History of Carthage

Troile's History

Troile, Governor of Carthage.

The records of Troile's past are as arcane and mysterious as he is.

Nonetheless, there has been recovery of lost documents, and information has been gleamed from those few who know it. How accurate this information is, is anyone's guess. So I will leave you with what has been discovered and allow you to make your own conclusions. All that can be said for sure is, something unnatural must be prolonging his life, whatever that is can only be speculated at.

Time passed without event until the war of Carthage and Rome.

Troile awoke to a strange land. One of different nations, different customs, and strangeness.

He conversed with the small fae inhabiting the land of Carthage and set about leading them. For sometime he did this, quietly contemplating matters of his life and of this world. A new period of his life began when he met Charon. He set about increasing the prosperity of his kingdom. He also professed himself the Governor of his people, not just their leader or king. He travelled to many new lands, and met many new people.

About the same time as his first dealings with Charon, he also met someone else who has influenced his life very much, the goddess Tinker.

So he left the area of the world he was in, travelling half way across the world, taking his country, literally with him. Then another chapter of his life began to unfold.

There was a long period of inactivity by Troile. Not much is known of his dealings during this time. Although it is known that Troile had many dealings with Lady Panoyiza...but that is all that is known. A long time later history tracks him again.

Troile re-united with the Sagittarius Alliance and became the Archon to the Lady Panoyiza, who is now soley leading the alliance since Charon's mysterious disappearance. After a lapse of presence the Sagittarius Alliance has revived and it seems that Troile will be present with it for a long time.

That has brought us to the present.