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The Lady Destiny

Roster and Crew*


Captain Lucian Clover

RhyDin Coast Guard File: Clover, Lucian

"Wanted for smuggling, piracy, theft, hijacking, assault, possession with intent to sell, disorderly conduct, breaking and entering, arson, contempt, disturbing the peace, illegal gambling, public drunkeness, fraud, tax evasion, impersonating an officer and indecent exposure. (Further charges awaiting court approval.)

"Psychoanalysis: Clover exhibits narcissistic tendencies with a casual, flippant attitude toward any means of authority, up to and including the law. Diagnosis: incorrigible.

"Suggested sentence upon verdict: prison without parole."

India Delamere: Boatswain

Lydia Delamere huffed in annoyance at her eldest son. Whether it was ignorance or defiance, she did not know, nor care. "Where did she run off to this time? Somebody has to know!" she demanded.

Rhys Delamere shrugged at his mother's accusing eyes. "I have no idea, Mother." he answered. He warily continued. "She told me that she was going on holiday for a little while until things settled down at Wesleyn. " he offered.

"We all know that she didn't love Phillip, " he reasoned, throwing a meaningful glance at his mother, "but his death has not been easy for her nonetheless. Don't worry, Mother. Indi's always had a bit of the gypsy blood in her. She'll be back sooner or later, as always." he soothed, though he wished to himself that he could mean it.

Lambert Herschel: Ship's Wizard

"This missive serves as confirmation that, due to repeated situations in which he has placed himself, his peers, and the esteemed staff into immediate danger, Lambert Herschel is hereby suspended from the Academy of Wizardry until further notice.

"The young Master Herschel exhibits definite potential with the Art, but lacks the concentration and control necessary for mastery. Some time at home ought provide the needed quiet for meditation and practice... else, I hear, the Fighter's Academy has slots opening in September.

Professor Ignatious Carlyle
Headmaster, Academy of Wizardry

Kinsey McCormack: Quartermaster

"Ah, Kinsey McCormack. Aye, I knew her, pretty girl - saw her around. Strange circumstances, she was 'ere one day and gone the next," the bartender shrugged burly shoulders, drying an ale tankard.

"Probably left a broken heart or two when she up and left. Would have thought she were kidnapped, the way she disappeared so quick, but what kidnapper'd take time tae pack?" He leaned in, continuing with a conspiratorial whisper, "And ya know what? She wasn't the only thing suddenly missin' - a number o' merchants hereabouts swear their books weren't addin' up. And one o' 'em had started snoopin' about right around the time she left. A bit suspicious, if ya ask me. Missin' money, missin' girl... Aye. Suspicious."

((Image courtesy of

Jasper Rye: Gunner

Notice of Dishonorable Discharge
Re: Jasper E. Rye

After a six minute deliberation of twelve naval peers (eight men, four women) the courts have found the defendent guilty on all charges of negligence, inebriation on duty, and actions unbecoming a soldier. The RhyDin Navy hereby relinquishes Gunner Jasper E. Rye of his title, rights, and duties as a government sailor effective immediately. This case is closed to appeal.

Lieutenant James R. Furlong
Court Scribe

Serai Silvermorn: Master at Arms

"Bard, your tongue runs too easy. She looks more the lark than the hawk, if ye ask me..."

"Trust me, friend, look's can deceive, but she is neither gentle lark nor hunting hawk. She's the anenomae in our midst... the poisonous flower... the... scoff not, fool!"

"Bah, she is but a woman. Barely more than a girl..."

The bard shook his head slowly, glancing to the other side of the tavern where she sat before looking back, "Laugh now, friend. But know, should she be crossed, or purchased, the only smile shall be bold and red, dripping from the slice of your own neck."

The other man sombered a bit at the mental image, "An assassin, then?"

"Worse. A mercenary of the highest order."

Patch Masterson: Ship's Carpenter

Dear Patch,

I wished it wouldn't come to this, but it seems time has told. I'm leaving you, Patch, and bringing the girls with me. You've distanced yourself too much - your carpentry business has never been better, but our family life... never worse. I'm tired of explaining to Marie and Lynn that their father has no time to take them to the faires or watch them ride or take them to market - that he loves them but is too engrossed in his bloody, damned work. And how many nights has our bed laid cold? I hope for their sake you change back, one day, to the gentle, caring man I once loved and married. But for now, I've had enough.

~ Miranda

Silver: Freelance Associate

"You mean to tell me that, that woman, the same woman who we just had a drink with, is responsible for the fighting ring?" Joshua Herrell snorted, shaking his head in disbelief. "She's a built woman, no doubt from Captaining that ship, but those looks, she's not the one running the illegal gambling on the fights!"

Officer Covinson sighed, "Sir, I assure you, it is. The very woman we never seem to be able to pin the same one with counts of disturbing the peace, illegal gambling and possession of illegal cargo among other things. Think Sir, she's always seen with the other Captain - Clover I believe, who's wanted on accounts of just about everything! She, sir, is the reason for the ten arrested today in Steward's Shackles backalley, and part of the reason Officer Gardiner is no longer here."

Herrell blinked, watching the young comrade closely. He meant that tall, buxom blonde who he shared a pint with was this..this...Captain Starblade? Sure, she never really answered any of the questions he asked. She did disappear rather quickly... Herrell groaned, looking to the horizon, and the ship fading in the distance. "Bloody Hell."

Retired Crewmen & Associates

Pirate Ports of RhyDin

Interested in joining the crew? Send a missive to Captain Clover.

Out Of Character Notes

*Some portraits possess hyperlinks to the personal homepage of the respectively mentioned character.

Last updated July 2, 2004