Cleric's Mace

Posted By: Kashuka
To Begin off, I would like to state that this is a section from the middle of a novel in works. The novel isn't mine but it is still utterly amazing and I know the author personally. I even named my Shadowmere char after a character in this semi-finished novel. He too plays Shadowmere but hasn't the guts to try this. I'm going to give you this paragraph and then we shall go from there and see how it turns out.

Matsuo cautiously stepped through the dense spruce forest. He could hear nothing but the constant sound of rain, the loud crack of thunder and the distant sound of his pursurer's footsteps. He had been running from an elite Dragon Guard for half an hour after retrieving his pack.
Matsuo Gorlagos ducked under a low hanging branch and emerged into a mud filled clearing. He broke into a careful run and crossed the clearing quickly. Then he decided that this would be the place where he would take a stand. Matsuo flinched when he heard the Guard slice in half the exact same limb he had ducked under. The man must have been right behind him.
The rain spiraled down the cloud stricked sky and smacked into his white poncho making numerous dull thunk sounds. Matsuo glared and then reached behind him to the claymore strapped to his back. He unsheathed it slowly and turned to face his stalker.
The Dragon Guard held a simple long sword extended in front of him. A few raindrops splashed against the blade and made a baring audible clank sound.
There they stood, neither moving. Each waiting for the other to make the first strike.

Posted By: Vishanti
::The tall dark elf slips out of the shadows behind the dragon guard and smiles slightly. His eyes catch
Matsuo's. The silver circlet atop the elf's crown glints in the waning light as rain slicks down his hair.
Creeping behing the dragon guard, Drakar puts his hands quickly over its head, and pulls back.
The silver string that is now wrapped around the guards throat is barely noticable in the night,
but the grim expression on Drakar's face is not. Through clenched teeth Drakar hisses "Now, stab
him quickly!"

Posted By: Unluck Charm
A dagger fly's from the top of the tree's hitting the Dragon Guard deep in the chest. The guard spams for a second then goes limp sliding the the ground by the dark elf.

"Shows dat basterd ta never mess with a Leprechaun. Almost steped on me while trampling after you" a voices says from the shadows...

All of a sudden in a woosh of air a Leppy stands in the clearing "Ello, Sir Sporksalot's me name"

Posted By: Zenobia II
"Ah, we meet again Sir Sporksalot" a voice from somewhere near the ground emanates a cheery yet deep tone. The same jovial tone yet younger, that a favoured uncle would use. Then a light armoured yet visciously armed Drow steps from behind a slick-with-rain rock, barely seeming to be able to hide a babe let alone a full grown adult.

"'Tis good to see thee again, and it gladens my heart in these times" The figure says again through the half-mask that obscures the lower face decorated to resemble some demon or shark-creature. A shock white mohawk stands proud above the head.

"And to you others, an introduction may be neccesary. My name is Ju L'yan of the Silken Order of Zenobia, and my hand extends in friendship" as he removes the mask dazzling you with the widest beaming smile you all have seen in a long while.

"Shouldn't we continue this under the cover of a rooftop? I know of an excellent Inn nearby that asks no questions and reveals no guests to outside inquisitors".

Posted By: Unluck Charm
"Aye young lad, let us go. I could go fer some good ale"

Sir Sporksalot looks over at Matsuo, with inquisiting eyes. "But I would like ta know young boy, why ye were running from the Dragon Guard? What ave ye done. I got no pranks ta pull or people ta kill, so if ye need help, Id be more than happy ta do so. Especially if I could get inta some good trouble."

Posted By: Shinsengumi
**A strange young elf comes out from nowhere and looks at the dragon guard on the ground. His face is hidden in the shadows, his body is covered by a long black kimono. It's clear to see that he is not from these parts. A slight wind blows his kimono revealing a black scabard with a golden dragon at the end. His hand holding on to the handle of his katana, he looks up at the small group**

I guess I'm a little late, but so many warriors were not needed to kill such an.....amateur.

**He walks towards the crowd and stops when the shadow of the tree reaches just below his eyes. He looks at Matsuo and smiles. His eyes glow silver in the shade**

I have nothing else to, where you off to next?

Posted By: Zenobia II
"By my flaming barnet! A fellow elf from my part of the world!" Exclaims Ju L'yan as he spots the newcomer behind them. A huge grin (augmenting his already considerable smile) spreads further across his face.

"Hast thou come from near Menzobazzan? Your attire and weaponry dost suggest that!" (OOC, read my history for an explanation for this reaction). Striding toward the new face, Ju removes his daisho with and holds them within his right hand, as customary of their land to show respect, the reasoning being that it is harder to draw and fight with the left hand. Stopping a respectable distance, Ju bows at the hip at 45 degrees (slightly more respect than normally shown strangers).

"Come join us, and I shall buy thee the drinks and ensure the finest hospitality!"

Posted By: Shinsengumi
**Saito looks up at the full moon which is now slightly covered by a cloud. He looks back at his fellow elf and sighs**

Some nice, sweet sake would be they serve it around here? I really do need rest, I've traveled all my life, never stopped in one place for more than a week. Oh, except, ofcourse, when I stayed in a far away land called Japan for some years. That's where I got my clothing and weaponry. Sorry, I've never heard of...Menzobazzan.

**Saito removes his katana from his scabard and stabs it in to the ground. He kneels on one knee and bows his head to Ju to show his respect. He stands back up and returns his katana to his side**

Our cultures seem to be alike...yet they're quite different. I would like to learn from you, for where ever I travel, I try to learn as much of my surroundings as I can. It's the best way to be prepared. I have learned many things from many cultures. I've learned many different battle tactics, I use different types of weapons, I also use my body as a weapon. Learning the way of the Menzobazzan from you now is easier than traveling all the way to Menzobazzan.

**Saito pulls a cloth out of his kimono and dries his scabard before hiding it back within his clothing**

Well, shall we continue?

Posted By: Zenobia II
"Aye, that we shalt. Our cultures seem very similar, and our disciplines of mind combined with the mastery of body you speak of would make a formidable union.

"Hai, we have a similar beverage you speak of served in the very inn I speak. 'Tis made from a similar crop as the rice used in sake, although it is a strain particular to this land. It is said that should you withstand 3 tumblers of it in succession without falling over or passing out then the fortunes will smile on you for the remainder of your life. I have managed just over two, and would be honoured if you all would join me for this ritual"

Posted By: Vishanti
::Drakars watches the Dragon Guards body slump to the ground and the entrance of so many
newcomers. Listening to the conversation he looks about wondering exactly how only
one Dragon Guard would be pursing Matsuo. Tucking the chord back into the many folds of
his cloak his ears perk up::

Saito! Ju L'yan! Silence!

::Drakar kneels down on one knee, his hand plunged deep in the earth::

We are no longer alone....

::No sooner do the words come out of his mouth does the party find themselves surrounded by
dozens of Dragon guards, each armed to the teeth. Their faces masks their purpose, but the swords
and arrows that they weild do not::

Were out numbered nearly 4 to 1....
The kind of odds I like...

::His hand on the Darksword, Drakar prepares to make his closest enemy headless, but
then the sound of ages chanting in the background cause him to halt. Looking directly behind Matsuo,
are the vague outlines of several warlocks, of unknown order. The spells on their lips cannot be good....::

"We need teamwork people!", are the last words out of Drakar's mouth as the hilt of the
Darksword slams into the mouth of the closet Dragon gaurd.

Posted By: Zenobia II
"Leave the warlocks to me" as Ju L'yan strabs on the Rictus mask with just two sweeps of his hands. Starting off instantly into a sprint he heads directly past Saito and through the Dragon Guard. With a knife through the first's eye slits he vaults over the guard's head, gouging out the face into the helmwhich keeps the face from falling. First mashed potato as the body doesn't realise the trauma caused, then crimson blossoms forth. As Ju lands his left spike adorned boot in the chest of the next he then travels with feet at head level, using their bodies as a walkway while they still stand carving a path towards the chant. Ju finally lands before them, one already falling as the body realises before the brain that it has nothing to hold itself up as the shins topple towards a different compass point to the body having taken a permanent vacation from the host. (OOC, next! =D)

Posted By: Kashuka
Matsuo Gorlagos takes this all in stride, he had expected death when facing the elite Dragon Guard. Instead he had found numerous allies waiting around the corner. Smiling gently he acknowledges each of their comment politely.
"Thank you all for your assisstance, but I'm a fraid that the Dragon Guards were not after me personally. But my dear friend, Kahlan Odell."
He is interrupted by the dozen or so Dragon Guards that burst from the forest. In a matter of seconds, he rears the massive claymore high into the sky and charges at the nearest adversary. Swinging wildly but quite acurately he meets the Dragon Guard blow for blow with his claymore. In a twist of fate the Dragon Guard slips on a nice patch of mud and his defense is momentarily let down. Charging forward offensively Matsuo impales the man on his sword.

Posted By: Shinsengumi
**A smile reappears on Saito's face. His eyes light up like I childs in a toy store**

HAHAHAHAHA! What a wonderful night for battle.

**Saito pushes the hilt of his sword down hitting a dragon gaurd that was behind him. He charges forward at a dragon gaurd who slashes at Saito. Using quick reflexes, Saito flips to one side. As he lands, he pulls his katana out of its scabard slicing the dragon gaurd in half at the same time**

I haven't used this attack in a long time.

**Saito lifts his sword horizontally over his head. He stretches his other hand out in front of him. A gaurd charges at him and with a smile on his face, he charges towards the gaurd. The katana buries itself in the dragon gaurds shoulder**

$hit...I missed.

**Quickly, Saito turns his sword and cuts his way through the gaurds body. He flips over a gaurds head and lands on anothers shoulders. He buries his katana deep in to the gaurds head**

I think I'll stay with Matsuo as long as he's being followed by these gaurds. They're quite fun:)

Posted By: Vishanti
::Drakar smiles as he watches the newly met warriors and hold onto the Darksword tight.
Looking into the helmet of the Dragon Guard whose jaw he just shattered, he can see
the approach of another from behind::
" Niard Ecrof Efil!", he yells as he plunges the now glowing Darksword into his body.
The Darksword goes through the guard entirely, and altough you dont notice it now,
you see that no blood is spilled. Instead, the guards facial features contort and twist, and it
seems as if his very blood is being sucked from his body. His flesh strected taut over his skin
untill it finally falls off, leaving a withering husk on the ground. Drakar's eyes glow red breifly
as the sword finishes absorbing the fallen foe's strength.
" Hsiugniler!" He yells as the potential energy shoots forth from the sword and
slams into the body of an airborne Guard. The impact drives him into a tree, with a gaping hole
where his intestines used to be, suspended by some unknown force.::

::Panting slightly, Drakar looks up at the sky, the rain no longer falling. Why dont you finish explaining
to us what exactly is going on Matsuo::

Posted By: Unluck Charm
"Crap, Im to smal fer these odds... Ill support ya from above" Sir Sporksalot yells as he disapears.

Suddenly arrow after arrow rains from the tree's... before the guards know what is happening three are down dead.

"Ahh outa arrows... never ye mind, Ill join in down there"

shrugging his chances off, Sir Sporksalot appears yet again on the ground with his trusty dagger, as a Guard charges him, he vanishes in thin air, appearing on the back of the guard, and burying the dagger deep in the mans back.

"How many more!?!" HE yells, watching the real fighters, his temporary allies, defeat guard after guard.

Posted By: Zenobia II
"Who are these?" yells Ju L'yan as the warlocks seem to concentrate on the nearest threat, being Ju himself. Their chanting gets faster as the previous incantation seems to have been abandoned.

As Ju dispatches another warlock with a deft knife-hand through the hood of its cloak, the rest are suddenly armed with large spears that glow with a green hue. The viscious heads are almost as long as a forearm and the wield them with a practice not thought of by one that practice the magicks. With numerous deft thrusts and swings it appears that Ju is caged tightly within the polearms, like tentacle the grip about his person whilst still stock straight. "Like our paintings of heroic battle" thinks Ju as he throws out his arm and relinquishes hold on his weapon, imbedding itself heavily into a warlocks now corpse. They twist and strain again and one spear head finds purchase and sinks into Ju's side. With a primal yell Ju hooks and locks his arms under and over the polearms and rises to his feet and spins, lifting the warlocks off the ground and wafting like obscene flags in the wind. Ju then manuvuers to a tree and belt each warlock into it, snapping each respective spear until the momentum leaves them with only one by which he then flicks into the melee nearby. The chaos should find that warlock quickly dead. Ju removes the spear and uses it on the only live warlock left by first jabbing through each shoulder and jiggling, then pinning it to the ground through its thigh. (OOC, next)

Posted By: Kashuka
Matsuo pants as he watches each of his allies take down the Dragon Guards easily. The elite of the elite, Dragon Guards were the best you could get. Looks like he had found people better. Much better.
With the battle finally finished Matsuo looks at his allies with a small smile on his face.
"I am Matsuo Gorlagos and on behalf of the nation of Kashuka I thank you all for your assisstance."
Matsuo senses that they wish to know more, perhaps the reasons for his pursuers to actually pursue him. He tries his best to clarify.
"I am the King of my kingdom, Kashuka. Kashuka is a large kingdom and we have many other nations under our protection. But several weeks ago I noticed a change in my elite bodyguards, they were named after the palace for which they once protected. The Dragon Palace, hence my bodyguards were called Dragon Guards." Matsuo paused for a second, trying his best to put his situation into words. "By the time I really understood what the change they had undergone was, I had a complete and utter revolution on my hands. One of the higher Nobles of my council, Wiegraf Welshine, wrested control of my government from under me. In a matter of days my kingdom had become his. I managed to escape and Wiegraf, the man responsible for this decided it would be the most humorous irony to send my former bodyguards as my current assassins."
Matsuo stopped in the middle of the explanation to think things through. He sheathed his claymore to his back once again and concluded with this.
"I had exactly a hundred Dragon Guards as my bodyguards. I personally have dealt with seven, and only those because I caught them alone. You, my friends, have utterly killed thirty-three, including ten out of twenty of Wiegraf's personal Blood Warlocks."
"I once again thank you. I cannot ask any of you to continue onward with me but if you wish, I could possibly recruit you fine warriors as my new Phoenix Army. That was what Kashuka's main army was called."

Posted By: Vishanti
::Drakar listens intently, and nods::

Hmmm, I prefer to lead armies than work under them. Either that or work alone....

::He turns to the other warriors::

What do you all think, I do believe we worked quite well together....

Posted By: Kashuka
"Perhaps...yes, the scent of a reward might intrigue you warriors to my vailant cause. I intend to defeat Wiegraf and regain control of my kingdom. Once done, I will be sure to reward each of you with one thing you want. A pile gold, your own small estate, you name it. Just help me rid Kashuka of Wiegraf and my corrupt bodyguards."

Posted By: Zenobia II
*Looks at Drakar with a smirk*

"Always looking for reward, eh Drakar?" *turns to the others*

"Well, I shall take up the quest for no reward than other to know that a rightful ruler takes up his throne again. But I do this on one provisio; That should I recieve news that Zenobia require me again in the war against Drakar's forces then none here should think less of me should I depart for those most beustiful caves. This should prove interesting. The leader of the opposing alliance fighting alongside the Messenger of the Silken Order of Zenobia."

Posted By: Shinsengumi
Heh, I was only doin this for fun. I'll fight along side long as I'm in battle, it doesn't matter if I'm leading or being lead.

**He cleans the blood off his sword using a dead dragon gaurd and returns it back in its scabard. A smile appears on his face as he looks at the group**

So...who shall we be killing next?

Posted By: Unluck Charm
Sir Sporksalot entertains himself by looking through all the Dragon Guards pockets, looting everything for his own while he listens to the conversations. "Ahh my followers can take care of themselves. And I got notin better ta do. All I ask for in return is free passage through yer Castles and barraks, and any place I could have fun screwing with yer men and followers... I get dat, ya get my dagger by yer side."

Posted By: Kashuka
"That part is easy..." Matsuo replies with a wide grin. "First we kill the rest of my ex-bodyguards, which by the way should be showing up anytime soon and then we go for Wiegraf."
"The odds will be stacked high against us but after seeing you all in combat, I am quite confident that we can handle sixty Dragon Guards and twenty Blood Warlocks." His grin widens.
Matsuo then takes the white poncho off, exposing his real outfit. Clad in a plain breatplate and wearing a mud-stained green uniform, Matsuo is the perfect image of a battle weary soldier and it takes a while for it sink in that this humble looking man is the King of an entire kingdom. The only thing that looks out of place on his ordinary person in a bright green tattoo on his right hand palm, the tattoo simply says "Tak'Nar"
"I imagine." Matsuo Gorlagos continues. "That the rest of the Dragon Guards will be arriving shortly, they are quite relentless when they are given a command, they follow it till the last man is standing."
Matsuo then calmly walks over to a massive oak and leans against it, hiding his person in the shadows. He motions for the others to do the same.
"We shall set an ambush."
Matsuo's eyes gleamed with the fierce fire of revenge and retribution.

Posted By: Zenobia II
*Ju L'yan takes a quick look around for a suitable spot, and finds one in the trees*

Posted By: Unluck Charm
Sir Sporksalot watches as everyone begins to hide, shrugs, and lays down in the middle of the clearing.

Posted By: Shinsengumi

**Saito takes a few steps backwards until he is hidden in the shadows. A sudden rustle in the trees reveals where he is hiding. The silence throughout the woods marks the coming of battle, a sound that Saito is apparently fond of**

As soon as everyone is properly hidden Matsuo looks at the tattoo on his hand, his face a mask of indecision. If he summons Tak'nar for this battle then its power would be weakened for his confrontation with Wiegraf.

But Matsuo isn't given much time to debate, the brush rustles and our emerges ten Dragon Guards, followed by another ten and another and so forth, the twenty Blood Warlocks bring up the rear.

Matsuo pulls his claymore from its sheath on his back and circles around the oak, careful not to let the Guards notice the movement.

He waits silently until all 80 of his assassins are in the relatively large clearing and then he pulls out the item from which he was waiting to use. A small sphere the size of his fist. He depresses an invisible button and hurls the sphere right into the middle of the Dragon Guards, being careful to do so from the cover of the shadows so they could not see the point of orgin.

In mere seconds a powerful explosion rocks the very ground and well over twenty Dragon Guards are flung clean off their feet and into the air. Many are missing body parts others are scorched by the sphere's powerful blast.

The Blood Warlocks, which did not take damage from the "grenade" begin to mumble arcane chants, obviously preparing a massive magical barrage or perhaps a helpful barrier of some sort.

Posted By: Shinsengumi
**A shadow falls behind the Blood Warlocks. You see him rise slowly behind one of the Warlocks with a huge smile on is face just before he cuts the Warlocks throat. The other Warlocks didn't seem to have noticed him and again he's in the shadows choosing his next target**

Posted By: Zenobia II
*Almost like an echo Ju L'yan repeats the same tactic, slitting the throat of one then slinking back into sahdow that originates from no obstruction from light.*

Posted By: Unluck Charm
Sir Sporksalot takes out his trusty dagger and takes to the fray. Appearing on the back of a guard, he begins to temp another into attacking him. And finally as the guard gives in to cutting Spork off his fellows back, Sir Sporksalot dissapears, the guards sword slicing clean through his allie.

"Idiots these lads are!"

Posted By: Kashuka
The Blood Warlocks, by some magical means, seem to locate Matsuo's position.

Their chanting stops and the dozen or so left stretch out their left hands and point them at the massive oak, the exact one that Matsuo is hiding behind.

Matsuo peers around the corner of the tree just in time to see bright balls of energy the color of blood form at the ends of a dozen outstretched arms.

"Holy s..."The rest is lost in the explosion as the energy balls release from thier casters and streak towards the massive tree. They smack into the oak, at first doing nothing but imbedding themselves into the tree. Then a small whining noise fills the clearing and each energy ball explodes, each having the same sheer power of Matsuo's sphere.

In a bright column of red energy the oak tree is completely destroyed.

The Warlocks seem to grin a ghastly grin and focus their magical energies else where, attempting to magically locate their other sneaky attackers. Once again, they begin to chant the exact same magical words.

Posted By: Vishanti
::Drakar watches all of them together, wondering exactly why he is here. Once the attack
begins, he slinks into the shadows, using his magic to blind him from the enemies eye.
Once not used to sulking in darkness, he nearly stumbles in front one of the conjuring
warlocks, who is oblivous to him. Cursing silently, he calmy slices his throat as he continues circling
the encampment. His eyes watch Zenobia, whom Vishanti is currently wishing to destroy.
Should he put aside those intentions and plans and join this one in this battle?
Gold had no meaning to Drakar. Only power. But yet he has heard rumors....
And curiosity has gotten the best of him. Backing away, he slinks behind another nearby guard,
and draws his Darksword. Preparing to drain the warlock of its power Drakar gasps in pain.
Dropping to one knee he pulls an arrow out of his mythril breastplate. Somehow it penetrated
all the way through. Sniffing it, Drakar eyes narrow as he smells the scent of poison. Looking
up, he can barely make out some type of creatures firing arrows down at the party. The odd thing
is, they seem to have no aim, firing at Matsuo's party and the warlocks alike....

His vision blurring, Drakar backs into a tree and watches arrows home in on their targets...
He almost smiles as he sees one aiming straight for Zenobia's neck...

OOC:Sorry guys, but I'm tired of all this "friendly" rp :)

Posted By: Zenobia II
Ju L'yan senses rather than sees something headed toward him. As if from nowhere the cloak and hood he was wearing has been detached and swirled in mid air, catching the bolt in mid flight. Cursing as he is now exposed he jumps and spins with boot outstretched, catching and wrenching one warlock's head round at a sickening angle. Ju L'yan continues his upward path and catches a creature of fangs and claws, holding a bizarre bow of almost alien origin dressed in leather and straps. Using his momentum Ju runs up the remainder of the tree and places his hand over the top and behind this vampiric creature's head. The tiger claw palm spikes dig deep in the base of the skull, and with a firm hold Ju L'yan rams his spike shod knee home up and through it's skull, leaving a pinkish-grey cloud of brain matter. Ju Spots others in the trees and goes to work.

Posted By: Kashuka
(OOC, Matsuo is temporaily out ic so I'll just play the part of the Warlocks and remaining guards until he regains conciousness)

The Warlocks whirl around, never faltering in their magical chanting even though they lost 2 more. A single Warlock, seeming to hear a creature's scream looks up and spots some kind of warrior literally bashing a creature's brains.

His spell finally ready for releash the Warlock stretches out his arms and another Blood Energy Ball forms. He takes aim only in the general area of the gruesome warrior and releases. The energy ball already streaking towards the ghastly sight.

His fellow Warlocks take aim at different targets. Several of the same creatures that are quickly taking down the Dragon Guards from the safety of the trees are now greeted by energy balls streaking towards them.

In a matter of seconds the entire upper canopy of the forest erupts in a massive explosion that almost, if not completely, destroys the unknown creatures.

Taking stock of their numbers the remaining Warlocks stop chanting and move into the middle of the clearing where only
twenty Dragon Guards remain. They form a protective square formation in hopes of simply surviving.

No more than thirty of their once eighty man army remains to defend themselves.

Posted By: Unluck Charm
Sir Sporksalot manages to dodge the arrows and energy balls, running for his small life, he catches sight of one of the creatures in the Trees. And he dissapears yet again this time landing on the creatures shoulders and renching his head sideways, snaping the neck.

"Odd where did these buggers come from?" he says to himself.

But something odd catches his eyes, before he can really think about the creatures. A blue ball of energy flys Drakar revealing him from the shadows giving Spork just enough time to see the gleem in Drakars eyes, and see where he is staring. Sir Sporksalot watches in horror realizing his good friend Ju L'yan is about to be shot. He acts fast, in one teleport he has a Dragon Guards shield, and less than half a second later he is ontop of Ju L'yan a poisonous arrow deep in the shield. "Watch yer arse!" he yells at Ju L'yan and teleports away back to his tree.

"How odd, why did Drakar seem so happy, and not do anything about the arrow? I musn't let him know I saw him. Keep calm and worry about keeping your allies alive, then investigate more... just remember Drakar can't know this" he thinks to himself.

Posted By: Unluck Charm
(OOC crap guys, Im sorry I really screwed that one up, didn't realize Zenobia had caught the arrow... dang my lack of attention... am I forgived?)

Posted By: Shinsengumi
**Trying to avoid the explosions around him, Saito runs accross the tree tops. He comes to a stop thinking he's safe, but a blood energy ball comes wizzing past his face exploding on a nearby tree. Luckily the ball missed him, but the explosion scorched his leg**

Urgh...dam warlocks.

**In a rage, Saito hops from tree to tree. The warlocks stood in the field chanting when out from the trees came Saito. He lands on top of one of the warlocks burying his katana deep in to the mans shoulder. He spins around quickly with his sword stretched out dicapitating another three warlocks. The dragon gaurds notice what's going on behind them, but it was too late for one of them. Saito's eyes had gotten empty. His feelings are gone. Now, he's not only killing, but destroying the very soul of his victims**

Posted By: Kashuka
Several Dragon Guards come towards Saito, their long sword unsheathed. Two of them charge forward towards the right attacking hard and fast while another three flank him on the left strking quickly and deadly.

With only two Warlocks left and the rest of the Dragon Guards now in the defesive square in the middle of the clearing it seems that the ambushing allies have the edge on the assassins. That is, until the last Warlocks bend low and behind the remaining eight Dragon Guards (Except for the five attacking Saito) and begin to chant desperately. Obviously, since they hide behind the Dragon Guards, the spell must not need to be aimed.

Posted By: Unluck Charm
Sir Sporksalot watches the mages in the middle of the square, and finally realizes what they are doing. He himself can teleport on a whem, but other mages can use magic to do it. This is what the mages were doing.

"I can't let them get away, they will tell our enemies where we are."

Sir Sporksalot looks around desperatly for a weapon better than his dagger, but can't find one he can weild. Except, for one of the strange creatures bows. This he takes up in arms, and pulls back back his arrows, release. And one mage goes down. He then repeats this process untill the last remaining mages are gone.

Posted By: Shinsengumi
**With the gaurds around him dead, blood dripping down his sword, Saito passes out. His eyes are now normal and his breathing is erratic. The puddles of was still deep within a dragon gaurd**

Posted By: Shinsengumi
OOC: Just correcting a mistake. That's puddles of blood.

Posted By: Shinsengumi
OOC: I just noticed this now. I screwed that up bad. Let me redo it k.

**The gaurds around him were dead, blood was dripping down his sword. His eyes are now normal and his breathing becomes erratic before he passes out. The puddles of blood were so deep that Saito was drowning in it**

Posted By: Kashuka
Before Saito actually drowns in a most ghastly way, strong hands life by the shoulders and drag him into the protective barrier of the brush.
Matsuo bends down and examines his fallen comrade quickly, making sure that no wounds caused his collapse.
Now satisfied that his friend was not mortally wounded, Matsuo stands up and looks to the rest of the Dragon Guards. He growls deep within his throat, surprised at how animal it sounds, and charges out of the brush, his 48" inch claymore swishing wildly in the air.