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Those Who Made the Long Port

Retired Crewmen & Associates


Kailani Tam: Navigator

"Yes, I t'ink mos' people herabouts haff heard of Kai - poor girl wit' a broken heart an' iron nerve," the inn proprietess nodded, her double chins jiggling affirmatively. "I saw the whole t'ing, an' believe me, she gave the Chief's spoiled daughter a beating t'at was more t'an deserved."

She shook her head, "But... one can no' do such t'ings wit'out consequence, fair or no'. T'ey pinned t'at up," she motioned to a notice on the inn's board, "only yes'erday."

Attention Elves of Talahai Isle - per order of the Law, Kailani Tam, previous Navigator of the Chieftain's Fleet, is hereby EXILED from both Land and a Two Mile radius by Sea, with impending Death should she return. Note: Any who attempt to Aid or Hide this fugitive shall be Punished to the Fullest extent of the Law.
- Captain Mau Sokuralani

Nina Haviland: Ship's Surgeon

"Aw, Luke, it was brilliant!" The group of medical students huddled together, snickering as the night's exploits were regaled. "A few drops had her out cold... She never saw it coming!"

"No kidding... what'd you do?"

The group smirked in unison. "Let's just say she won't be in class this morning. Or tomorrow. We taught that wench a lesson - who does she think she is, coming into a men's profession? We just stripped her down and roped her to the statue. Simple!"

"Easy, huh?"
"Piece of cake. She's a little girl, what'd you expect?"
"From the looks of that shiner I'd expect a little girl with a mean right hook."

Lillith O'Gormally: The Captain's Lady

The bartender wiped down the glass, "Oh Aye.. I remember her, she stopped in 'ere the week past. Lovely lass if I do say so myself, wouldn't let me near her though...shame. I didn't even know she was a wanted woman till I saw the posters. Wouldn't turn a lovely one like that in anyhow, 'tis nay worth the trouble...bah. I'd pay jus' tae see her again..."

The young sailor gave a half nod, then slammed the last of his drink. "They're saying she killed Nivan an' that lass o' his who washed ashore... but I dun beleive it. Even if she did, he deserved it sleepin' around on a woman like that. Whomever has her now is a lucky man...I wouldn't mind havin' a hellcat like that between my sheets.."

Another man whom sat at the bar, slowly turned to the two conversing, "I wouldn't press your luck. Rumor says she's quite taken, by the captain at that..are ye two idiots that blind? It's one thing tae mess with another man's lass, but to mess with the Captain's wench? That's a hanging waiting tae happen."

Interested in filling one of these slots? Send a missive to Captain Clover.

Out Of Character Notes

Last updated April 9, 2002