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The Maxx

Hero Name: Br'er Lappin 
Given Name: The Maxx

Fighting: Remarkable (30)
Agility: Good (10)
Strength: Amazing (50)
Endurance: Unearthly (100)
Reason: Poor (4)
Intuition: Typical (6)
Psyche: Excellent (20)

Health: 190
Karma: 30
Resources: Feeble (2)
Popularity: Shift 0 (0)

Age: ?
Gender: Male
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 230
Skin Color: White
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: white

P2: Body Resistance (Incredible)
F3: Natural Weaponry (claws for AM edged damage) (Amazing)
T9: Hyper-Leaping (Unearthly)


Julia Winters (social worker)

The Maxx flashes back to his Australian-out-back-nightmare where strange beasts
attack from the shadows! When not troubled by flashbacks, the Maxx spends his 
days as a mentally ill homeless man in New York, struggling to survive amidst 
the strange creeps that attack from the shadows of New York! With the aid of Julia
Winters, a social worker, the Maxx fights to maintain the middle ground between 
two insane worlds. 

Since he was the Maxx the series was originally about, Julie's Maxx is the one 
most commonly called simply "The Maxx." Before he became the Maxx, Dave was a bum 
who lived in an alley (although there are hints that that wasn't always the case). 
We don't know much about his identity, except that he seems to know an awful lot 
about plumbing and construction (we know he wasn't a plumber, though). He seems 
to have had desire to do good in the world and also to hide his face from the world, 
although it is unclear why he would want to hide.

One night Julie Winters hit him with her car, then covered him with alley trash 
and went on her way, burying him as she'd buried so many other problems. In 
the alley was an old floor lamp with a purple lampshade, and as she looked to 
see who she'd hit she knocked it over and through a wall into the Outback. Uncle 
Artie happened to be nearby and pushed it back through, then observed what happened 
next. Not even he knew what had enabled the lamp to break through into the other 
world -- some latent ability of Julie's or Dave's, or something about the lamp itself.
But Julie used the lampshade to cover Dave's head, and after she left something
strange happened. The material expanded to cover Dave's whole body, and from that
moment on he was the Maxx.

At some point the Maxx visited the Outback and got his claws by plunging his hands
 into volcanic lava. They emerged changed, bright yellow, leaving lava-spatter
 marks on his arms.

By the time the comic begins, something like three years later, the Maxx believes
he is a superhero, here to fight evil. He almost never succeeds in making a 
dent, though, and usually ends up in jail, where Julie bribes his way out, in her 
quest to save others from the streets.

More esoterically, when Julie covered him up, she also thrust a great deal of 
confusion upon Dave. The Maxx is the part of Julie that protects her, and it 
takes the form of a rabbit, her spirit animal, in the Outback. It is possible 
that the Maxx already existed inside her Outback, but when Dave became the Maxx,
the Maxx certainly began to exist in this world too, and Dave/Maxx began to switch
consciousness between the dream world and the real world, uncontrollably. This is
one of the reasons why he keeps getting arrested -- to others it appears that he
hallucinates and has seizures, and he talks out loud when he thinks he's
thinking to himself.

The Maxx is afraid to take off his mask, because he's afraid of what might be 
under it. In the Outback, he seems to be a rabbit under the costume, although the 
rabbit is really just Julie's projection. He appears to have removed the costume 
after the events of issues 1-20 played themselves out; he is dressed in street 
clothes and calling himself Dave when we see him again in issue 27.

The Maxx is short, but this could be because he's always hunched over. He is 
physically pretty strong and fast. He has a purple costume, huge brown shoes 
with some sort of round decoration on them, and yellow claws erupting from 
the backs of his hands. His mask, which covers his entire face, is purple and 
yellow with white teeth on the bottom. The mask apparently crawls, feeds off 
his face, and bites people if they touch the teeth. In the Outback he wears a 
straw headdress; in the real world only the fabric of his costume covers his 
head. His claws do not break and can cut through anything, as long as he's strong
enough to drive them through it. Since his costume is magical, it repairs itself
when it gets torn, and it may heal his wounds as well. If he tries, he can switch
voluntarily between the real world and the dream world, and he may or may not 
have some amount of the dream-power that Mr. Gone and Julie have. He is never 
fooled by Isz' disguises; he always sees them as Isz. His greatest liability 
seems to be his memory -- he tends to forget the real world when he's in the 
dream world, and vice-versa. This may, however, merely be what happens when 
anyone switches worlds involuntarily.

DL 4 Zan's Char. Gen.