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Weekly Journal

[This is to be used to hand in a list of your spars, MS's, spells, gold, receipts...etc., you have done during the week.
You will hand one in every Friday, to be placed on the Roster by Sunday.
You will list each logs info in the format I have laid out for you below.
You will be responsible for your own XP and Gold you have earned for the week
by using the charts on the site.
And for the earnings during the week with receipts.
No logs are to be sent in,
only the record of them.
You are to save ALL Logs and Receipts for an Audit when you reach d90.
At that time you will hand in an Audit Sheet.
Then the Auditor will ask to see random logs on the list.
Failure to do so will result in no Audit.
Audits will be done within 7 mun days.
DO NOTsend your logs to Kai Rhysata, ONLY send in this sheet.]

REMEMBER:List each and every log in same format as shown.

------------------cut and paste here------------------

~ Log Sheet ~
Date You Joined Valcache':
[ SN ]
Date : [ ]
Registry Xp/Gold :
Present Dice____Xp____Gold____

~ Receipts ~

Name of File :
# :
For :
Total Xp :
Total Gold :


~ Mass Spar Win ~
][ 6 x #ppl -1 x HD ][

Name of File :
Mass Spar PS :
# Ppl. :
Proc :
Logger :
Total Xp :
Total Gold :


~ Mass Spar Loss ~
][ 3 x #ppl -1 x HD ][

Name of File :
Mass Spar PS :
#Ppl. :
Proc :
Total Xp :
Total Gold :


~ Spar Win ~
][ 6 x PS ][

Name of File :
Spar PS :
Proc :
Logger :
Total Xp :
Total Gold :


~ Spar Loss ~
][ 3 x PS ][

Name of File :
Spar PS :
Proc :
Logger :
Total Xp :
Total Gold :


The above is just an example of the ways to earn XP, and how to list them.
If the logs are DM. SM, HM, Spell, Knight Match, them just like the examples.

®WindRunner Creations
All Rights Reserved