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¤ OOC ¤

The Setting: A medieval port city within the realm of RhyDin, where various races intermingle and magic flourishes. The Pirate Ports is the home start, where ships dock and most storylines take place, though the SLs will venture beyond when the plot calls for such.

The location of the story board is available only to AOL users. Keyword: Diaspora. Click: Role-Play Boards, Red Dragon Inn, Red Dragon Inn Storylines, Tales of RhyDin, Pirate Ports of RhyDin.

This is not a guild. There is no app to fill out or dice assigned, in fact there are no dice at all. This is free form only, nothing without respective mun(s) consent.

Important note: Mature RP only. No dice. No power plays. No sci-fi futuristic play. As seen in the crew, these characters have both strengths and flaws. The wizard has been expelled for a lack of control, the surgeon is ostracized for her sex, etc. If you're new to message board play and are interested in joining on we are more than willing to assist, but unrealistic RP will be ignored and/or belittled.

Each crewmember of The Lady Destiny is copyrighted by his or her respective writer(s), not to be duplicated or copied in any way without express consent.

The images on the previous page were all nabbed from sites that didn't mention copyright, so everybody's stealing from everybody else.

Further questions? Comments? E-Mail Captain Clover