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-|- Valcache' Application -|-

Welcome to an online role playing game.
The experienced, and the fledgling are both welcome.
We have a large selection of classes and abilities for you to learn
and become a part of, if you wish.
Till then, your char is just a citizen in the Kingdom of Valcache'
We offer you a chance to be as creative as you can be
within the rules of the Kingdom.
Our dice system is different from other games so there will be no transfers.
To seek membership just fill out the application below,
and send it to:

Syan Rhysata and Kai Rhysata

:::::::::::::::::::: Cut and Paste Here::::::::::::::::::::

~ OOC ~

* Date :
* Screen Name (in small letters):
* By what name would you like Mun to be called? :
* How long have you been role playing? :
* How much time do you think you can put forth into Valcache? :
* Place X in one.
Age: [-18] ( )
[18+] ( )
* Can you proctor match's? :
* Are you willing to participate in any and all training needed to allow you to interact properly with the realm's population? :
* List all of the current Guilds or Forums you belong to. :
* Who recruited you? :

~ IC ~

* What is your Name? :
* What are your skills? :
* What weapons do you bring? :
* What is your Race and Mortality, [mortal, supernatural, immortal]? :
* What is your Alignment? :

~As a Member~

* When you join Valcache' you will begin at [2d20]. Then at the end of every week, on Fridays, you are to send in a Weekly Journal listing all the ways you have increased your power and wealth. (Match's, Quests, Special Abilities, etc.) This is the "only way" you will be listed on the roster which will come out every Sunday. No journal, no roster. No Roster, earned dice will not be accepted.

* Only when a [d90] is reached, do you have to turn in a Audit Sheet with the list of all your logs, receipts, gifts, and pays, to recieve your audit. You will then be asked to send in random logs by the auditor. Failure to do so, you will end up with no audit from Valcache. All Audit Sheets will be sent to Kai Rhysata.

* All Weekly Journals will be sent to Kai Rhysata, on fridays, every week.

* Also, if you get into trouble outside of the Kingdom of Valcache', you will handle it there. It is your business, your quest. If you die there, you do not die here. Only within the Kingdom of Valcache' will our laws be abided and judged over.

~The Vow~

I swear I have read all of the Laws and Bi-Laws of Valcache' and I understand them and will abide by them. I promise my loyalty to Valcache' and all of its members. To help anyone in need, and to treat others as I wish to be treated.
Date :

:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::

Disclaimer: Valcache’ is a Fantasy Realm of Role Play. Irresponsible behavior OOC will result in expulsion. The Founders of Valcache’ will not be held accountable for the repercussions of your actions. We welcome all to our game but warn you up front to play at your own risk. Our game is one intended for mature players. By accepting membership, you have agreed to accept any and all mail from Valcache'. To be removed, contact Kai Rhysata and within 48 hours it will be done.

®WindRunner Creations
All Rights Reserved