Choice Words and Phrases

This is probably the most *pointless* page on my entire site. But it helps the creatively handicapped. These are adjectives/phrases that add more grace or animation to your character when you role-play. Description in action, mostly; but most of these were based off ONE character I play. So this is more of a guide, than a source. This page could not be possible without the guidance and teachings of the great Star.

pallid// soft// tender// warm// paled// faded// wan// lightly toned// porcelain// smooth// marble

lips// tiers// treats// toxins// weapons// predators//

blessed// cherried// rubied// candied// glossy(-ed)// glittered// sparkling// brushed// pressed// swept across// nipped// met// asked for a hug// poked// graced// danced// played// curled 'round// explored

elven grace// slender/spidery digits// feline-like// fluid// well-carried// swift

redolent// fragrance// roses and cedar// sifting// lingering// carried on an air of

shimmering// silken// silvered/silvery// twisted strands// curls tumbled// flowed over shoudlers// perfectly placed wisps// locks

velvety// deep// baritone// silver-belled// lyrical

emeralds// orbs// jewles// orbs// wndows// dark, black-laced

touched down like angel feet to earth// patted the apple of his/her cheek// lowered; rose

curious// expressive// slender// graceful// metallic// arched// sharp// devious

evanescent (dissipate gradually;vapor)// iridescent (producing a display of lustrous, rainbow-like colors)// phosphorescent (having persistant emission of light - esp. after radiation

PERSONALITY blithe (carefree; light hearted)// benevolent// smug// sinister

sweetest delightful poison

Words in Action

This is an rp segment I did after I made the page. And I was pleased with it and saved it, so I'll put it here so you can see 'words in action'. I'm Adrian, and my partner is Elsha. It's to protect the innocent, yanno. Okay it's not. I just don't want IMs from strangers. But AFTER this conversation, is a couple RP sessions with the best RPer I know. Although I believe at present (ie: Feb 2002) she is retired? What a tragedy. Oh but the LAST one was TOO BIG for one empty text box! You can read this two-box ULTIMATE RP here!

Adrian: ::heeled boots touched down in a paced rhythm like angel feet to earth as he emerged from the streets to seek refuge within the tavern... a feline-like movement to his motions as his porecelian-white hand closed the door softly behind, a curtain of long silver locks flowing over his shoulder.. delicate ears tapered to a sharp point at their ends, denoting a certain heritage.. but he was terribly out of place with such pallor, a bright phosphorescent glow to his emerald eyes as they lifted for a glance around, hoping the click of those boots wouldn't disturb anyone::

Elsha: :: She glances over at the Elven man. Her aqua gaze takes all the details of him in a glance. she quickly looks away for she is a half breed and that would make her an out cast amoung her brethern. And a roge and black magic mage as well did not help her any with her standing in the world::

Adrian: ::black-laced emeralds completed surveillance, although behind those windows he felt the gaze of another.. a brief spark of a cultured mind and there was but a glimpse- an amazingly quick flash of the feminine figure- before it was gone.. dark lashes swept down, kissing the apples of his cheeks, a soft and pensive smile tugging at Cupid's Bow-shaped lips.. lifting his smooth, pallid face, he broke his reverie and stepped forward with an innonence undefined.. pure casualty, indeed.. and his black-uniformed frame came to perch with others at the bar, although he seemed detached from the presence like a dead man's ghost.. he could have looked the part too, but the elven significance to him betrayed his deathly visage.. and all too soon, those tiger-like eyes ascended from the wooden floor to meet her previously curious gaze; a voice with a velvet tone spoke..:: Good eve, m'lady..

Elsha: ~she slides a curious aqua colored gaze in his direction once again and as he speaks she blinks a bit before remembering her manners. she stands and bows ever so slightly ~ Eve to you m'lord

Adrian: ::a bit of a smirk wrenched its way into that smile; the ever-familiar pleasantries of the local population.. but what could he say, or do, to reciprocate? honesty was the best policy- or so they said.. and so his form slid a little over the seat to face her, his lack of comprehension open in his expression.. that twist, that certain silver-belled ring to his voice became slightly more noticeable as he sought other words:: Please forgive me.. but I am not from yer country.. this custom.. I do nae understand.. but if ye wish it so.. ::and with mere imitation from memory he bowed his head to her politely, a little cascade of silver hair pouring forward, then back to rest against his dark attire as glowing emeralds rose to the shining sea in her eyes::..

Elsha: ~Studies him for a moment, almost being rude about it, her eyes turn a stormy grey color as she blushes and takes her seat again~ Welcome then, though this is not the best place..

Adrian: ::near-skeletal hands folded on the oakwood bartop.. glass fingernails displaying iridescent patterns of the dim light.. by now, what could one do but wonder what kind of elf he was.. when in truth, he wasn't one completely.. very proud to be a mutt of a creature, and he wouldn't have it any other way..:: Perhaps it is nae the best.. but certainly nae the worst either.. ::paled lips pursed with slight pressure as a thought, a memory even, passed through his mind with that one.. surely not worth thinking of.. so those emerald orbs alighted to her with a renewed curiosity::.. By the by, I'm called Adrian ....May I trouble ye fer a name?..

Elsha: :: smiles warmly at him and lifts a hand to her mouth as she yawns. When she is done yawning she looks back at him:: My name is Elsha m'lord Adrian I am pleased to meet you ::offers a small slender hand::

Adrian: ::his chin dipped briefly in a light nod, cordial grin returned.. and his smooth-skinned hand reached for hers, his fingers curled behind her knuckles as he bent forward to kiss the back of her hand softly.. some customs never die.:: the pleasure is mine, m'lady..

Elsha: :: she gives him a slight grin and descides not to pick his pockets for he is to polite (( and a darn good rper)) :: Nice to meet you..

Adrian: ::his hand retreated again- after all, he was a stranger- and sought the company of the other once more.. soft forest hues idly searching beneath for the right words to his questions.. so many lands, so many tongues.. and how to keep them apart?..:: what is it that brings ye here, if this place is so.. what, 'not the best'?..

Elsha: ::laughs softly:: work sir is what brinks me to this [EDIT] hole ::waves a hand in the general direction of the rest of the tavern::

Adrian: ::surprising, eh? and so it seemed when a metallic silver brow rose at the blunt nature of the truth.. still, he gave a glance to a few randomly chosen areas her hand so tersely introduced... :: a plausible reason.... but who am I to say when I'm no better off as a gypsy... ::and he wasn't really, with the way bards were neglected these days.. he didn't seem like the kind at first glance, but he had his mannerisms.. although at present, the light made the discovery of his flute peeking out from the inside of his cloak.. but Adrian paid it no mind, or maybe even hadn't long as yer off the streets, yanno? I'd hate to see someone such as yerself forced to make a living out there, especially with this particular neck of the woods...


Adrian: ::emerald blinked back and forth as he looked at her looking at him.. looking at.. heh, okay that's dumb.. no time for this!.. he straightened up posture-wise a bit, and opened the door wider.. his dark eyelashes straining to reach his eyebrows.. but his thin ghostly frame managed to get the hell out the doorway:: ..Gabby? ::he ducked his head some to get a better look at her in the darkness.. there was no mistaking it.. this was his lovely little bag o' bones! and those paled lips tugged into a broad ivory smile.. the unmistakable toothy grin that he'd thought was long gone for good.. and without further hesitation, his hand reached out for her wrist and pulled her to him in a tight hug, as if he didn't she'd fade like those ghosts of Tavern's Past::

Gabby: ::she blinked at his voice, then smiled before she was pulled into a hug, not that she minded it... arms wrapped around his neck and hugged him back like there was no tomorrow... tears still traveling down her cheeks as she buried her eyes into the crook of his neck, letting her tears soak his shirt. Gawd... how she missed that face, his eyes, his figure, him in general digits wrapped around her arms as they pulled him closer never wanting to let go again.. :: it's been a while... hasn't it? ::she smiled, loosening her hug a bit in fear she would hurt him or something... eh, but she didn't really have to worry about that. She had gotten thinner, and no doubt most of her strength left with the weight. How long had it been exaclty?::

Adrian: much too long.. ::even though she didnt take up enough space to physically do it, he was warm all over.. he'd missed her so much.. but he didn't intend on letting her slip away again.. when she drew away those haunting jewels lowered to take in her face, a face that charmed him from the start.. although the emptiness in those eyes were easily noticed, and sadness was contagious:: what's the matter?..::he was surprised he hadn't heard her sooner with those antennae growng out of his head.. though he was relieved she'd returned::

Gabby: ::she smiled, shaking her head, and hugged him again, softly brushing those cherry teirs over his cheek, leaving a print of gloss to glisten in the moonlight. A slight sigh seeping through her lips, removing an arm from the hug to wipe away the tears before replacing it to make the embrace stornger, before pulling away again... ::nothings wrong, it's just been ages since I've seen you.. .::she still had the same quiet voice, and it seemed to float on the wind to encircle the two. It was so quiet outside... it seemed dead everywhere... now there was a ray of life, a piece of hope. maybe it would stay that way for a while now..::

Where to?

Fantasma: Main