Meeting With Spyderr

~You lay in your bed, with a candle lit, reading yourself off to sleep. The one of the doors on your balcony windows is open, the moon hangs in sky, glowing into your room. Dark clouds fill the sky, you do not notice the loss of the moonlight. Then a cool wind comes through the door, whispering across your skin of the fearce winter to come. You shiver a bit, and the candle which you read by blows out.

You finally notice the clouds on the moon, masking all in darkness. You began to remove yourself from your bed to shut the door, but ass you feet hit the cold floor the door blows shut. Out side thunder growls and moans, purring loudly across the sky. Lightening flashes, and the fire place, across the chamber from your bed lights. A womans figure is seen at the foot of your massive bed. A bolt of lightening booms, elluminating the room briefly. The a soft rain begins to fall, tapping at the windows, seeming to long to come in.

Your eyes focus on the woman, the curves of her body, short purple spiked hair, her smooth charcoal skin, and form fitting black leather appearl. Looking at her, your eyes travel to hers, they are a mezmerizing silver with lightening cast within them. She sits on the edge of your bed. Raising her hand you candle, once pure white, relits, now black. The woman crawls towards you, a feeling of calmness flows over your body, she takes you face, and cups it in her hands. She speaks softly, almost in a whisper.~

My child, I, Spyderr has come. To show you the perfection chaos holds. To bring the beauty of it into your mortal life. So you may hold it as your own way, living in perfection.

~Spyderr kisses your forehead, and strokes your cheek softly. She fades away, leaving a rose with black petals, frosted with silver.~