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Shard's Stats

Name: Shard
was a black dragon before becoming unknown Draconian breed (humanoid dragon)
no specific age can be determined because of Shard being trapped and changed into a draconian
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 223 pounds
Wingspan: close to 12 feet total wingspan
Scales: black or silver
Eyes: glowing green that gets brighter as his anger increases
Blood Color: dark purple
Family: unknown if still alive, but is a decendant of Bahamut, king of the back dragons
Interesting Traits: has three stomachs that can digest about anything, including stones and metals. Also has two hearts and two pairs of lungs to increase oxygen intake and increased blood flow which allows him to change his body temperature.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths (with black scales)
POISON and VENOM attacks have little or no effect against Shard because he has an unusual ability to absorb these toxins and use them with his spikes. This also includes VIRUSES. Harmful forms of RADIATION seem to give Shard increased energy, while FIRE and ICE (or HEAT and COLD) attacks have no effect because of his ability to change his body temperature very rapidly. EXPLOSIONS, SHARP OBJECTS, WIND, and ACIDS are also almost useless against Shard because of his thick scaled hide.

WEAKNESSES (with black scales)
WATER attacks cause his toxins in his body to combine with the water, making them "leak out" of his body. This makes all his venom weaker and drains energy out of Shard. Enough water can cause Shard to pass out because of the sudden blast, and there is usually enough water in a bucket of water. When he runs completely out of toxins his body starts to shut down and he can die from it. ELECTRICITY attacks have a little more effect on Shard than a human, and if shocked with enough electricity, his blood changes chemicle state and will cause a part of him or his entire body to explode. Of course Shard can die of STARVATION and SUFFOCATION, and much like a human, PRESSURE, RESONANT FREQUENCY, PSYCHIC attacks, and BLUNT OBJECTS will hurt or even kill Shard.

STRENGTHS (with silver scales)
RADIATION bounces off his shiney silver scales. WATER no longer becomes a problem since he cannot make spikes or has any venom attacks (and he can even go into water because he gets gills at the sides of his neck). SHARP OBJECTS have even less effect because his scales become a lot stronger after he gets silver scales. ELECTRICITY travels right through him, so he doesn't even feel the effects of it. EXPLOSIONS do even less damage. WIND, FIRE, and ICE attacks still have a very small effect on him. With the silver scales it is almost impossible for Shard to SUFFOCATE, because he can breath even in space without a helmet!

WEAKNESSES (with silver scales)
VENOM and POISON attacks have a small effect, but they now do affect him. He can nnow show signs of sicknesses from VIRUSES, making viruses more effective. BLUNT OBJECTS do less damage but with enough force can hurt him. For some odd reason in this form, PSYCHIC attacks do almost 4x damage! Enough PRESSURE can crush Shard, while STARVATION and RESONANT FREQUENCY affect him the same.

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