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Player Name: Chris Conley
Race: Mystic Wood Elf
Class: Fighter
Homeland: Wandering currently
Concept: Ranger/Berzerker

Character History

        Chance first appeared in Elysia in the city of Drakenhelm in 594. He, along with several others, were transformed into a dragon to fight and finally destroy the Shadow Wyrm. As a result he was one of the first people inducted into the Order of the Silver Dragon. He was recruited into the House Dathsheer. But, this would not last long as House Dathsheer would soon fall apart. And although having served faithfully, he and a healer named Tate would be blamed by Tarnaak as the reason for the disbanding of House Dathsheer. 

        Chance became a freelance after this. He is credited with exposing the silver circlet plot to assassinate the reigning nobility and putting their pawns into their place. In 595 he would be tried by the Baron of Woodhaven, Baron Herbanion, for treason. He returned to town one afternoon after spending some time in the forest alone, to find out an attack had been made on a clansman holding. All were slain, including a small child. He was told that Andros was responsible for the child's death. He sought Andros out to confront him about this. Instead, upon seeing Andros, he went into a rage and attacked him. Chance and two other Mystic Wood Elves were apprehended, and although Sir Kyrian Drakemoore disputed the sentence and charge, were sentenced to be executed for treason. After all of this, Sir Kyrian presented an apology from the Duke to Chance and the Mystic Wood Elves and presented them with a large amount of gold. The money was used to build an orphanage for the clan children. 

        Not long after being made Baron of Meddlar, Kyrian Drakemoore would ask Chance to join his House. Chance accepted and would be made Sheriff of Meddlar. After serving well for sometime and to the surprise of some, Chance would be mad Lord High Marshall of Meddlar, and was instructed to start an order of knights and finish construction on a citadel on the Nimani border. During a New Year feast he would be blooded by Lasadar Evermore and accepted as a member of the Evermore tribe. Due to personal problems that only Baron Kyrian was privy to, Chance relinquished his title and was not seen by many for sometime. Recently he has appeared at gatherings in the company of what he calls his "family", the Evermores.

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