Interview Form

Answer however you wish. IMPORTANT NOTE: POP email service is required to send me the results. If you dont have it, then Edit/Select All on the page with what you've written and send it to my email address at the bottom of the page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Names of Characters, Real name also if desired:

What country do you live in?

What is your favorite type of music?

Name one person you admire in the real world.

How long have you been a part of Sm?

What is your favorite Sm race?

Who do you think is the best Sm player in general?

What would you do if you were in Dan's position?

What three changes would you make to the game? (Only Three)

If Sm were to go offline permanently in the nearby future what do you think the cause would be?

Would you pay to play Sm?

What are the three most special people you have met in Sm?

What do you like the most about Sm?

Do you think Sm is just a game?

Do you think Sm has changed your life? If so, how; and for better or for worse?

Is there anything else you would like to add?

What font color would you like to have?

