Villain Name: Nathaniel Essex Given Name: Mr. Sinister () Fighting: Remarkable (30) Agility: Excellent (20) Strength: Incredible (40) Endurance: Monstrous (75) Reason: Incredible (40) Intuition: Remarkable (30) Psyche: Unearthly (100) Health: 165 Karma: 170 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: Feeble (0) Age: Gender: Male Height: Weight: Skin Color: biological metal skin Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Red POWERS: Invulnerability: Mr.Sinister can control the flow of his body molecules in such extend
that he suffers -1 CS damage in addition to body armor of Rm rank. (Unearthly) P9: Regeneration* (2 per round) (Excellent) Recovery: 1 endurance rank per day (Unearthly) M32: Telepathy (includes force bolts, force shields, mental block-a conditioning
over 2 years which prevents the subject from ever hurting Essex) (Unearthly) Erase/Implant memories: uninterrupted concentration for 2 rounds. (Unearthly) Astral Travel: Sinister has +2CS in astral space. (Amazing) S18: Imitation-Human Changeling (takes form of human) (Monstrous) TALENTS: Medicine* Engineering Psychiatry Bio-Chemistry Genetics Cloning Computers, Electronics, Resist Domination Leadership* CONTACTS: Nathaniel Essex has no Contacts. Secret Base: Sinister can mentally control every aspect of his base and form
restrains or weapons with Mn ability. Mutant Detection Device: Un