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Babylon Evermore

Picture coming soon, promise!

Player Name: Adrienne Ammon
Race: Barbarian
Class: Rogue
Age: 16
Homeland: Greyhorn
Concept: Who knows?

Character History

       Babylon was born.  It’s as simple as that.  Her mother died during birth, leaving her to the care of her father and brother.  Her family trade was barrels.  Simple and necessary, nothing more than that.  But it was also boring.  Babylon showed no interest, and often spent time talking to her brother about adventuring.  LaVey never seemed to mind.  It was something to help pass the time while working.  Her father however called it nonsense and told her that it was not her place.

        Irritated, Babylon nagged her brother day in and out to teach her how to fight, and finally he gave in.  Together the two would go out into the night and fight in the woods until they were both exhausted.  LaVey repeatedly tried to teach his sister how to fight sword and board, and how she could fight on a front line, but she wouldn’t listen.  “Me too small,” was what she’d say when he asked why.  Eventually he just gave up and the night practices stopped.

        As the year began to end, Babylon started to stay out later and later.  Her father of course opposed and locked her in her bedroom as night rolled around.  At first, Babylon dealt with it.  But as time passed, she became bored and eventually began to go to all ends to escape the confining feeling of her room.  Anything from pounding on her bedroom door, to begging, to be let out.  One night, she came up with a new solution.  Pick the lock.  And that’s what she did.  It took some time, but she managed to do it and when she heard the click, the door swung open.  Thrilled, she went to run out the door, and slammed into her brother.  Looking up remorsefully, she saw her brother smiling down at her.  “Come sis.  Now you have yer skill.”

        As the years began to pass, Babylon was becoming more and more reserved.  All that mattered was family, and working on advancing her skills.  Recently, she’d been tracking her brother with the small tribal hunting party.  While they walked looking for animals, Babylon snuck through the woods helping the party whenever possible.

        One day, while Babylon was following the boys she felt that something was not right. A mere gut feeling that she tried to ignore, but her mind would not rest.  Irritated, she climbed a tree as high as possible and scanned the area.  She noticed that thick rolls of heavy black smoke were swirling in the airs above the village.  Worried she alerted the hunting party, and together they all traveled back.  When they arrived back in the village, they saw that everyone was out of their house and gathered in small groups with buckets of water in hand.  As Babylon and LaVey neared them, they parted allowing the way to pass.  And as the two continued through the crowd, Babylon began to take notice that they were nearing their house.  And it was on that thought that she realized that it was their house...  Or what was left of it.    

         Her home stood in ashes on the ground.  Her father was nowhere to be seen.  Panic stricken she looked to her brother for support.  He returned her look with a slight nod of the head.  And then Babylon understood what happened.  Her father had been killed in an accident where an explosive that was being barreled had ignited and blown up, taking the house with it.  Babylon looked to her brother.  She gave him a hug and held him there for a moment.  LaVey was an adult, and the tribe would not take him in.  Babylon however was still young and part of the tribes’ responsibility, so unlike her brother, she still had a home.  Soon after the commotion died down, they said their goodbyes and LaVey set off in search of their adventuring family.    

        Soon after her brothers’ departure, Babylon began to notice a problem.  Without father or brother, she was left to the tribe and their cares.  Now, in her mind, there was nothing wrong with this.  She was being kept alive by her people, and it gave her some sense of importance.  But at the same time, when she became the center of attention, this sinking feeling of dread would seem to build up inside.  A few of the boys in the tribe had seemed to take a liking to Babylon, but she ignored them, seeing no time to waste on other people.  She spent her days keeping to herself, wandering the woods and working on enhancing her skills.  She had no time to deal with the rest of the tribe.  Her goal was set on being reunited with her brother, and that’s all that mattered.

        About a week had passed, Babylon was going insane.  She was alone without the company of anyone she knew or cared about.  Her father was gone, her brother had left, and she felt as though she were the center of attention of the entire tribe, leaving her panic stricken.  So in the middle of the night, she packed what few belongings she had and left in hopes of finding her brother.  And days later, Babylon found her brother.  He had not been very happy to see her, but after a long debate LaVey decided that they were too far away from the tribe for her to return.  So with little options left, LaVey gave in and Babylon joined him in search of the rest of the family.

Information on Adrienne:

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