Vampology 101: The Fantasma Way

Welcome to the Lost Fantasma's Vampology 101! There are no textbooks, no worksheets, no projects, no tests/quizzes/exams, or homework assignments. So you have no excuse not to enjoy this brief seminar! Please do not e-mail the Webmaster to argue 'fact or fiction' over what is presented here- this information is based completely on Anne Rice's vampires, and this page was originally intended for the Webmaster's RPG players in "Genocidal Tendencies" (courtesy of Rondak's Portal). Without further ado, here is Vampology 101: The Fantasma Way.


Skin is smooth and extremely pale, practically marble- white and even reflective to bright lights, and cold to the touch. Most often, this kind of appearance causes the vampire to seem inanimate when he remains still, much like a statue. All features from mortality are perfected and accentuated. Lines in the face are subtle, and at times, unrealistic or "cartoonish" in appearance. Changes in facial expression are subtle as well, and sometimes can go undetected by the mortal eye. The only exception to skin tone is a slight coloring of the face immediately after feeding, as the blood warms their immortal flesh. If a vampire has gone too long without blood, to the point of starvation, his features portray him as quite the undead fiend. The skin becomes shrunken, and veins are hideously visible and prominent. Also, during bloodlust the veins in the face become more visible beneath the skin's surface.

Eyes are vibrant and lively, even if the vampire is immobile. They burn with a brilliant light, and can absorb colors from their surroundings. In bloodlust, the irises become paler in hue, but brighten immensely.

Hair is much finer, softer, and silky in texture. It remains at the length it had been when the vampire was made. Though it can be cut, the hair will grow back to its original length before 24 hours.

All vampires have glass fingernails. This is generally noticeable to mortals, and occasionally serve as the only distraction because of simple fascination.

A vampire's movements have feline quality to them, and most gestures are gracefully executed. NOTE: There are always exceptions.

To mortal eyes, vampires have an unnatural aura. Though not always noticeable, close inspection will reveal this to them and may cause problems for the vampire's identity being kept secret.


Vampires have enhanced, sharpened senses. Scents are stronger and easier to identify. Vision is clearer and sharper, enabling them to see farther. Details are also more noticeable, such as the individual stitching in clothing. Seeing in the darkness in much easier- obviously so, being that they are night creatures! Hearing also becomes better, allowing them to distinguish sounds better and to hear noises that are farther away. The feel of things to their hands is different as well, also credited to the changed composition of their skin. Taste is less important in enhancement, seeing as their only food or drink source is blood.


Vampires' powers come with age. The older the vampire, the more powers he's developed. This is a simple concept, understanding that with experience comes knowledge. Vampires become more experienced and knowledgable about their personal limits and successes as they grow older. Here are some of the basic powers:


*The following passages are quoted from Anne Rice's first book in the Vampire Chronicles, Interview with the Vampire. I consider these the best detailed form of explaining the making of a fledgling vampire.

"But he put his right arm around me and pulled me close to his chest. Never had I been this close to him before, and in the dim light I could see the magnificent radiance of his eye an the unnatural mask of his skin. As I tried to move, he pressed his right fingers against my lips and said, 'Be still. I am going to drain younow to the very threshold of death, and I want you to be quiet, so quiet that you can almost hear the flow of blood throgh your veins, so quiet that you can hear the flow of that same blood through mine. It is your conciousness, your will, which must keep you alive.' I wanted to struggle, but he pressed so hard with his fingers that he held my entire prone body in check; and as soon as I stopped my abortive attempt at rebellion, he sank his teeth into my neck." (p. 19)

"'Have you ever lost a great amount of blood?' asked the vampire. 'Do you know the feeling?'" (p. 19)

"Candles burned in the upstairs parlor, where we had planned the death of the overseer. An oil lantern swayed in the breeze on the gallery. All of this light coalesced and began to shimmer, as though a golden presence hovered over me, suspended in the stairwell, softly entangled with the railings, curling and contracting like smoke. 'Listen, keep your eyes wide,' Lestat whispered to me, his lips moving against my neck." (p. 19)

"The result was that within minutes I was weak to paralysis. Panic-stricken, I discovered I could not even will myself to speak. Lestat still held me, of course, and his arm was like the weight of an iron bar. I felt his teeth withdraw with such a keenness that the two puncture wounds seemed enormous, lined with pain. And now he bent over my helpless head and, taking his right hand off me, bit his own wrist. . . He pressed his bleeding wrist to my mouth, and said firmly, a little impatiently, 'Louis, drink.'" (p.19-20)

"I saw nothing but that light then as I drew blood. And then this next thing, this next thing was sound. A dull roar at first and then a pounding like the pounding of a drum, growing louder and louder. . . And then there came the pounding of another drum. . . and each. . . intent on his own drum, gave no toice to the rhythm of the other. The sound grew louder and louder until it seemed to fill not just my hearing but all my sense, to be throbbing in my lips and fingers, in the flesh of my temples, in my veins. Above all, in my veins, drum and then the other drum; and then Lestat pulled his wrist free suddenly, and I opened my eyes and checked myself in a moment of reaching for his wrist, grabbing it, forcing it back to my mouth at all costs; I checked myself because I realized that the drum was my heart, and the second drum had been his." (p. 20)


Vampire feeding habits are pretty easy to understand. As most people are aware the vampire bites into the victims neck, and drinks the blood to point of death- just before heart stops. The reason for this being that the death of the victim can take the vampire with it- vampires should never drink cold, dead blood. Depending upon disposition, this process can generally be considered vampiral seduction. Lastly, it is vital to the vampire's life to dispose of the victim's body in some way. This can range anywhere from dropping them off in a sewer, to staging a suicide and leaving the body in the streets.


*~* Myths *~*
  1. Vampire cannot withstand the light.
  2. Vampires cannot withstand crosses/crucifixes/holy images.
  3. Vampires cannot withstand garlic.
  4. Vampires are killed by stakes through the heart.
  5. Vampires are killed by being beheaded.
  6. Vampires are killed by being engulfed by/doused in water.
  7. Vampires can become steam and pass through keyholes.
  8. Vampires are susceptible to disease.

*~* Truths *~*
  1. Vampire can withstand artificial light. Some are actually fond of it. But the light of the sun and the heat of intense fire CAN kill them.
  2. Vampires can withstand crosses/crucifixes/holy images. Some are very much interested in the ways of the church, and in salvation.
  3. Vampires can withstand garlic. Why wouldn't they be able to? They don't eat or drink what mortals do. Although garlic breath may be a little repulsive. . .
  4. Vampires are NOT killed by stakes through the heart. They will heal eventually.
  5. Vampires are NOT killed by being beheaded. I wouldn't want to be the one to cut the head off either. Because once he finds his head and puts it back on, he's going to be awful angry. Vampires can hold grudges for centuries.
  6. Vampire are NOT killed by wtaer in any fashion. No, they do NOT melt like the Wicked Witch of the West or anything like that. They do, however, get wet.
  7. Vampires can NOT become steam and pass through keyholes. But that'd be pretty cool, huh?
  8. Vampires are NOT susceptible to disease. They are immune to all sickness and disease- which helps with the immortality thing, doesn't it?

*~* Additional Facts *~*

Other Vampire Sources:

Salon de la Rose | Grand Salon A LARP-oriented site that focuses more on the Toreador clan of vampires.

Class Dismissed

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