Frank Drake 0 -1 4 10 5 20 4 10 4 10 5 20 5 20 6 30 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 Detective/Espionage Electronics Tinkering/repair Leadership* Occult Lore 3 Hero Group-Midnight Sons Various vampire hunters Dr. Strange None. end description EXORCIST: --OCCULT DETECTION: MN --RESISTANCE TO ELECTRICITY: EX --Mat Str. OF RM --WEAKNESS DETECTION:UN --WEAKNESS CREATION: UN --->Both work at the same time. -Takes two rounds to ANALYZE target for each shot. -If target is ANALYZED and hit Target recieves ShZ damage. Exorocist has a RM chance of getting the right pattern If target is not analyzed judge decides what happens (make it interesting) -Exorcist must be recharged after every five shots. Recharge at home or with some oterh energy source (Jumper cables), takes three rounds to recharge. end equipment please be sure to give me credit for my work, do not steal my work or my links. thanx this file created by Chris schmitz end history 50 70