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About Me

Well, this is me!

NAME: Ken Nadack
DOB: 1981
HOBBIES: One of my favorite hobbies is reading books by Terry Goodkind. My other hobbies are watching Dragonball / Dragonball Z, Final Fantasy (and other RPG games), listening to music, and talking to my friends.

I don't know much about HTML, but I got this far with the help of Microsoft Front Page Express!


Now, a little more on my character. I first though of him way back in 1995 when I was in middle school. I just started with the name. Shard was such an interesting word, but I had no idea how he would turn out, like what race, how he acts, or anything about him. But everyone has to start somewhere, right? Well, anyways, as I progressed into high school I started to doodle a little more often and get more ideas. One of the first things I thought of was invisibility. It didn't work out too well, because it would be more interesting to have spikes. He'd have spikes all over his body! These were actually both inspired by my want for a lot of mean people to leave me alone, and turning invisible wouldn't mean they would leave me alone, just not see me. But spikes would be really intimidating. I started drawing people who had spikes on their head, legs, and arms but they didn't seem right. At first I thought of just being a black dragon, since dragons are such noble creatures, but they loose the ability to grasp objects like humans. A really good friend was into drawing "human dragon" creatures, and all of a sudden it clicked. Shard would be a humanoid dragon! So, now that I knew what race he would be, but how would he look? This took a long time. Not till after I graduated high school and was in college did I finally decide on his appearance. I was just going through my comics one day just looking through my Spawn comics not paying too much attention and then I started to think, "Wow, look how Spawn's eyes are glowing green. That's so cool! His hands glow with that mysterious green energy...all these cool powers. Hey! Why not take some of the cool things I like about Spawn and try them with Shard?" Well, anyways, that and the image of gars from The Sword of Truth series made me decide on Shard's glowinng green eyes and how Shard got a couple attacks!

This entire time (since I love playing games such as Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter) I was creating attacks. A few of them I've drawn out, but I haven't put them in here yet. And since I don't play Dungeons and Dragons, I wanted to find a way to use Shard other then keeping him in my head. So after being in Yahoo Chat for a couple months, one of my friends told me about role-playing inside the chat rooms. This was interesting, and also very challenging. The biggest drawback is EVERYONE wants god-like powers and cannot be hurt by anything. This was a big problem for Shard. Poison and venomous attacks are absorbed into his blood, which is no problem, but his major weakness was water (something found almost everywhere and it also falls from the sky! So it's a MAJOR weakness). Only when I started to role-play did I find out that a humanoid dragon was known as a draconian. And from what I hear, there are different kinds created different ways, but Shard didn't really fit into any specific category, so he is an unknown draconian breed. I also heard that draconians are from some books (Dragonlance books of some sort). And not until late 2000 did I decide to post him on the Internet because of a mishap (a minor technicality) of someone "killing" Shard (mostly because I believe the person was either new to role-playing or didn't see my abilities in my Yahoo profile). So, to end this dilemma I created what you see (and have been looking through hopefully)!

Only till recently did I think of transferring Shard to something more public, and let me know which you think would be best. First of all, a cartoon series. Something similar to Dragonball Z with all the fighting but it would get a little more into the story, and a little more gruesome fights. This would be good if somehow I can get animators, character voices, storyboard, so on and so fourth. Second, a movie. An animated on would be nice, but it would be mondo cool to see Shard "for real" on the big screen! A lot of special effects and makeup would go into it, but it would be worth seeing! Next, a book. If I ever become a decent writer, maybe someday I could write a book but I'd have to keep not only myself but the readers entertained (and I don't think I can do that). And finally, have Shard become a video game! Something along the lines of a fighting or role-playing game (much like my favorites)! I would also be deeply honored to see Shard's likeness (even as a boss or something) in any of the Final Fantasy series! The fighting game idea would be neat too, but with all his moves I'd have to get rid of a lot or he would have a ton of moves (which only a few people could memorize all the attacks) since each one would have different button combinations. Or, there is the chance he could be a hidden character or something for a Diablo III. The skill tree idea for Diablo II is really interesting, but Shard would still be missing some attacks (unless they expand the skill trees to a lot more). And I'm always open for new ideas, so let me know what you think!

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