The Rules 1.To start a war onle of the Kingdoms must see the Gods at the Supreme Court.
2.If the god acnoledge the attac thene procede to send a proclemation of war with a mesenger to the oposing Kingdom.
3.Set a date of war to meet at the No Mans Lands.
4.Have Asrael notified to be at the date of battle.
5.Only soldiers,knights and other bodies of war may fight.
6.NO MAGIC is allowed.
7.You may Power play but it shall not count for anything.
8.If you have been hurt Asrael shall send you to the Hospital,If you do not take the advice you in the time he states if you do not take the advice you shall die.
9.If you are sent to the Hospital you must stay there at least for two days depending on how bad you have been hurt.
10.The war shall be one by the Kingdom who most has soldiers in the feilds after a certain time limit.Or by whom states the No Mans Land Keeper.