Hero Name: Not-So-Evel Given Name: (Angel) Fighting: Monstrous (75) Agility: Incredible (40) Strength: Unearthly (100) Endurance: Unearthly (100) Reason: Incredible (40) Intuition: Amazing (50) Psyche: Class 5000 (5000) Health: 315 Karma: 190 Resources: Feeble (0) Popularity: Feeble (0) Age: dead Gender: Male Height: 6'3" Weight: 300 Skin Color: White Hair Color: Black Eye Color: white POWERS: T21: True Flight (wings) (Shift Z) T12: Resist: Magic (Class 1000) Immortality-upon death reappears in heaven (does not age) (Beyond) Resistance to toxins/corrosives/disease (Shift X) Plauge creation (Excellent) M23: Postcognition (Excellent) Mind reading (Excellent) May leave Physical plane of existence (gives invisiblity power) (Unearthly) no need to eat/breath/sleep (Amazing) TALENTS: Sharp Weapons Weapons Specialist* (angelic sword) Religions Music CONTACTS: Michael God Army of Heaven DESCRIPTION: Looks like a Monk straight out of the monastary while in his robes. Looks like an angel when disrobed. EQUIPMENT: Two handed-Sword: CL5000 Material strength, may inflict up to +1CS STR with it. Also inflicts RM electrical damage if the wielder so desires. May only be wielded by one pure in heart. This sword may be transformed into a bible by the owner. Monks robes. Wears a very long brown hooded robe-this is used to conceal his wings as the hood is large and bulky. Has an attached crucifix dangling from the garment. HISTORY: After his death, Evel wished to join the ranks of the Arch-Angels in Heaven. First, however, he must be tested, since he is only a human and they are generally not permitted to do this. He has thus three major things he must do while on Earth: 1-prevent Evil where it happens; 2-kill Demi-Gods where they exist on this plane of existence; 3-Do all that may be done to further the salvation of those individuals in Satans' hold-especially including the Hellspawn known as Spawn. It is imperitive that Angela not be allowed to kill him as that will damn his soul forever. he wishes for salvation and has been granted free will on Earth, he is included under mission #3-and Angela must not be allowed to kill him--this will further Satan's (Malebolgia's) goals. Spawn must, however find this path to salvation on his own. He will lose all of his Karma if he commits a crime.