
A really strong issue in Sm is banner clicking. Eric wants us to click banners so he can make a better game, and we want him to make a better game before we click banners. By looking at the clicks daily you will obviousely see that Eric is losing. Maybe Im going against popular thought here but I think we should be clicking banners. I want everyone to stop and think for a moment. Think about how much crap Eric goes through.

Eric leads a very straining and thankless job. He spends all of his time trying to transform Shadowmere into a beter game, but whenever he makes the slightest change we go for the throat! Im sorry to get technical but it is legally and morally his game. The game that Dan made is extinct, all that remains is fading ruins of Forgotten Worlds. If our complaints aren't enough, think about the type of people he generally has to deal with. There is the criminally insane people like Labby who continue to break rules without fear of banning. Then of course there is the people that go on vulgar rampages through gen mail just to have fun. And, my personal favorite, are the visionaries who test the censorship rules just because they can. But of course who can forget the hackers/crackers/feeders/scripters/cheaters? These people reck Eric's hard work just to gain hi scores. I truly pity these retards.

Have you ever just thought about how Eric feels? Anyone can see that he is about 2 steps away from a mental breakdown. A positive attitude can only go so far. I mean no wonder hes a drunk cowboy? Alchohol is his only escape from us. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned to a life of crime. He obviousely is making any money from Shadowmere, don't be surprised if you see him begging on a streetcorner. Why don't we just be lucky that he hasn't turned Shadowmere into an evil franchise? Now I'm not saying you have to like Eric, Im not even sure about him, but can't you just think about the situation for a moment?