tongue piercings so i can just pretend he does lol)

SierraOOC: [oooh... lol... never heard that expression... oops >< lol... oh well, yah now he's got one, lmao]

Amir: ::yeah, the tongue piercing he almost didnt know he had.. (::cough::).. so easy to forget about sometimes.. but then it wasn't unsual for him.. 'exotic' was the word for it, though he hardly thought it was anything unusual.. especially in the whore-town of RhyDin.. it was always amusing to him to be reminded of it when it was taken as a toy.. a hell of a lot better than a bad clank against the back of his teeth.. but his skill had never faded- once he'd gotten it anyway... oh many a days where it was more than just his teeth that suffered.. not that he went around kissing people, but when it happened, it wasnt always for the best with a weight on his end.. but now it was a refined art, specialized choreography if you will as his tongue danced with hers, effectively manuevering the barbell so as not to give her dentist something to worry about::

Sierra: ::letting the kiss linger a bit longer, playing pushing her tongue up against his .. smirking a bit, purposly biting his tongue, softly of course. awww... now wasn't that a new experience? Of course she couldn't expect it. He had to have hid the barbell well... she didn't notice the glimmer of metal in his mouth when he talked at least. But then again, a set of braces would have been even less obvious to her at that point in time, the only thing she had been able to focus on all night was his eyes... and that very temptingly (is that even a word? lol) exposed stomach of his... letting the hand that had rested on his glide down his arm n chest to the torn threads of a shirt, tracing over the muscles while still continuing tha kiss. Amazing, wasn't it? Candles setting the mood... sure, but even with eyes closed, for not knowning him long it was easier to get to know the body that way. Hands doing all the talking, digits set back to tying her hands up in those torn shreads, n' she let her tongue slide over his s'more, n around it... definitly a more difficult process involved when their was a tongue ring. Now then.. maybe she'd get some time to improve the newly-sought profession: how to kiss people when they have a barbell going through their tongue...::

Amir: ::well he couldn't say boldness never got him anywhere... he figured he'd have been slapped or something by now.. and what kind of guy was he to back out of it now?.. whatever kind that might be, that's what he was!.. no need to get *too* excited yet.. besides, for all he knew if he took things too far it'd be some kind of 'one night stand' feel and then words like "user" and "slut" come into the picture and it's just a bloody mess... so, as much as he would have wanted otherwise, the decision was made to take some time... (to taste the Welch's..*ahem*).. his ornamented tongue spent a few last moments giving hers a gentle massage with rather versatile muscle in use.. and tediously, he retreated; a little lick here, a nip there.. but glossy lips had to draw away, *sigh*.. still, he didn't want to give up the closeness.. instead, leaning forward a little more to press his cheek against hers, his voice quieted:: .. do you mind my asking why you live here alone?...

Sierra: ::Mmmm... talk about 7 minutes in heaven. Who needed the closest... n' as he pulled away she caught his bottom lip between two rows of glorified bright whites, licking his lip in a bit of protest for him moving away... but let him stop reluctantly. Tiers pursed together momentarily, pondering reasons why he did stop... if she knew his reasoning she would have agreed to the same, but now she just figured something had gone amiss, but let it go anyway, a pretty pink tongue breaking the barrier of those tiers to slide over her lips, licking away the gloss that was there. Of course she could pick of the strawberry flavor, but what else was there... hinting at... peppermint maybe, and as she continued to ponder, graced her eyes with seeing the world again, amazing at how much brighter the world seemed, n slipped those glasses off yet again after unwrapping her hand from the folds of his shirt, closing the earpiece of the frame as she searched for an answer to his question, smiling a bit..:: -s- no, I dont mind, but I dont have an answer for you either.. I guess.. no one to live with. Society doesn't normally except the shy ones, and its rather hard to get a roommate if you dont talk, plus not to mention, in *this* neighborhood? Please dear, I'd sleep with one eye open in fear of my life... ::she smirked, a gaze cast to the door, and the three locks on it:: the locks keep people outside from coming in, but if i had the wrong people inside, it also keeps me from getting out. I always figured it was safer alone... no way to get hurt... ::physically, yes, but mentally too... she'd rather have kept her heart in one piece, but now, especially after that kiss she started to think again. howd that saying go? it's better to have love and lost, then never to have loved before::

Amir: ::he glanced up a bit when her hand disappeared, for no real reason in the truth of it; long lashes sweeping over her cheek like butterfly kisses.. the tip of his tongue traveling along the seam of barely closed lips... more berried flavor... an odd mixture too, having originally been forever tasting mint and vanilla bean.. which, again, was a strange combination.. so.. maybe the added strawberry wasn't all that farfetched?.. but as she spoke, the flavor seemed less important to say the least, his curiosity resurfacing on cue..:: ..I suppose those are all plausible reasons.. although I'd think with this neighborhood you'd want a friend with you... but then-.. ::he lifted his face back a bit to look at those lovely violet shades:: I suppose you would argue that being shy and being constantly fearful don't always necessarily go hand in hand?

Sierra: ::mmm, yah, but the mint seemed to be more what she tasted than anything. Maybe a friend would be good... but "Friend" meant someone that would have to sleep in a *differentl* bed and drink out of *different* glasses and two of everything would have to come into play. Now, boyfriend... that was a different story, considering they'd be close enough to live in the small apartment together, a slight smile at the thought... but she blinked as the second statement came into play, laughing a bit, gazing back into his eyes, before looking away shyly... not fearfully, and back to him..:: -s- Yah I would. I can be shy... but I'm not afraid of a lot of things, if thats what you mean. I guess... sometimes they can go hand in hand, but... thats' like asking if... ::she searched her mind for a simile...giggling when she found one..:: girls should be with boys, or something. Sometimes they are, but there's the few that stray from the bunch... so to speak. ::she smiled. Now... there was a true blonde for you [lol] had no clue what she was saying, but she could nearly gaurentee that somehow he had searched through it enough to make sense of it, or was just too confused/tired to bother... either way.::

Amir: ::hazel orbs watched her face in quietude, half-aware that she was thinking about something.. maybe daydreaming.. but about what, he couldn't tell.. he wasn't a mind-reader or anything.. but she seemed content, and that's what mattered to him.. his eyes smiling when his shimmering lips were sealed..:: I suppose so.. ::suppose all he wanted to, but there still was a missing link in there somewhere.. but he just assumed she knew what she was saying and he was just dense..:: so you wouldn't wnat to live with anyone then, for your own safety?

Sierra: ::she blinked. Maybe... safety? Kinda coming to a strange realization in a way... possibly he wanted to stay there? She figured, but wasn't about to jump into anything. Too easy to get hearts broken then, and she smiled, shaking her head:: -s- no, not that I waont want to live with anyone. I mean, its not a bad idea, its just not something i ever gave thought to really... most people that stay only have one thing in mind.. .::she blinked... okay. Possibly the wrong thing to say to the potential boyfriend, but she wasn't about to stop and dwell on that, maybe he wouldn't notice..:: and enemies around this neighborhood are closer than friends. At least you know when your rivals dislike you. Sooo... whichever. :: giving her wors a minute to settle with him, before leaning to him, n brushing a kiss over his lips, resting her forehead against his in a lazy fashion, laced with a bit of tiredness...:: -vs- care to keep me safe tonite? oh great knight in shining armor..? ::a smirk, the comment ment to be playful, but still honest. She ddin't want her words to seem to promise things that might not happen... and so she kissed him again, short n' sweet, n sank back from him, resuming that poor posture of leaving against the bar while she waited for his answer..::

Amir: ::he nodded lightly to her explaination... no need to really dance around the truth, considering the way people were these days.. and because of it, he became paranoid about the way he went about things as well.. still, nothing worth fretting your life away with.. but enemies. *that* was something to consider. sometimes the people that hate you msot can be the best friends you never had- if that makes sense..after all, love and hate were practically the same in the way they affected the host.. love just received a better viewpoint.... but enough philosophy! what was he *thinking* about all this for?! that kiss was a resuscitation from the choking thinking process.. and what kind of idiot would he be to say no...:: I don't see any harm in it, if that's what you want... not like I'm headed anywhere in particular.

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