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Dagon Evermore

Deceased, January 19, 601

Player Name: Zack Deighan
Race: Barbarian
Class: Rogue
Homeland: Greyhorn
Title: (T)humpmaster
Concept:  Warrior-Assassin

Character History, Obituary

The following was authored by family, blood brothers, and friends

in Dagon Evermore's memory. Additions, corrections:

I, Ard'n Darkblade von Stonewood, hereby pledge this scroll to my late friend and comrade, Dagon Evermore. May his spirit run wild and free as his dreadlocks once did.. may his spirit (t)hump with insane teasing glee, any and all  who might stand unknowingly before him.. may his spirit be strong and potent, like his farewell salute, at the hour of his wake. 

May shields of brothers and comrades surround your spirit, good friend, as they have in life, death, and beyond.    


And now, not in any particular order, I present to you words of many, in honor of he who was Dagon: 

The Death of a Hero

Let it be known that the honorable Daggon Evermore of the Bear and the Wolf died his final death on the eve of January 19, 601. He was slain by a band of powerful undead who assaulted the town that night.
Know that any innapropiate jovial comments made about this will result in the slow and painful death of all involved. This is not a joking matter. Any desecration or destruction of Daggon's body will result in a fate worse than death. Do not test my sincerity in this.

-Faustus Evermore of the Wolf and the Bear

I'm sorry that the joy of something so beautiful, the marriage of Dia to Lasadar, has been made so black by the death of my brother. He will live on in all of us and his death will be avenged.
-Evermore Forever

Zameon Evermore of the Bear and the Wolf

Dagon was one whom I considered a friend, and it hurts me that he should leave on the eve of the day when we were no longer to be friends, but family.
Dagon was brave, and strong.
I will forever miss the times we sat on the tavern steps together. And now that he is gone, I swear to care for his family- my family- until the end of my days.
I will miss you Dagon

-Kellendia Evermore, wife of Lasadar Evermore

Daggon was a great man, and I remember how he was an exempalry witch doctor. One that people looked up to, and one that will set a standard of how a true barbarian witch doctor should be. He was not only a cousin to me but a friend and ally. I remember the hours of searching in the woods for his body were not out of sorrow, but out of pride; so that he, the warrior that he was would recieve a befitting funeral and burial. He will live on, in all of the evermores and may he be an inspiration to you all.
Leben Lang das Evermores!!!

Konor Goldark Evermore
Court of Simoondale

Death of a Cousin

I may not have know the man for greatness, but I knew him as a family member. He was one of the first of my cousins that I felt close to after leaving the homeland to come adventuring. I remember him as a good man who would help whenever asked, and never ask for anything in return. I have shed my tears for my cousin out of sorrow, and now I will drink to honor the memory. Cousin Daggon, my tribe will sing songs of praise to you, so that your spirit will always live on. I'm only sorry that my journey has come at such a sour time.
To those who comforted me, I thank you. I still feel it is my ineptness that failed to bring his spirit back to his body. I was the one who thought I could resurrect him, and thus started to without waiting for Faustus or anyone else to get back to the circle. I bungled the resurrection, and thus I feel his spirit was lost because of me. Nothing anyone will say will change my mind. To everyone who tried, I think you. Your words were warm and very welcomed, but they fell on deaf ears.
To my cousins. I'm sorry. You know where to send your falcons to reach me. When the time comes for his final viewing, let me know where and when. I will walk across all of Tyrra barefoot and with nothing more then my sword at my side and my furs on my back to attend. I owe it to him. I put his spiritless body on that slab. I only wish his son will be as great a man as he was.

-LaVey Evermore of the Wolf, Bear, and Bunny

His name is Daggon Evermore

New to adventure me always saw him with da tribe. He was quiet so me did not know him to well. But he was strong and always ready to help. Me was there when his spirit gave up. It was sad to know dat a cousin was lost. You will not be forgotten cousin.

-Babylon Evermore

Hail and Praise to Evermore

For every time I have ever felt dejected, disrespected, or abandoned by my family, The Evermore Clan was there to give me a place to call home until I felt it right to return to my real home. It was not until the end of the gathering that I had Evermore blood running through my veins, and yet I have always felt like family. Faustus himself apologized that I had never been bonded to the family, and told me that he simply accepted me as family because of how close I am. The Wildfire Tribe is my family, but so are the Evermores. And to see a part of that family, a part of MY family, complete his time on this plane fills me with great sorrow. I mourn for Dagon now, as do all the Evermores. May the Bear and the Wolf, and the Pheonix as well, watch over you cousin.

Arandel Tag'noth Wildfire of the Pheonix,
brother to Wolf and Bear,
brother to Darkblade Evermore and Goldark

My blood brother

I'm truly sorry I couldn't be there. If I couldn't have helped I would have at least hoped to die with him.
"Heroes are remembered, but legends never die."

-Cosheeto Grayowl
Blood bound brother to Dagon Evermore and proud to say it.

I truely morn the loss of a friend and brother i will do all i can to keep him alive in my memories. I hope he will have a place around the campfires of his people in the next plane


Dagon, an Obituary of high honor

When I heard of Dagon's and Jaceron's disappearances that night in Greyhorn, I struck out to find my comrades. In vain I combed the pines.
When the precious minutes of life had been torn from the book of fate, we received word that Jaceron had resurrected successfully, and that Dagon had not.
I could not contain my sorrow and anger, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. No lighter did I yell in asking for aid from the rest of the town which failed to aid. I feel fit to hold all of the cowards responsible for Dagon's death that stayed back. You -KNOW- you heard my calls for help. I could -see- some of you on the road, pretending to ignore us. I am not able to identify any of you, and I may be jumping to judgements by criticizing you, perhaps you had your reasons. So do not fear any repercussions from me personally, but remember the next time when people are screaming for your aid.. what will you do? If it becomes known that you purposefully saved your own skin when others who lay their lives down for your safety bleed in the snow after screaming for your aid.. you might not get off so easily.

Farewell, and may Dagon's spirit run amongst the wilds of the ancestors' forest,
Ard'n Darkblade von Stonewood

He was a good friend, an aid in battle, a man of many words who felt humor was one of the finer things in life. His passing shall be greatly mourned, and his person shall be greatly missed. As he is fighting his battle in the other realms, I hope that the totems of his family keep him safeguarded. But do not morn long my friends, for those of us who knew him and cared for him, will fight along side him again someday. I await that day patiently, for I know he will wait as well. May his spirit rest with all of you.

Demoriar Tranar
Old NU
Aszeel's Darkside

I would like to say to the Evermore family once more that I am sorry for your lose. I am also here if you guys need any help.
Your friend,

Squire Elladon Al'Seer

It is said those who live by the sword die by the sword.
This is something warriors except when they strap on their scabbard, or don their armor. It makes death no less acceptable, but for those who live this life, it is the way we know we shall die. I only hope I may pass into the Spirit Realm dying gloriously in battle.
Dagon Evermore fought with the ferocity of Bear, with cunning of Wolf. I found him a strong ally, and gladly bled beside him in the short time I knew him. I came to think of him as a brother, and would have died one thousand deaths for him.
May Phoenix embrace his spirit. May he once again walk Tyrra, in a cloak of flame. Naur watch his spirit.

-Squire Tenayenor Wildfire

He will be remembered

He fought well, lived fast and died too young... I do not take the death of friends or family very well. My heart goes out to the Evermore's in their time of mourning...I was in a state of disbelief that is until the body was actually brought out for the viewing... I hope his spirit goes peacefully into the next life despite my superstition on the matter of repeating his name... Go with peace, good man.

Draven Bufnitaishti
Caldoun of the Kalo Chirllo
Brewmaster and Storyteller Extraordinaire


Me remeber back when i was young and new to adventuring it was the Evermores that would talk to me and my tribe. They were kind towards us. Especially Daggon who i didnt know at the time. That was about one year ago.So what me saying is thank you to all the Evermores and thank you Daggon for chillin with us that cold gathering in march.

Grevdar Tyr Dunkfarstson Von Asgard

I did not have a chance to meet Daggon Evermore but from all that i have heard he was a good man. I hope all of the Evermores can accept my condolences and at the next gathering i attend each of you shall recieve a bottle of hoch on me as a token of my sorrow at the loss ofm one who is said to be a great warrior.

Cygryl Matyer V
Bandolier of the wolvesbane tribe

I may not have known the man personally, but I have the utmost and highest respect for all the Evermores and the Wildfires associated with them, from Faustus to Babylon, Arandel to Faille. It may not seem so, but I understand your loss. Please have my sympathies, though they may not be much.
If there is anything I can do for any of you, please do not hesitate to request it. I will do any service or favor you may require in these respects.

Lady Lenria Dani
Fine Arts & Craftsmithing

To the Evermore Family
I am sorry to here of your loss, and although I cannot bring Daggon back I will do all in my power to help you through this most difficult time. He lived life as a warrior and died as one, you should be proud.
my regaurds and sympathies

Lord Seneschal
to Lady Lenria Dani Ravensflight,
Insidious Tassadar Frost

I am sorry for your loss.

To the Evermore tribe:
I am very sorry for your loss. I am sure Dagon had served his totems proud, and he served the lands he helped protect well. I am sorry that Your family, and our kingdom have lost such a hero. He will not be soon forgot. Again, I am sorry. anything i can do to help send me a falcon.

-Dugal MacLean
Clan MacLean
Clan MacDraeth
Knight of the North
GEAR "In death, Pride is stronger then grief."

Although I did not know Dagon personally, I did hear of his heroic deeds and exploits. He was a just and righteous man. When I had first heard he had taken his final death I was overwhelmed and quickly aided in the search to find his body. This day will be long remembered as the death of a hero.


Information on Zack Deighan:

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