History of the Sagittarius Offensive Alliance
~History of the Sagittarius Offensive Alliance~

The SOA started as two alliances. One being the Pax Centaurius, and the other being the Stellar Defensive. The Pax was owned by Sir Charon of Lapith, and the Stellar by Lady Panoyiza of Panoyiza Valley. Panoyiza and Charon met and became friends, they thought it would benefit all involved if they combined their alliances, and shared the leadership.

The pondered names and ideas for a long time, wanting the alliance to be perfect. The zodiac sign known as Sagittarius was a perfect name for the alliance. It was stellar, because it was related to the stars; and it was centaur related due to the fact that the symbol for sagittarius is a centaur. So the SDA (Sagittarius Defensive Alliance) was born.

Panoyiza did not pay much attention to the alliance for along time. While Charon took all the responsibility on his shoulders. Then Charon dissappeared from what was known at the time as Forgotten World. The SDA fell into utter chaos, and even faced a war. Panoyiza say the neglection she had towards the alliance and set to work rebuilding it.

As of a rebirth the SDA was also reborn, this time as the SOA, Sagittarius Offensive Alliance, as to fit with the changing times of Forgotten World, now known as Shadowmere. Panoyiza changed her kingdom name to Kloriean as to fit with her history. Charon we here word from every so often, but nothing consitant. We pray that one day he will return, and away his arrival happily.