Nuclear Sunrise

Posted By:B.R.Citadel
*Garr'on heard the last sentry go by,It was just before dawn and he knew there wouldnt be another for 5 minutes, he needed to not waste a single second as his work was vital to the balance. The balance his freedom fighters looked to continue to fight for. He grimaced as his thoughts drifted to the scores of his friends who now lay buried for fighting for the cuase. His heart sank but he knew he had no time for sorrow as his mission was vital. Choking back the lump in his throat Garr'on came out from behind the building. He knew he would have to try and keep a low profile, even though he was like these ppl a minotuar. The uniform he had found on a skeloton outside the Citadel matched as an artilery officer. This was perfect for him, this must have been fate calling to him. He had to get to the cannon store house and the inner paremiter(sp oops) walls.

Heading down a back alley toward the eastern cannon battery he heard a patrol, quickly taking cover in a nearby door way, he patently waited them out. And then he was off again, with more speed. Thanking secretly that Barrak was able to get him a city map....also wishing barrak would be able to see what he was going to accomplish, wishing they both would see it, but knowing neather would. With heavy heart he continued on, the pack on his back tearing into his shoulders and weighing what seemed like 100 pounds heavier with every step.

Finnally at the eastern Battery, he knew this by the heavy smell of sulfur and gunpowder that hung in the air stinging his eyes and burning his lungs. Pushing the huge Iron door open he crept inside and hurridely shut the doors behind himself. setting the pack down from off his back Garr'on took out a small incenderary device and some wirring and quickly got to wireing it to the nearest drums off gunpowder. Knowing that this room was compartmently Garr'on knew he would have to wire several of these devices to do enough damage to the eastern gates, hoping this would allow the freedom fighters acces through the eastern gates which overlooked Genoa and other subjicated provinces..

Everything wired and the timer set for 5 minutes, the time when the next patrol would come by, thus taking some of the gaurds with this infernal machinery. Garr'on headed for the door....he couldnt open it, and he couldnt stop the timer. Perhaps it was best that he die hear. At least he would know in his heart he had made it possible for his ppl to be free. "Long live the minotuarian people for we shall never be anyones slave...."
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1......There was a white hot light and a shockwave that knocked the wind out of him, as he fell to the ground burning alive and screaming for all he was worth. His mission was succesful.

Septh the Treacherous

PS pick part of the guard or the freedom fighters join in the battle, seeing as we're gonna reset in a few lets make thisa last cmon have some fun :)

Posted By:Alka~Reith
*Deep blue eyes staring blankly at a dark brown wooden ceiling. Deathly
white hands raise up has to touch the ceiling. But are stoped by a pair
of large silver handcuff chained to the carrige seat. Eyes close thinking
back to a time so long ago when the night was his time when all where
is prey. Slowly opening looking across his dismal cage. Surge of energy
beaconing him to break free and rejoin the night his home. But deeper in
his mind remains the feeling of dread and of hatred all vampires feel
when the sun is up. He can smell the light like a human would smell a rotting
corpse. It sicken him at the same time it frightens.*
*Rumbling wheels come to a halt. A horse lets out a sound of frustration.
Looking up Shadow the vampire can tell the horse smells him and for
the entire journey has been trouble for his captors. He alows a smile to
cross his face rembering the sound has he horse nearly kick off one of his
captors heads when they tired to rein him to the carrige. Sitting back looking
around hands clasp tightly around the chains. In his mind hes desided to take
a few of them before they kill him.*
*Then a loud bang erupts close to the right side of the carrige. His sense pick up
the approching shock wave before it hits. He throws himself forward onto the floor.
Just in time the middle of the carrige is ripped apart screams are heard. Next sec
the rest of the carrige flys across the small road smashing into two buidlings.
Shadow feels his chains snap has hes flung head first down an ally way. The
fall nocks him unconsious but safely in a dark ally way.*

Posted By:SawyerKilla
In a nutshell:
Sparky just guffed :P


Posted By:Sunrise
I don't wanna get nucleared!!!!

Posted By:Tragedy
-A white wolve with lavendar eyes and fur glazed with silver wakens suddenly from a loud boom screaming from a near by city. She stands and sniffs the dull frozen air. Smelling war she smiles and lets out a howl to her pack who sleeps a few yards again in a forest clearing. She races out of the forest towards the Citedal. At the road she sees a carrage, and feels death intoxicating in the air. Her stomach growls louly, so she decides to look thought the wreckage. Finding a lifeless minotaur she sighs, mino not bing her favorite meal. Howling again her pack comes to her side and hungrily devours the dead. Kere watches over them sensing something she has missed... she looks to the road and sees foot prints leading from the wreckage to the Citedal. Letting low a growl she leaves her pack, warning them to stay behind.

Entering the Citedal she is overwhelmed by the smells and sights of war. She carefully manuvers through the streets, searching for her brother, Septh. She moves into the heart of the Citedal and finds a palace, she can smell him inside. Two gaurds stands protecting an iron door. Kere shifts from her wolve form to human. She stands like an angel, with while hair and lavendar eyes. A white top covers her, and a skirt of the same material, slit up her thigh so she can move quickly as well. She emerges from a shadow, startling the gaurds.-

Hello, I am Kere, here to see my brother, Septh. -The two gaurds look at her skeptically, thinking she is an assassin. Before they can grasp their weapons she circles her fingers over their necks and crush their wind pipes. As they drop to the ground she smiles and takes the keys from one of the gaurds. She hears a band of FF coming close, and gets inside the walls of the Palace just before they turn the corner. Sighing with relief she continues her way through the halls and doors of the Palace, finding it more gaurded she she gets closer to her brother. 16 lifeless Gaurds later and she reaches him in his chambers, looking over the burning Citedal.-

Septh, -She smiles- what has happend?

Posted By:B.R.Citadel
*Hearing a Struggle outside the Dorrs to his personal studies, Septh gets up woobly from his 15th brandy and presses a lever. The Huge door opens inwards and behind it stands his sister in Human form.*
Oh hey sis
looking at him with fresh Minoturian blood on her White dress asks "What happened here?"
*Septh scraches his headI hab lezz den no clue i heardz a boom--- Looking behind her at the dead guards den ya showz ub....Iz dere sumptin goin on oud dere i should knowz boud.
*Just then he hears noises of cannon fire.*
Looking to Marius, Who ordad uze ub de cannonz? Marius is in a drunken stoper and can barely even open his eyes oh nebermand, you three stay hea in hea dond gum oud.
*Looking angrely at his sister at the money she has now cost him by dispatching of useful slaves Septh stumbles to his room and clumsily half hazardly puts his armor on and grabs the big club. He then heads for the front door stepping on and over guards getting more peeved.*
Damn ID whid ya killem all!!! you bedda replaze dem wid some ov dem dawgz ya gotz, while dey aind minos i could uze em.
*Heading out the front gate a Freedom Fighter runs smack into Septh as he see's buildings on fire and fights everywhere. Even this lowly Mino FF has blood on his sword. Septh Quickly before the FF can realize who it is he has bumped into bashes the mino over the head. With a sickly thud sound the mino sprawls to the floor.*
*Grabbing the Rally horn Septh blows into it hard. Almost imidately the walls and buildings come alive with Soldiers and townsfolk. They quickly get into regimented formations and head towards the middle of the city.*
* Once at his local, he has all the commanders who arent engaged reenforce those who are save three units who are to stop the Minos pouring through Eastgate. *
GO NOW GED DAM PUNIEZ SMASHUN GOODGOOD *With that he glances at his sister one more time kisses her on the forehead and hopes on the back of one of the Griffons, with club in hand he goes to help rally his troops and bash some heads, with the Air Scorpions at his back the battle starts to turn.....*

Septh the Treacherous

Posted By:Celer
A figure partly fades into view outside. Not fully opaque but mostly. She wears a dark, black and purple flowing dress without seams, she has a very sculptured precise face, with a dark complexion. She walks very precisely and without effort throughout the ruins

* thinking to herself, all those in the location can hear her thoughts --- been a long time - such rubble and destruction - ample time to awaken - will have a new beginning - ugh such vulgar surroundings - annoying sounds

* Glides into the main chamber

* her thoughts can be heard all around...but not aloud, only in your mind as like you would hear your own --- such infidels - I'll have to draw a following - HUNGER - should be easy - I must rise - ANGER - I must rise ---- the time is now

The figure fades out

Posted By:Alka~Reith
*Slowly stirring the dark form huddled in the allyway begins
to move. Short dreadlocks slowly wave back has Shadow
moves his head. His deep blue eyes searching across
the dark allyway. The smell of fresh blood fills his nostrils.
The sounds of battle the screams and final moans filling the
air. But even louder rings the heart beats growing faster
drumming in his head. Stroung but deathly pale arms
lift him up. Standing up right Shadow starts to stretch
out with his mind sensing the beings around him. A dark
soul pulls at the side of his consuoise with word of hate and
anger. Shadow focuses on this soul. Long strides bring him
to the end of the allyway. He looks out at the battle feild.

*A low hiss rumbles from his throat. A wont to join in the
carniage. To feed but the sunlight stands daunting him
an unbreachable barrier, his eternal enemy. Turning to
look down the side of the street. He slowly begins to slink
his way past the fight staying while out of the light. His
thoughts searching for this angry soul.*

Posted By:L'RenorCryso

KEEP IT UP GUYS, its been a pleasure to read all this stuff!!!

when melina started the RP for reset Heaven shall fall I saw ppl coming outta the woodwork in there (inc members of my own) that shocked me with their imagination and talents! here too, I see that, and it great to have some real spirit RP going on around! It has been thoroughly enjoyable,and hope to see much more of this in the future

WELL DONE PPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted By:B.R.Citadel
OOC ONLY TIME IN HERE OK 1 do not post OOCin here please it interuprts the flow. 2 ty very much Mn lol but these guys an me(at least most Kere and LS not sure who the other is but who cares i love more rpers) have been rping in SM for a while now. I would had kept it all in your thread but it seemed a lil exclusionary...sort of BR only to me, so i made my own (heh too much rp i got 3 places here and two on other sites!!!! bah i love it no matter what i say) and 3 keep it up, and i encurage more to join the thread post as much and as often as you like, just keep it in the setting and somewhat interactive with the players or a player bah you get what i mean.



Posted By:B.R.Citadel
*Septh Struggles to his feet, he looks to his left and see's the griffon dead, killed by crossbow fire. Cursing these foolish rebals Septh striagtens himself just to see three large minos headed straight for him.*

*Quickly ducking under the first attack and deftly reading the MidKinght Blade Septh thuds the left one acrosses the frontal region of his skull. The mino spins from the force and falls in a heap. Then almost simultaneously He thrusts Midknight into the belly of the middle one. As his hands are now occupied three more Minos serge foward and the four jump him. Cursing in three languages as he tries to fight off the aggressors Septh knows he is overwhelmed. Feeling the world close in about him and the lights grow dim. He can feel his energy ebbin and his strength failin.*

*In one last ditch effort to try and escape the now 6 aggressors Septh throws a short bit of gunpowder into the air, it acts as like a flare of sorts. It burns for a second, Septh can only hope someone comes to his rescue*


Posted By:Tragedy
-Seeing the minos attacking her brother Kere quickly shifts to Werewolve form. She howls in pain, the cracking of her bones as they twist and change. Standing about 10 feet tall she grabs two of the Minos and throws them easily into a wall. She rips her razor claws through the neck of one mino, dropping him dead. As the Minos begin to see her as a threat they leave Septh's body and come after her. She throws them from side to side like toys, her claws ripping their forms and spilling blood over the room. Once all the minos in the room lay unmoving on the floor she quickly moves a check infront of the door. Panting tired she goes to her brother, and shifts back to her human form.-

Septh -She looks at him with concern in her eyes- e are trapped here for now, do not go near the windows unarmored. The minos are quick with their arrows, but probably think we are dead.

Posted By:Alka~Reith
*Moving swiftly through the shadowed edge of a bloody, battle
torn street. Shadow makes his way toward the citadel. Where
the last remants of the soul hes been tracking lingers.*
*Smeiling a sweaty Mino drenched in orge blood. Eyes
focuse forward watching has the lone Mino strides his way.
A strange warhumm echos from the Minos throat. Has he
makes his way closer. A orge head gripped in his left hand
a axe in his right. The likely tool used on the resently
beheaded orge. Slinking back melting into the shadows. The
vampire waits eyeing his prey. A quick probe of the mind
to slight for the dull wighted mino to notice. Shadow checks
the warriors mind for any sign of alarm. Sensing none he
prepares to strike. Closer the mino strides unaware of the
mortal danger laying in wait before him. A swift leap. A quick
flick of a clawed hand across the throat. And the mino
stumbles back gurgling for breath. Unearhly stroung arms
carry off the mino farther back into a door way. Shadow
looks down at his prey. Fangs inch out mouth opens.
The mino looks up to facing his death. A low grunt escapes
his throat has the vampire locks down crushing his windpipe.
and begins to feed.*