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Rules Page for Medevil Times

I created Medevil Times to be as most realistic as posible but when i refer to realistic i mean in what happens to the players in the game.And so i may say to some and warn others that many things banned from other sites are allowed in mine,for example: Rape,Kidnap,a certain type of foul language and even death.(Prostitution may become acepted if the green light is given by the board,and thus with many aspects clear on the subject.) *If you find a rule that has been overlooked or that has been omitted contact SATAN.

The main Rules

1.No magic if not authorized.

2.The desition of death and the changing of a mortal to a vampire must be consulted with Asrael-god/deamon of Death.

3Rape although horrible it may seem is admitted(check Rape for rules).

4.For humans at the time of joining you must find a place to stay (owners of shops stay there as well as personnel.)

5.Foul language is admitted to an extent but with really thick words please abrev. like shown bellow. f*ck,shi*.etc

6.Advertizing only on the Advertizing Board

7.Post at the if you are leaving for vacations or you must quit.

10.Robberies and Kidnaps must be posted at the Missing?board to be valid.

11.Gods and special certified players must be posted at the Gods & Special certified player board to be valid.(if not then someone is power playing and contact Satan about it.)

12.Has an injustice been commited against you?take is to the Supreme Court of Justice.

13.Steals,kidnaps and other dissasters shall not be tooken aware of if affected player be on vacation but the vacation must be loged in on the going away board to be valid.

Rule Group

Breeding and human pregnancy
Building/owning homes,shops,etc