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On Enlightenment

Educating members and
the rest of the people
of SANLAKAS vision and mission.

On Empowerment

Equpping members and the rest
of the people with knowledge,
skills, attitudes, means and
resources for political, economic
and cultural empowerment.

On Pursuing Governance

Assertion and attainment of reforms
within the existing system of government
while working for a just, democratic and
humane paradigm of governance.

On Promotion and Defense of People's Rights and Welfare

Involving and participating
on issues and struggle affecting
the lives of the Filipino people.

On Various Forms of Struggle

Explanation of and engangement
in creative, high impact and mass
mobilizing forms of struggle.

On SANLAKAS as a Major Political Force

Expansion and consolidation of SANLAKAS
towards gaining national and international
recognition as a strong pro-people and
progressive multi-sectoral organization.
