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Hero Name: Matrix ("Mae"), Linda Danvers
Given Name: Supergirl

Fighting: Amazing (50)
Agility: Amazing (50)
Strength: Unearthly (100)
Endurance: Unearthly (100)
Reason: Excellent (20)
Intuition: Amazing (50)
Psyche: Amazing (50)

Health: 300
Karma: 120
Resources: Amazing (50)
Popularity: Monstrous (75)

Gender: Female
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 140lbs
Skin Color: White
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue

T21: True Flight (Shift X)
P5: Hyper-Speed (Remarkable)
P1: Armor Skin (Incredible)
Resistances: fire, cold, heat, disease (Incredible)
Eye Beams (fire/heat) up to 10 areas (Monstrous)
Create flaming wings (Amazing)
PSI-Blast (force damage)-4 area range (Monstrous)

Occult Lore

Lex Luther (creator-alternate dimension)
(Cloned) Lex Luther (jr.)-love interest

As an earth-born angel, she can manifest wings of flame and project fire vision. 
Real Name: Matrix ("Mae"), Linda Danvers
Occupation: Adventurer
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
First Appearance: SUPERMAN #16 (April, 1988)

An artificial being created in a pocket universe, Supergirl came to our world and was 
raised by the Kents until setting out on her own. It was when she came upon the dying 
Linda Danvers that her life changed dramatically. Linda had been injured in a cult ritual, 
and having sworn an oath to Linda's parents that she would save their daughter, Supergirl
sacrificed herself by merging her protoplasmic body with Linda's.

The blending created a new and unusual entity. However, for Linda Danvers, who had fallen 
far from grace, it was an entrance into a world seen through the eyes of a being who only 
looks for the best in others. For Supergirl, it was a connection to humanity and the 
granting of a human soul — albeit a dark and flawed spirit which she was able to redeem 
through great effort.

Together, they are a new and powerful incarnation that is, quite simply, an earth-born 
angel. An angel on earth with wings of flame, serving to protect the interests of 
both mankind and God.

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