History of Kloriean

While in Kloriean you deside to take a visit to the castle. You say you wish to learn of the history of this beautiful kingdom. A servant takes your cloak and travel bag, and another leads you down a grand hall. The ceilings are high, and the place is ovbiously well kept for visitors.

You are lead into a large room. The walls are filled with books, and huge stained glass windows floods the room with moonlight. The fire place is lit and a woman sits in a large chair sipping a 7up and watching the flames. There is a table a across the room from her, it is massive and has 2 benches, one on either of the long sides for people to sit. There are candles, scrolls, and books covering its serface. A man sits writting and copying a book. He sees you and motions for you to join him. You do so, a serving woman setting hot cups of cocoa down for each of you. The man takes a sip and smiles.

"You have come to learn of the history of Kloriean and Lady Panoyiza?" The man asks you.

"Yes, can you tell me it?" You ask hoping.

The man nods, removes his glasses and begins telling you of Kloriean...

In the lands of the gods and goddesses of the forgotten world a decision was made. The heavens were being over run by elder gods, and new blood was needed. So the goddess known as Tinker was born as well as a sister, named Panoyiza. Tinker was to be the goddess of passages. Helping mortals in their passage through fw and also passages of writing. Panoyiza was to be the goddess of reason, and was ment to help mortals in their judgments. Knowing Panoyiza and Tinker would be working often with mortals they were sent to the universe of Dan, by Du'Keni the head god at the time, to a king and queen known as Seleno. They lived with honor in a valley known as Kloriean, the valley was named after the god of nobility.

The girls were raised as if they were the blood daughters of the Seleno king and queen. When Tinker and Panoyiza were to return to the heavens a local merchants son fell in love with Tinker. He found her beautiful and wanted to court her for marriage. Tinker was fond of Alcrub, but knew of her destiny waiting for her in the heavens. Once Tinker and Panoyiza had left Kloriean, Alcrub became very angry with Tinker. Alcrub later turned fully to his evil ways and now leads a kingdom of thieves. They thrive on their longing to destroy Tinker, the Seleno Family, and Tinker's followers.

Upon returning to the heavens it was found the Queen Seleno was pregnant. Tinker proclaimed that the child was to be named Ahn Ifena or "the prophet" in her language. Ifena would be a prophet for all of the realms, and would speak of the wisdom Tinker holds. During the pregnancy King Seleno went into war with another kingdom over trading disputes. It was supposed to be over quickly, but the king was killed in battle. Queen Seleno became crippled from grief and very ill. Panoyiza went beck to Kloriean to keep the order while the queen was ill, and until she had regained her strength. Not long after giving birth to Ifena, Queen Seleno died.

Ifena was too young to assume the throne, so Panoyiza took it and claimed Kloriean hers. Tinker took Ifena to the heavens and raised her there, as an apprentice.

Panoyiza resides in Dan still, finding it most rewarding to be leading a kingdom directly. She heads the Sagittarius Offensive Alliance or:

Also she is the Arch Mage of the Trained Professional Idiots council, known as:


Panoyiza honours her past title of Lady Knight Commander of the Silver Orb, knighted by King Garath, and served under him, Queen Sirse, and King Ul-fa. The royal family has left the land of Shadowmere but their values have been engraved into her soul. She now carries their memories with her and honours their keeps her promise of protecting the realm from evil.

The man puts his glasses back on and goes back to his work. A serving woman approachs you.

"Come this way," she motions towards the woman by the fireplace, "Lady Panoyiza, has requested that you stay the night here, out of the cold." You stand and look to the woman at the fireplace skeptically. She looks from the flames to you, her green eyes warm and friendly and smiles softly, and then turns back to the flames. The servant leads you back down the hall and up the stairs into a chamber room. Your cloak and things are all their in the room. You climb into the bed and go to sleep, resting peacefully.

A portrait of Lady Panoyiza: