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Proteus (actually Alpha)


Male Humanoid Reploid

Bio: Proteus is among the first of all reploids, and unfortunately among the first of all Mavericks. Shortly after Dr. Cain began mass production of reploids, he was designed as the prototype for a new soldier and codenamed "Alpha." However, because of his repeated insubordination, his line was quickly discontinued and he was sentenced for deactivation. Foreseeing this, he escaped from his military prison and went into hiding. When Sigma initiated the first Maverick War, Alpha was originally supportive, even participating in several attacks against human cities. However, after seeing Sigma fail twice at the hands of X, his views began to change. By the end of the third Maverick War, Alpha started to reconsider why he was fighting, but the beginning of the Repliforce War for Independence sparked him back to his old Maverick ways. When discovering Sigma's involvement and instigation in the War for Independence, though, Alpha made a life-changing decision: he would leave his Maverick
ways forever.
A human friend of his offered to redesign him, but unknown to Alpha, his CPU was also tampered with. To let the new designs set in, the friend placed Alpha in a capsule. More than a hundred years later, he was found by several reploids involved in the Restoration project and reactivated. He discovered he had lost all
memories of who or what he was before being sealed
away and chose the name Proteus. After being informed of the events of the Omega, Gate, and Nightmare incidents, he is now devoted to stopping the Mavericks and their destructive ways, yet fully unaware of his own tainted past.

OoC Notes: The scientist friend was very interested in the past works of Dr. Light, especially his earliest creations, though most information is very vague. By giving Alpha his new look, it was something of a tribute to the scientist's idol, though he doesn't know who Proto Man actually as or his name.
The name similarities are by coincidence.


Buster Cannon/Laser
Titanium Armor

Upgrades: None

Lives: 4

Zenny: 5,000

Special Skills:

Image by DIN0B0T