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What is Sanlakas?

SANLAKAS is a nationwide multi-sectoral organization established to protect and advance the rights and welfare of the Filipino masses through their involvement in the mass movement. As such, we strive to set up mechanisms that will enable the people's aspirations and grievances to be heard and articulated. Through pressure politics, SANLAKAS also prods the government to address the people's fundamental concerns. We also respond to fundamental and critical issues such as sovereignty, civil liberties, human rights and democracy-- facets essential to our nation's well-being and the people's welfare. SANLAKAS is open to exploring all possible avenues for conflict resolution. Moreover, we see great opportunities in diversified courses of action, apart from and together with, the traditional forms of protests. As always, SANLAKAS seeks to find common ground with other leaders, organizations, recognized individuals, barangays and municipalities not only so that solutions to critical issues are found but that together may evolve a tapestry of mutually beneficial and equitable actions.

Our Guiding Principles

