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Squall Leonheart
Squall Leonheart, a student of Balamb Garden. A member of the exclusive SeeD army. Squall has mastered weilding the Gunblade, a talent shared with only one other student, Seifer.
Squall is very quiet. He hates to be bothered. He tries to act like he doesn't care about anything, but deep down he does. He sometimes says things to make people leave him alone, and he wont show emotion towards anyone.
Squall is very competitive with his partner Seifer. They are extremely violent in training, often injuring each other in the process. The scar on Squall's forehead is the result of a violent attack from Seifer.
Squall Leonheart is the main character. The story mostly revolves around him. He is a leader type, I guess. He learns little by little to speak his mind and not hold all of his emotions in on their journey. His feelings for a certain "Princess of the Timber Owls" Teach him to show his heart.
As Squall's journey progresses, he meets Rinoa, a beautiful woman with a dark secret. Squall doesn't exactly understand his feelings now, but soon he will meet destiny, and the fate of his love will rest on one decision he will be forced to make.